
Long Xiao shook the sky, the gray and white world shattered, and the surrounding area instantly returned to its original state, but Shetian Qinji and the others were slow to respond.

Dishou Suimeng, Kuozi Xudan, Songyi Cangyu, Qianyu Chips, Jibibaluo, Shetian Qinji couldn't react in time, and were immediately hit by the violent dragon-shaped energy.


With one blow, the universe was set, and the eight dragons roared, but after seeing the aftermath, the grass and trees flew, the branches were broken and the leaves were broken, the dust and sand swelled with thousands of waves, the red crown and the six yuan sword flew off the string, the bell broke and the jade broke, and it was defeated in an instant.

On the other side, King Jian Wu defeated Long Jian with a strong force, locked his body and ordered someone to capture him.

Losing the restraint of Hongmian Liuyuan and Long Jian, King Wu and the Holy Demons freed their hands, and the remaining six kings were not opponents at all, and they were completely defeated in a short time.

The divine authority of the monarch could not do anything, in order to preserve the color green danger, he led his subordinates to retreat while fighting.

The Six Kings Allied Forces knew this, but there was only so much gold left, so the question came?

No one wanted to stay and die. At this moment, the shortcomings of the Six Kings Allied Forces were exposed, and they all seized the gold too, and they even fought hard.

The relationship between the six kings is inherently complicated, and their subordinates are even more unfamiliar. It is good to have an advantage in the outside world. Once they fall into a disadvantage, who can take care of who else!

Looking at the six-king coalition army that was in disarray, King Jianwu naturally would not be polite at this time. After the joint prison had turned black, he began to clean up the siege.

And in the distance.

The six kings are no longer in high spirits, everyone is injured, and almost all the treasures on their bodies are damaged. It is not that the Juwang Ziyan Shenju is not good at refining weapons, but Lin Feng's attack power is too powerful.

The six kings are all mentally tough people. Although they were shocked by the strength displayed by Lin Feng, they did not choose to give up resistance because they were at a disadvantage.

Can't beat it, can't run?

If you keep Qingshan, you will not be afraid of running out of firewood. As long as you save your life, you can make a comeback.

When someone is not unlucky, as long as they seize the opportunity, they may not have a day to turn around.

But will Lin Feng give them this chance? .

Chapter [-] refers to the shock of the world

Demon city kings battle.

The entire Bloodlip Wharf was littered with corpses, and the blood dyed the waters of the Demon City red.

However, if you kill one thousand enemies, you will lose eight hundred.

Although the killing of the Broken Isle and the Black Sea Prison has achieved the final victory, it has also paid a heavy price!

Killing the broken island sacrificed a fifth-order mutant, more than twenty fourth-order mutants, thousands of warriors, two princes died in the prison, the warriors were damaged countless, and Baili's fixed situation was not taken lightly. injury.

After turning black, he and Po Rushuang also consumed a lot of vitality, and their combat power dropped by more than three layers.

In contrast, the six kings _ coalition army that attacked the Liujin barrier is even more miserable!

There were more than [-] troops when they arrived, but only [-] people were able to leave alive in the end.

King Wuwu did not order anyone to pursue him, and after sealing the powers of the masters such as Hongmian Liuyuan and Long Jian, he let the two holy demons press them into the prison and wait for their fate.

The rest of the people began to clean the battlefield, treat the wounded, and guard against some opposition forces in the demon city, and they were very busy at the moment.

After she turned black, she had nothing to do with King Jianwu, just because Lin Feng helped her control the prison, and she came to help in the battle, and there was nothing to talk about with King Jianwu.

After helping Slaughter Shattered Island to win, he hurriedly led the prison army back.

Now the interior of the prison is empty, and there are still voices of opposition from within.

Po Rushuang originally wanted to stay, but when she thought that her sister was in a solitary prison in the forest, she reluctantly glanced at Lin Feng in the sky, and then followed the transformation to black and returned to the forest from the unhealed space crack.


The sea of ​​​​clouds churns, and seven different strengths stir up the wind and clouds, like the end of the day.

After the head-to-head fight, the six kings were extremely afraid of Lin Feng.

But at this time, it is okay to do it. The six kings are all people who have fought hard from countless dangers, and as long as there is still a glimmer of hope, they will not give up.

"Three sings of the soul, the ambition is absolutely loud!"

The red king was soaked in blood, holding the "Ghost Fang Red Blood Slash", his steps were like the actors on the stage, and there was something mysterious. Fly chop.

The blood-red sword gang dyed the sky red, accompanied by the sound of evil singing, seducing the soul.

"A chilling glance!"

Lin Feng's soul is stable, no external evils invade, and he is not affected by evil sounds at all. The "Shadow God Saber" in his left hand is facing the sword light, and it is absolutely cold, overwhelming, and straightforward.


The two swords met, Gui Fangchi was defeated, and he immediately vomited blood and flew back, a cold energy entered his body, his complexion was red and white, as if his face had changed.

Jun Haitang aimed at Lin Feng with a bow and shot, and the three poisoned arrows galloped in the air in a zigzag shape. Lin Feng did not dodge or evade.

"Gods and demons ban martial arts!"

King Yan and King Xian joined hands to attack, the swords burst, and the mighty demons merged, turning into a storm of destruction.

King Heng and King Ju also acted at the same time, using their own skills to attack Lin Feng, and they didn't hide anything!

However, in the face of absolute strength, what the Six Kings did was useless.

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