Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 993 Sharpshooter

Originally, Zhou Xu wanted to arrive and leave on the same day after asking questions, focusing on an efficient trip.

As a result, we unexpectedly lost a lot of time while chatting with Bam, so we simply changed our original plan and decided to stay overnight before leaving.

This small influence actually doesn't matter to Zhou Xu, not to mention that he did get some useful information from Bam this time.

And Bam was also happy. Although he was a homely dragon, he didn't mind someone coming to chat with him for a while.

Early the next morning, Zhou Xu left without saying hello to Bam. This was also Bam's own wish not to disturb him from sleeping so early in the morning.

On the way back, he passed by the grassland racecourse. While taking a look at Xie Liancheng and Lord Ma, Zhou Xu told Ma Guotao about the breeding and told him all the information he had obtained from Bam.

"This is a new discovery."

After listening, Ma Guotao was also thoughtful, and then he and Zhou Xu thought of a point.

"The level gap between ordinary war horses and extraordinary creatures is too big, and there is reproductive isolation, but exotic beast-level war horses can basically avoid this problem."

"Assuming that we successfully breed the alien war horse in the future, under this premise, let the horse prince evolve into an extraordinary creature. When the time comes, let the extraordinary creature and the alien war horse mate, then we can guarantee that the alien beast can be produced stably War horses! It’s even possible to further improve the quality of alien war horses!”

Obviously, Ma Guotao's mind was spinning very quickly.

"I think so too."

As he spoke, Zhou Xu showed a smile on his face.

Compared to betting on probabilities and trying luck, the fact that they can stably produce exotic beasts and war horses is quite tempting to them.

The key point here is that they have to make the horse prince into an extraordinary creature on the premise of cultivating a war horse with exotic beasts that can be bred with.

Alien war horses can always be cultivated according to the established breeding process. The current plan depends on how to make Lord Ma become an extraordinary creature in the future.

"Normally speaking, after absorbing a drop of the 'blood essence' of extraordinary creatures, Lord Ma already has the basic conditions to attack extraordinary creatures, but it is hard to say when he will take that step."

Speaking of this, Zhou Xu's voice paused.

"But if you want to improve its efficiency, there is nothing you can do."

"The simplest way is to feed it another drop of blood essence. After digesting it, it will definitely become an extraordinary creature."

Ma Guotao was speechless after hearing this.

This is really a simple and crude method.

Of course, the cost of this method is relatively high. If Lord Ma can evolve naturally, it will definitely be the best.

But with a just-in-case mentality, this drop of blood had to be found slowly.

At this moment, even if there were extraordinary creatures in the northeastern area, they began to walk around them. It was really not that easy to find another extraordinary creature to obtain blood essence.

After talking about the matter, Zhou Xu was ready to return to Black Moon City.

Before leaving, I briefly checked Ma Guotao's progress in mastering the mantra.

At this time, he was able to display it relatively skillfully.

However, in Zhou Xu's opinion, the intensity is basically not there, so he can only control animals such as chickens, ducks, and birds a little.

Back in Black Moon City, everything was as usual for Zhou Xu.

The winter of this year was very comfortable. In the blink of an eye, winter turned to spring, and the new year ushered in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

This spring, apart from the spring plowing work that is a regular project every year, what Zhou Xu paid the most attention to was undoubtedly the breeding plan at the Pingyuan Racecourse surrounding Lord Ma.

According to the latest report sent by Ma Guotao, Prince Ma has completed his work in recent times.

However, in this era, there was no high-tech equipment that allowed them to conduct testing. In the past, they basically waited a few months to see the results directly. But now, when the report was sent to Zhou Xu, Zhou Xu had a new idea.

As soon as he left, Zhou Xu mounted his fast horse and went directly to the grassland racecourse.

After explaining his intention, he quickly saw the forty mares responsible for mating with Lord Ma. The next second, the 'Eye of Peeping Secrets' was activated.

as expected!

Just as he expected, the status bar of the pregnant mare now displays the word 'pregnant'.

This made Zhou Xu even more convinced that the racecourse really needed the 'Eye of Peeping Secrets' to assist them in their follow-up work.

With this thought in mind, Zhou Xu maintained his 'Eye of Peeping Secrets' and quickly scanned all the forty mares. Then he was surprised to find that all forty mares were pregnant.

"Good guy, sharpshooter?"

After he told Ma Guotao about this, Ma Guotao was also shocked. So far, he had never seen a horse with such accurate marksmanship.

But anyway, this is a good thing for them.

After it was confirmed that all the forty mares were pregnant, Ma Guotao quickly signaled the breeders at the racecourse to place them properly.

During this period, Zhou Xu chatted with Ma Guotao for a few more words, and then decided to give Ma Guotao the 'Eye of Peeping Secrets' to facilitate his subsequent work.

Having had the experience of obtaining the "Beast Soldier Control" before, Ma Guotao was familiar with it this time, and the whole process went very smoothly.

However, Ma Guotao's spiritual attribute of only two stars meant that the mantra power in him was definitely not enough.

Considering this, Zhou Xu quickly confirmed the attribute panel of the staff of the horse farm.

Then he found six people with high loyalty, gave them the mantras of "beast soldier control" and "eye of secrets", and taught them meditation to facilitate their cooperation with Ma Guotao in subsequent work.

In their Great Zhou, it is common to integrate some mantras into daily work.

But even so, the six staff members of the horse farm were very excited.

The specific teaching task was left to Ma Guotao.

After completing the mantra granting, Zhou Xu left the grassland horse farm and embarked on the return journey.

In late summer, Kong Daqian, the Minister of the National Education Propaganda Department in Xinbei District, sent him a report saying that the missionary mission in Xinbei District could basically come to an end.

Next, according to the plan, their focus will be shifted to Xinnan District.

Zhou Xu approved it directly, and at the same time indicated that the national religion should start to add some propaganda about extraordinary life and cultivation in the next missionary work.

Although the citizens of his Great Zhou had all confirmed the panel attributes when they registered their identities, all those with a three-star panel and even two-star characters with better talents were selected by them.

However, according to Zhou Xu's thinking, with the blessing of his talent of "evolutionary leader", his citizens have also inherited some of the characteristics of extraordinary life.

Compared with the original, there should be certain advantages in cultivation.

Following this idea, Zhou Xu has asked Jie Liancheng to come up with a set of basic body-building boxing that is simpler and easier to use, commonly known as "radio gymnastics", intending to improve the overall quality of the people.

At the same time, it is also a precautionary measure for himself as an extraordinary life with a longer natural lifespan, which is not comparable to ordinary humans, so as to avoid any trouble at that time.

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