Throne of the Grand Magus: The beginning

Chapter 8 - 7: Family Part 2

"It seems that I've been reborn into another world, there's no doubt about it. The language is different and I haven't seen any TVs or smart phones. It seems the pauper looking people around me are my new family." ,thought Arya to himself as Lillian caressed his hair. "Sigh just my luck. I get reincarnated into a new world and my family is dirt poor. I guess it's punishment for failing my old family. I hope mom's doing alright." thought Arya.

"Dear I think we should take him to a life specialist. The boy never cries even when he is hungry. This worries me." ,said Lillian with a worried look on her face. All Neel could do was nod, after all he had met many warriors but even they were once babies. They all cried as babies but his new born only cried once and that was after receiving enough spankings to make a grown kid cry.

"We could take him into Draquerth, I know a life mage there who could help us. But we have to avoid being seen" ,said Neel. "Does he know who we ar-" Lillian tried saying as Neel cut her off "No, and I intend to keep it that way.". "*Sigh* There they go again in this strange new language. I should ask the woman to teach me. I can't expect to live in this world without even knowing what the locals are saying." ,thought Arya. "Hey there Lillian, if it's not too much of a bother could you teach me this language?" said Arya. Lillian just smiled at him. To her he was just rambling in baby tongue. So she picked him up and start talking to him in a babying manner, "What do you want little Arya? Do you want to eat? Okay give mommy a second little one.".

Arya was confused about whether she understood what he had said or not. When he saw her remove a teat from her dress he began to worry. "No, no , no woman. Don't you dare do that. No!!!!." ,he screamed. "Yes, yes little Arya. I know you are hungry, mommy is about to feed you, you don't have to scream." she said.

"This woman keeps breastfeeding me. Although I must admit it tastes rather delicio-. No! What am I thinking, curse this baby body." he thought. When Lillian was done breastfeeding him, she put her breast back in her dress and put him in his crib. "Even after breast feeding your third child your proportions don't seem to be deteriorating." ,said Neel touching Lillian a little too eagerly. "Neel! I just had your third child." ,she scolded playfully. "How about we go practice swordsmanship in the room, after all I think even you would agree we are old enough." he joked making Lillian giggle.

"What was that about?" ,thought Arya in confused manner. When Neel and Lillian left the room, Ava and Luca snuck in. "Hmm his hair is white, that's odd." said Luca as he touched Arya's hair. "And his eyes are weird. They seem to be blue on the outer rim and hazel at the center." said Ava as she looked Arya in the eyes. "Well, I wouldn't care if he had green hair or no eyes, he is my brother. And as his elder brother I have to teach him all the wonders of the world." said Luca. "Luca the only wonder you've seen are the boogers you pull out of your nose. Arya needs his elder sister to guide him in the right direction." said Ava. This annoyed Luca to no end.

"You can't even use magic. You know what I'll teach him magic as soon as he can talk. Look Arya this is magic." ,said Luca as he manipulated a ball of water from a nearby cup right in front of Arya. "Magic!" shouted Arya in awe. "See he already likes it." ,said Luca to Ava. "That's dangerous stop it right now!" ,said Ava as she pushed Luca. *splash* The water fell on Arya's face. Arya screamed out as he was about to drown from the water that flooded his little nostrils.

Arya screaming was a rare occurrence in the house. "What are you kids d-" Luna was about to say as she saw what in Arya's crib. She rushed over to Arya and held a hand out. Her body glowed a blue aura as she made a gesture with her hands as if she was turning a knob anti-clockwise. As she did this the water all over Arya moved into the air. It looked as if rain was falling in reverse and went back into the cloud. When all the water was back into the water ball, a red aura overlapped the blue one and the water ball was turned to steam.

After making sure Arya was okay she turned to look at the two kids. "Explain!" she shouted. "I was just showing Arya magic and then Ava push-" Luca tried saying as Ava interrupted him. "I told him using magic around Arya was dangerous grandma Luna. But he wouldn't listen." Ava interrupted. "You twins always bring trouble where ever you go." Luna said shaking her head. "You can explain this story to your parents. I'm too busy to listen to your excuses." ,Luna said as she started walking to Lillian and Neel's room. "No! please don't tell mom" they said in unison.

"Don't tell me what little ones?" ,Lillian said. She seemed to be in a particularly good mood. Whatever she was doing in there with Neel must've been satisfying. "Nothing mom." ,said Luca as he looked at Luna pleadingly. "Sorry little one, she has to know." ,said Luna shaking her head. "The kids nearly drowned little Arya when they were playing with magic." Luna said as she stepped back.

Lillian let out a cold aura. The temperature around her began to drop. The blue in her eyes became a raging ocean and glowed a light blue color. "You what!" she shouted. She wouldn't usually let out so much power in front of her kids, but her maternal instincts were on overdrive after she heard her new born almost died due to their stupidity. As she was walking towards them Neel shouted "What's going on in there.". As he walked in the room, he found his wife breaming with mana. He walked towards her in an attempt to calm her down. As he came closer to the freezing aura she was subconsciously emitting he ignored it like it was just a cold breeze. "They are just children Lilly you needn't worry yourself, mistakes happen." he said. As Lillian felt his touch she calmed down and realized her mistake.

She couldn't bare to think that she would release so much power in front of her kids so she took Arya and ran to her room. As she left Neel looked at two kids who were still shivering from the earlier spectacle. "And you!" he said. Although he wasn't emitting any aura it still felt like they were in front of a raging volcano.

"Sorry little one. I don't know what's going on with me. I'm just so tense lately." said Lillian to Arya. "There's magic in this world!" smiled Arya as he remembered what had happened in the last few minutes.. As Lillian was holding Arya the cries of kids could be heard after loud thuds.(AN: The kid's were being spanked)

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