The sky was full of thunder, and the drums of war were beating in the heart. The demon city was in the sea and the sky, and the atmosphere was pressing. Facing the magic swallowing the four palaces, Lin Feng stood fearlessly and took the lead.

The sharp edge rolls the dust and turns it into a thousand streamers!

But seeing Lin Feng taking the lead in attacking, Qilin Xing, Tianhu Ling, Yunzhong Beast, and Golden Lion also attacked at the same time. The souls of the opponent's subordinates.

The golden lion is arrogant and arrogant, and the unicorn is full of wisdom.

The four strong together are powerful.

The Qilin Star swung the double swords in a row, the sword light was sassy, ​​and the fierce palms of the beast in the cloud slammed out, smashing the sword qi strongly, and all sides were shocked for a while!

At this time, goodbye Golden Lion and Tianhu Ling, both strong and strong; one soft and one rigid, swords and swords come out together, swiftly galloping and splitting.

However, the opponents tacitly cooperated, and even the moves were like flowing clouds and water, Lin Feng did not dodge or evade, and he blocked with a horizontal sword.


He heard only two golden bells, but Lin Feng remained motionless. Out of the corner of the eye, the unicorn star swirled up, holding up the "unicorn double swords" and slashing down.

At the same time, a strong wind surged behind him, and the beast's palm in the cloud had already reached behind Feng's body.

"Is it that easy?"

Without hesitation, Lin Feng raised his sleeves steadily, and the "Shadow God Saber" started again. He waved the sword to block the fatal blow of the Kirin Star, and then his dantian was completely empty. Take the palm of the beast in the cloud.


There was a dull loud noise, and the powerful palm of the beast in the cloud hit Lin Feng's back, but what was surprising was that the energy directly passed through Lin Feng's body, knocking the golden lion in front of Lin Feng, Heavenly Tiger Command Knocks Flying!

There was a sneer at the corner of Lin Feng's mouth. After breaking the game, there was a violent counterattack. The figure suddenly turned, and the blood-colored sword cut through the void to the neck of the beast in the cloud. Slanted sky unicorn star.

The moment it hit Lin Feng, the beast in the cloud realized something was wrong, withdrew its strength by three points, stepped back half an inch, and swept across the Buddha dust, entangling the fatal sword.

Qilin Xing's body turned sharply, avoiding the heavy and light, and the two swords attacked and defended, dashing and free.

Tianhu ordered, the golden lion slammed into the void at the same time, burst into air, and quickly killed.

The five people are like a streamer, fighting in a group, swords, knives, fists and palms are fighting against the wind, and the sound of battle is endless, the sword is like a tiger coming out of the forest, the sword is like a dragon swimming in the sea, the fists and palms are overturned, and the mountains and rivers are swallowed.





The slashes are long, the palms are rolling, the swords are connected again, the sparks are flourishing, the killing blades are all out, the strong moves destroy each other, and the heavens and the earth are destroyed!

King Xian was heavily wounded, carrying the unconscious King of Hell on his back, holding the "Sky Slash" in his hand, resisting the scattered swords and daggers, Gui Fang Chiming and Ziyan Shenju also showed their housekeeping skills to resist the impact of the aftermath.

Eyes blink, swords cover yin and yang, Buddha palms open chaos, killing can change the end, blood will wash away the dust, this is the only battle that shakes the world!

The power of "Moruo Tianzhang" is unparalleled, and the "Shadow God Sword" is extremely fast and sharp, the four palaces are under pressure, and their magical abilities are first demonstrated. I see four people flying away at the same time, and their own beast totems emerge, like four brilliant magics. Array!

Qilin Star, Heavenly Tiger Command, Golden Lion, and Cloud Beast were augmented by the formation map, and their combat power instantly became stronger by three points.

However, Lin Feng's divine essence is strong, his body shield is invincible, and he has no fear at all. In his hands, the "Moruo Tianzhang" and "Shadow God Sword" have the power to frighten ghosts and ghosts.


Strong moves collided, the sky was broken, the sun and the moon were dull, the magic swallowed the fourth palace and Lin Feng fought several moves.

The mind is fixed, the magic swallows the four palaces and stands in the position, the real essence is urgent, and the totems of the unicorn, the golden lion, the tiger, and the four beasts in the cloud are all radiant, and the aura of the heaven and the earth is surging, and they converge into a huge giant in the air. array!

Four elephants trapped demons!

"Not bad, it seems that you have unlocked a new posture, and fighting with you has really benefited a lot!" Lin Feng was trapped in the formation, still chatting and laughing, holding the magic sword, one blow, vowing to silence the world.

"Creation of Gods. First Form. Dark Night Melody!"

Lin Feng first appeared in the "darkness" department of martial arts, a move close to the gods, all the sounds were silent, only five times of darkness shrouded, all the light in a radius of [-] miles was swallowed up in an instant, like falling into the abyss, sinking forever!

In the dark night, Qilinxing and others were blocked from sight, and even their divine senses could only sense a square inch of land. Although the "Four Elephants Trapped in the Demon Array" existed, it was also bleak. It seemed that it was being eroded by some unknown force. decreasing gradually.

"It's not good, this dark night is devouring the energy of the formation, and we must fight quickly!" The Qilin Star broke through the gate, and then the real essence rushed, and the "Kirin Double Swords" flashed with brilliant purple awns.

"...The Kirin protects the world!"

The unicorn star slashed with two swords, using Wu Jue to judge Lin Feng's position, two sharp sword beams shot out, instantly transformed into a purple unicorn, and roared.

Tianhu ordered the Xuanjian to move and move, and the tiger and tiger made wind. Although he couldn't see it, he was proud and confident.

"Crossing through the red dust without disturbing the pass, revolving the world and returning!"

The sword is extreme, and the Tianhu makes Yuan Li extremely lucky, and the fierce moves are born in a hurry.

"Roaring in the cloud!"

The animal energy in the cloud leads the sky and the earth, and at first sight, the dragon is screaming in the sky, and the Sanskrit sound oscillates for thousands of miles, breaking through the sky, and looking at the wind invincible.

"Reverse kill. One word back to dragon slash!"

A red light flashed in the lion's eyes of the "Lion-Headed Sword", and the golden lion revolted from the road, swallowed up the wilderness, and slashed wildly.

In an instant, the magic swallowing the four palaces came out in a row, converging into a colossal force, shocking the sea, and all the targets were locked on Lin Feng, who was hidden in the dark night, and there was no deviation.

"It's a good move, but unfortunately this seat has no luck, so I'll give it back to you!"

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