Knowing the Emperor Yuanxie, Lin Feng and others are mysterious and powerful, so this time, Su really made a lot of money, and almost emptied the small vault of the Liuli Wonderland to create twelve sets of equipment for the city.

When it comes to building the city of magic swallowing, Su Huan is really forced to be helpless!

At the beginning of the battle of the Holy Demon, Su Huanzhen was jointly designed by Yin Wuyi, Legend of Chiba, and the master of Fengyou. In the battle of Tianpenkou in Kuishan, Su Huanzhen's flooding of Tianpen Village was exposed.

13. The Emperor Yuanxie sent someone to use a camera in the Wulin Open Court to broadcast the scene of the battle of Kuishan. There were pictures and the truth, and there were several surviving villagers in Tianpen Mountain to testify.

Su is really speechless, because these are facts.

At the beginning, in order to exterminate the army of demons, he made a difficult decision, exchanging the sacrifice of a small number of people for victory, but Emperor Yuanxie was already prepared and used the teleportation array to teleport away the army of demons, leaving a small part of the demon army behind. Create an illusion, and the primers are really into the set.

Under the arrangement of Chiba Legend and others, Su Jin really didn't notice it, and eventually fell short, and was charged with the crime of killing people.

No matter what Su Huanzhen's starting point was, the hundreds of lives in Tianpen Village were indeed the hell that Su Huanzhen pushed forward.

Coupled with the secret promotion of Mocheng, many "district" public opinions emerged to denounce Su Huanzhen.

And Su Huan really cheats countless people. Naturally, there are many people who hope that Su Huan is really unlucky. It would be troublesome to not dare to look for Su Huan, but seeing Su Huan is really unlucky, and it is inevitable to fall into the trap in secret!

In addition, a lot of black history of Su Jinzhen was exposed after that, and it was passed on from [-] to [-], and after all kinds of fuel and vinegar, Su Xian's reputation was completely ruined!

Now in a difficult situation, Su Huanzhen's popularity has been pushed to a peak, but unfortunately it is all negative. No one dares to throw rotten eggs and rotten tomatoes on the street, but behind the scenes gossip is indispensable!

Even in the grove, I encountered a few hot-blooded young heroes blocking the road and killing them with the slogan of "killing the people".

Su is still really bitter, but don't say it!

Su Huanzhen doesn't care about personal honor and disgrace. He has experienced countless storms and waves in his life. He has never seen any scenes, and it is not the first time that he has been ruined. Turning the light into darkness, I embarked on the path of no regrets.

But I never thought that the first time I took my friends out for action, I was recognized by Lin Feng. It's still playing like this? It's annoying!

Su really can't figure it out. He is a careful person. It can be said that he has made a disguise from the beginning to the end, including his breath, Wu Yuan, bones, voice and even his soul. Su really believes that even if it is his own mother. I can't even recognize him, it's perfect!

But how Lin Feng saw through his identity at a glance, it shouldn't be!

Could it be that the other party is cheating on me?

It's not impossible, Su Huan really has a very high quality and can't figure out where he's showing his faults, so he decided to try it out, and said loudly: "Your Excellency, I'm afraid I'm wrong! I'm a unicorn star, not a fragrant white lotus."

Pretend, you continue to pretend, the witty Lin Feng has already seen through everything!

To be honest, Su Huanzhen's camouflage skills are indeed excellent. Big and small bosses of Thunderbolt have suffered losses in this regard. Those who once did not believe in evil are now [-] feet tall!

But Lin Feng is someone who has watched the play. If others don't know about the city, how could he not know about it?

Back then, Lin Feng had built the Devil's Swallowing City in the main world, but now he's really dressed like a unicorn star, he's just not trying to trick himself!

Hearing that Su Huan really refused to admit it, Lin Feng didn't bother to pay attention to it, and said to the golden lion, Tianhuling and the beast in the cloud playfully: "Aoxiao Hongchen, Crazy Saber, and Senior One Page Book are all here to join in the fun, it's too miserable. Taiping has nothing to do, or you should join hands with the six kings to prepare for war with me!"

Hearing Lin Feng's name and name, Su Huanzhen still didn't know whether the other party really found out their identities, and let the questions that he didn't understand put aside for the time being, and immediately said: "Friend Lin Daoist is serious, in fact, we came here this time. I just want to confirm one thing, what is the relationship between your Excellency and Emperor Yuanxie, Quzhou Yifandu?"

Oh, this is about to probe my old bottom, it seems that Su really wants to hurt each other!

In fact, Lin Feng also knows that this matter will not be over for a long time. After he came to the misery, what he did was not without flaws. With his true wisdom, he would definitely be able to see the difference between himself and the "Sacred Soul" and "Demon Soul". There is a necessary connection, but it should not be known that the three are one.

Lin Feng's thoughts turned around: "Although Su Huanzhen has doubts now, at most, he suspects that he and Yuanxie Huang, Quzhou Yifandu have an unspeakable conspiracy, and at best they are regarded as accomplices.

As for saving Yan Wang and others, it is estimated that he is also holding the mentality that the enemy of the enemy is an ally.

What Su Huanzhen is best at is leveraging strength, except for King Yan, with King Chi, King Su, King Ju, as long as he contacts with Su Huanzhen, it will not be long before he will be whitewashed and become a "pillar of the righteous path". Not a good thing!"

In fact, except for King Yan, King Xian, King Chi, King Ju, and Lin Feng have no intention of killing. The move just now seems dangerous, but in fact, there are many reservations. 133 The purpose is to force Su Huanzhen and others out.

Hearing Su Huanzhen's question, Lin Feng sneered: "So what if it has something to do with it? What if it doesn't? Do I still need to report to you when I act in this seat? Now it's a matter between this seat and the six kings. If you want to Intervene, then show your strength!"

Su Huanzhen frowned when she heard the words, and then looked at the four kings who were seriously injured.

If they are left alone, then most of them are more fortunate and less fortunate. Lin Feng and Emperor Yuanxie are inextricably linked, and their strength is extremely powerful. So he made a round of words: "It's better to resolve the enemy than to end it. I think there must be some misunderstanding. You haven't suffered much loss, why don't you just let it go?"

"Don't give up, is it possible?!" Lin Feng smiled disdainfully, Su Huan really dared to say it, did he really think that his face would be great if he had a big face?

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and the air seemed to freeze. Lin Feng slowly raised the "Moruo Tianzhang", the beast in the cloud and Buddha Chen shouldered, the golden lion secretly raised his yuan, and clenched the "lion-headed sword" tightly. Xing also secretly transported swordsmanship.

The deep sea re-emerged, the sound of the waves was like drums, and bursts of urge to fight;


With a sudden shout, the sword edge opened the battlefield on eight sides.

I saw Lin Feng's magic sword swirling in the sky, and the sharp edge rolled up the dust, turning into a stream of light...

Chapter [-] Dark Night Melody 【Seeking Monthly Pass】

In the wind and clouds, the heroes rise, and the blood in the city does not move to write love;

Tears in the rivers and lakes, poems on swords and swords, nine rounds of murderousness in the sky are in crisis.

The turbulent Foehn ignited, and the sky was filled with flames of misery;

The biting rain continued, and the fiery heart roared again.

In troubled times, heroes rise up, Buddhas and demons, hatred and ignorance, right and wrong are indistinguishable. Who am I?

All-powerful, step by step, life and death are separated, the road of kings is justice!



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