Jun Haitang is the only woman among the six kings. She is dressed in blue clothes and has a beautiful and moving face, but her mind is always unpredictable. She is good at charm techniques, and her methods are sinister and cruel. Bow" to get started.

"Shattered Dream Bend · Begonia Eclipses the Moon!"

Poison Gong is paired with the divine bow cast by King Ju. The colorless poisonous essence is condensed on the tip of the arrow. The bow is like a full moon, and it will kill with one blow.

"Under the Son of Heaven, the universe is isolated!"

Jin Mou Wuwei has the lowest skill among the six kings, but it is also the top innate middle stage. He holds the divine sword created by King Ju with the "Yuanyuan Sword Species", and he throws it all over the world.

The six kings attacked in a row, one after another, interlocking each other, converging into a world-shattering mighty force.

In the face of the six kings opening the sky, Lin Feng first saw the solemnity, the sword burst, and the "Chuangshen Jue" style of martial arts came out.

"Creation of the Gods. The above formula. The wind breaks the dream!"

Blessed by the Yuan of the Holy Demon, the sword was drawn, and an unstoppable force of heaven and earth came out, the wind smashed the mountains and the sky, where the wind rose, the heaven and the earth were tragic, the space burst, and the mighty annihilation energy surpassed the limit of the world, Wreak havoc!


Extremely colliding, the energy of destroying the sky and destroying the earth erupted in mid-air, the dusty and silent gods placed by King Xian shattered, and the killing formations placed by King Yan and King Chi also dissipated at the same time, and the energy of destroying all things hit the four fields. Destroy the dry and rot, and everything sinks.

The six kings were shocked when they saw this, and they did not dare to hold back, and they all tried their best to resist.

In the violent explosion, the dazzling light illuminated the sky like a scorching sun, making it difficult to look directly, and instantly swallowed the figures of the Six Kings and Lin Feng.

The wind of annihilation radiated the area of ​​hundreds of miles in radius, and the sea of ​​​​clouds was churning, and wherever it passed, it was destroyed.

The sea surface also dropped a hundred feet, and the seabed scenery was faintly visible.


After half a sound, the wind was calm, and King Hades flew up from the sea a hundred miles away, with a look of horror on his face.

Yan Wang ignored the wounds on his body, looked at Lin Feng who was as high as a god, and muttered to himself: "I still underestimate him, such a terrifying power, can this really be done by humans? not human?!"

Jun Haitang was not close to the center of the battlefield, but was hit by the aftermath, still suffering serious injuries, and flew down on the broken golden bridge splint. Looking at Lin Feng standing in the center of the storm, her eyes were full of disbelief.

Strong, desperately strong!

"What kind of freak is this!"

Ghost Fang Chi Ming was hit by Qi Jin to the height of ten thousand feet. At this time, all his strength was exhausted, and he quickly fell from the sky. The hand holding "Gui Fang Chi Blood Slash" was numb from the shock. The two feathers on it were also cut in half, and the blood-red robe was so convenient that the original color was still bloodstained.

Ignore me, I can still float for a while!

And King Xian climbed out of a reef on the edge of the beach, shook his head, still ringing in his ears, groggy, and a little blank in his eyes, as if he was doubting life.

No, I'm a little dizzy. It seems that I'm anemic again. I need to rest for a while.

Ju Wang Zi's hair was scattered, one arm had been broken, and he was struggling to stand in a deep pit, looking at the "magical work" with a cracked corner in his hand, his heart was cold, this script was not right from the previous discussion!

What about the siege and slaughter?Why does it seem that it is the rhythm of being hanged and beaten by others!

King Heng was also uneasy, and the "Pregnant Yuan Sword Seed" in his head didn't know where it was shaken, and his gorgeous golden dragon robe turned into a beggar's costume, as miserable as it was.

My heart is cold, and I feel that I have been fooled by the King of Hell and kicked to the iron plate.

If I had known, I wouldn't have come to lie in this muddy water?

Lin Feng strolled out from the center of the storm, looked down at the six kings around him, and said loudly, "You are very good to be able to force me to this point."

Just now, he had already used some of his divine power, and it was the first time since he had reached the plight that he had shown the power beyond the human world, the real power of God.

This kind of attack, even an ordinary near-god master (Golden Immortal Peak), is difficult to take. It is not easy for the Six Kings to survive this attack!

"This guy is outrageously strong, what kind of monster are we fighting!"

Ghost Fang Chiming is addicted to war like madness, brave and fearless, but he is not a brainless generation. Just now, the six kings of the six kings joined forces to strike, not to mention ancient times, but they are rare in the world, even if they are close to gods and strong ones. Qi Feng, but Lin Feng was able to suppress them head-on, and looking at their state, it was obvious that there were still cards left.

This is by no means the power that should exist in the world!

Ghost Fang Chiming had a hunch that if this continued, they would all die.

Death, Guifang Chiming is not afraid, but such a vain sacrifice is not what he wants!

The other five kings have more or less such thoughts. No one really wants to die. Those who want to die are just because they can't live!

On the battlefield of Bloodlip Wharf, it deviates from the battlefield where Lin Feng and the others are located, and has not received much impact. The main reason is that the Six Kings Allied Forces were destroyed, lost most of the gold too, and were cut off from the retreat.

When Long Jian saw this, he was also horrified, but in the battlefield, he had no time to take care of it too much, and fought with King Jian Wu with all his strength. However, compared to the King Jian Wu in a gorgeous suit, there was only a Dragon Jian with the "Burning Heaven Halberd". In bad situation.

At the same time, the holy devil twins and the red crown six yuan are also in full swing.

Di Shou was dreaming, and Zuo Zi was vain. She Tian Qin Kei fought against Lin Twelve.

Thousands of jade shavings, the winged cangyu, and Bibala's dream of fighting against Huai.

The twins of the holy devil (Nuo Qian Hao) are all one against three, the red crown and six yuan each have their own magical powers, and the Di Shou Meng's "Dream-like Sword Order" soars in the dark light and condenses the wind in layers.

Zuozi Xudan blew the bone flute, and all kinds of poisonous insects crawled and danced.


The sword bells shouted with the sound of battle, step by step to increase the heat of the confrontation, Lin Twelve used his weight to control the speed, and made every move to break the ground.

Sui Meng used his sword to steer the front, and use his sword to traverse a treacherous path. She Tianqin Ji and Zuozi Xudan assisted by the side, and the battle was turned into dust, and the world was eclipsed.

"Like a dream sword order. Mingzi art!"

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