When Di Shou's Dream Sword Order came out again, the sky was dark and dark, and a mysterious and mysterious sound in the bell swayed people's souls.

"The Second Hell is even louder. The soul is convicted!"

She Tianqin plucked quickly with her fingers, and the mysterious sound of Suqin stirred, and a strange and evil atmosphere permeated all of a sudden.


Affected by the double tones of the qin and bells, Lin Twelve covered his ears in pain, and the attack was abrupt, and his ears were red. .

Chapter [-] A blow to set the world

Happiness is the deformation of pain, like a drop of water in the desert, it disappears instantly at the entrance, unable to quench thirst, but it is the pain of lack of water, the sweetness of the moment contrasts the eternity of suffering!

Walking, I just don't want to wait in place, but the essence of seeking makes my heart spin in place.


Blood Lips Pier.

The twins fought for six yuan, the world was turned upside down, and Shen Lang pierced the sky.

She Tianqin Kei is a peerless talented girl with unparalleled piano skills. She has a cold personality. Her qin sound can kill people without a trace. All out.

But even so, the song "Three More Loud Kings of Hell" made Lin Shishi suffer a lot.

Although Lin Twelve is strong and equipped with a set of equipment, his combat power is comparable to that of a super-innate master, but his age is a big limitation, and he lacks knowledge and practical experience. Facing the strange attacks of She Tian Qin Ji and others, he could not find it for a while. When it comes to breaking the law, it falls into a disadvantage.

Di Shou Suimeng is holding the "Dream-like Sword Order", his movement is fast, and at the same time, the bell on the sword will make a crisp bell, which seems to warn the opponent that he is about to enter the Yellow Springs.


Countless poisonous scorpion demon moths flew towards Lin Twelve under the control of Kuozi Xudan Bone Flute, causing Lin Twelve to be overwhelmed.

She Tianqin plucked quickly with his fingers, the profound sound of the plain piano was surging, the invisible sound waves spread, ignoring the defense of Lin Twelve's "Liu Li Xianjia", the magic sound entered 677's ears, the pain was unbearable, Lin Twelve instinctively covered both ears, hoping It can alleviate the pain, and the ears can be bloodshot faintly!

"Like a dream sword order. Soul word art!"

Di Shou Suimeng seized the opportunity, Xuan Yi's bell rang strangely, like a chasing percussion, and the sword was already three inches from Lin Shi's heart.

On the other side, Huai Pomeng fought against the Song-winged Cangluo, and fought Bibala and Qianyu Shavings.

Songyi Cangluo and Zibibaluo attacked with their double swords, and Qianyuxiao performed a different technique to assist.

"The Scroll of Qing. The first style. The evil spirits are peaceful!"

Huai Pomeng waved the "Huntian Halberd", and the cold light of the iron clothes swept away the strange evil atmosphere, and the Thousand Jade Shavings Art was broken, and the magic power backfired, vomiting blood and flying back.

The eleven volumes of "Bingjiawujing" each have their own magic. Among them, "Abandoned Scroll" is the most powerful, but the other ten volumes also have wonderful effects, and "Qingzhi Scroll" is the most effective for Yin and evil magic.

Qian Yuxian had seen Lin Feng's strength in the prison, and didn't want to fight against him, but because Long Jian had saved his life, this love had to be repaid, so he came to help.

However, Qianyu Chip is a mage profession, not suitable for melee combat, but unexpectedly Huai Pomeng has a martial arts specializing in deciphering spells, so he accidentally suffered a big loss. (bbdi)

Seeing this, Bibala held the "Bodhi Changji" and poured his own true essence into the sword body.

"One Thought of Bodhi, The Killing of Transcendence!"

A sword was swung, but he saw Peiran Buddha's mighty power coming out, and Xi Huai broke his dream and left.

Because of Lin Feng's butterfly effect, Bibala's destiny was also affected, and he got the "Bodhi Changji" in advance, but he lost a karmic meeting with Tian Luozi.

"The wind is turning!"

Songyi Canglu shouted loudly, and the blood-red "Feng Jian Wuhuang" swung around, and the never-before-seen secret tricks attacked Huai Pomeng one after another.

On the other hand, Huai broke the dream, proudly and calmly, guarding the square without any mistakes, and replacing the attack with defense.

"Volume of Rest. First Form. Unstoppable anger!"

I saw a few tricks in the fierce battle, Huai Pomeng swung a halberd to block a double sword, rested his strength in the invisible, and his movements were all martial arts. See you for the first time.

It's not that Huai Pomeng is stronger than Lin Twelve, but because their opponents are different, the situation is also different.

"What a tough opponent, Yufeng Sanzhuan. Shajian!"

Songyi Cangyu seemed impatient and made a move.

"Bodhi weeps!"

Yuguang saw that Longjian was retreating under the attack of King Jianwu, and Bibala made a decisive decision. Bodhi opened his sword and pointed at the sky, moving like waves of the sea, quiet like the mountains and mountains, all like a road, and a wonderful agreement with Songyi Cangzhu. When Tongchen's blow was about to come out, unexpectedly, a sudden change occurred.

Huai Pomeng stepped out, and concentrated on the unique skill of killing the royal family of Shattered Island.

"Volume of Ning. The above formula. Xue Ye Shuang Ning!"

Huai Pomeng swayed the halberd horizontally, and the magic essence was in a hurry. In an instant, a gray and white world was shrouded in it, and the world was peaceful.

In the battle group, Di Shou Suimeng, Kuo Zi Xudan, Song Yi Canglu, Qian Yu Xia, Zu Bi Bao Luo, She Tian Qin Ji and others all followed suit.

Only Lin Shishi and Huai Pomeng, who also practiced the eleven volumes of "Bingjia Wujing", could still move.

The twins looked at each other, seized the opportunity, and swung their halberds together.

"Destroy the gods, bleed and kill!"

"Destroy the gods, bleed and kill!"

Huai broke the dream, and Lin Shixiong played "Bingjiawujing. Abandoned Scroll", which triggered the power of the holy demon in the body. I saw the double flow of yin and yang, the combination of holy demons and Tiangong, and the eight dragons of black and white interlaced in the gray and white space. Walk around, each locking on to the target.

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