Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 994 The tumbling population base

In the Great Zhou Dynasty, Zhou Xu, as the chosen one of God, has been mysterious since the first day he appeared. Later, as his abilities and means were revealed, his people worshipped him as a god.

This has made the work of the National Education Propaganda Department go smoothly. In this process, the simple and easy-to-remember "radio gymnastics" has also been successfully promoted.

Combined with Zhou Xu's proper operation, radio gymnastics soon became a necessary process before each work unit started.

In this process, Zhou Xu was not sure whether radio gymnastics was playing a role. Many people's work efficiency was also improved along with the improvement of their physical fitness.

Several engineering projects arranged at the beginning of the year have now been completed one after another.

On the coastal area of ​​the southern border, it is not yet autumn, but the port and dock have been built. At this time, the engineering team has begun to upgrade the front-line stronghold.

The core stronghold in the southern border is undoubtedly the city snatched from the rat people, with ready-made city walls for them to use.

However, if the city is to be completely repaired, it will be a big project, which cannot be completed in a short time, not to mention that they have limited manpower.

Therefore, this wave of engineering teams is mainly responsible for setting up a simple base near the coastal area to guard their ports and docks.

As for the city, they will first fill the underground nest and then clean up the ruins in the city. Even if it is temporarily finished, further repairs will be done after the coastal base is completed.

In the southern border, the report of the engineering team was delivered to Zhou Xu in late summer. After reading the report, Zhou Xu was not vague.

He directly called the director and deputy director of their Black Moon City Shipyard one by one to have a conversation, understand their ideas, and then make adjustments.

The director of the Black Moon City Shipyard was transferred to lead the team to the Southern Border Shipyard to take charge of the shipbuilding project.

At this stage, the ships used for daily transportation on Qingshui Lake are basically enough, which has also caused the work pressure of the shipyard to drop significantly since the beginning of this year.

This is just right for Zhou Xu.

Most of the labor force at the shipyard was directly transferred to the South Border to build ships.

As for Black Moon City, the original deputy director was promoted to director, and he continued to be responsible for the relevant matters of the Black Moon City Shipyard.

After all, in addition to shipbuilding, the shipyard is also responsible for the maintenance of existing ships, and it still needs a certain amount of manpower to maintain daily operations.

On this side, when the group officially set out from Black Moon City and headed for the South Border, the season had officially entered autumn.

This autumn harvest season is somewhat different from previous years for the Great Zhou.

The difference is that from this year, they have added a grain-producing farm in their Great Zhou.

That's right, it's the farm that Zhou Xu said he would set up in the South Border.

This is the first year that the South Border Farm officially started to produce grain.

Due to the limited labor force in the Great Zhou, the scale and number of fields in the South Border Farm are still very limited, only one-fifth of the plain farm.

However, I believe that when the spring of next year comes, when more fields are reclaimed and more crops are planted on the South Border Farm, the grain production in their Great Zhou will be further improved.

At first, Zhou Xu established this South Border Farm mainly because the New North District does not have the ability to produce grain at this stage, so the South Border Farm is needed to supply grain to the South Border area.

As for the grain from the Plain Farm, it is transported to the New South District by water to support other areas.

Now, in addition to the reason that the New North District still does not have the ability to produce grain, there is another reason, that is, the population growth rate of their Great Zhou has been getting faster and faster in recent years.

The fundamental reason is that the population base of their Great Zhou has increased.

The population base was too small in the early days, and the natural growth rate of the internal population could not be fast.

But as long as the population base comes together, unless he deliberately controls it, the growth rate of the total population will only get faster and faster, and finally form an efficiency like a snowball.

In this peaceful era, the internal stability, no worries about food and clothing, at night, there is nothing else to do, so what else can you do except have children?

Zhou Xu is now happy to see this situation.

After all, Zhou Xu knows in his heart that this new population is definitely needed.

Since you have to have children anyway, let's take advantage of the stability of these two years and have them quickly.

For this reason, Zhou Xu also specially promulgated a preferential policy for more births and more children.

After giving birth to the second child at home, not only can you reduce taxes to a certain extent, but you can also get a one-time childcare subsidy.

This undoubtedly further stimulated everyone's enthusiasm for having children.

At this pace, in a few years, the total population of their Great Zhou will be able to reach 200,000.

The only pity is that this part of the population cannot be used as a normal labor force in the short term.

Combined with the special situation formed by the domestic situation and the background of the times, in the Great Zhou, fourteen years old is considered an adult and can participate in labor.

But even so, a newborn baby has to wait fourteen years to become a labor force.

Zhou Xu felt a little melancholy just thinking about this.

Now, although the population of their Great Zhou is growing rapidly, the problem of insufficient labor force has not been solved at all, and the development efficiency cannot be improved at all.

The only thing he can do now is to be patient and wait quietly.

In the busyness, time always passes very quickly. With the rotation of seasons, it is the New Year again.

The highlight of this spring is not the Nanjing Farm, which has further expanded the scale of the fields, but the 40 mares at the grassland horse farm are about to give birth!

During this period, the staff of the horse farm, led by Ma Guotao, are really busy.

In fact, there are many more mares than this one at this time of year, but due to the special situation this year, the atmosphere in the horse farm has added a bit of tension because of the breeding project of the exotic war horses.

In comparison, as the father of these children, the current state of Ma Wangye is relatively heartless. In the spring of the new year, it is carrying out a new round of sowing.

After all, considering the time of pregnancy and child rearing, mares basically give birth every two years.

Ma Guotao, who knows this, has already prepared other mares for breeding with Ma Wangye this year.

In order to achieve the highest efficiency, the horse king could give birth to the most offspring in the shortest time!

These mares did not necessarily give birth on the same day, which kept Ma Guotao and his team busy from spring to early summer.

Finally, these 40 mares gave birth to foals successfully...

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