Lin Feng's voice came from the darkness. The original Qilinxing and others' moves were silent. (The one who got the money) was like a mud cow entering the sea, without causing any waves!

"Well, it's not good, go back!"

Qilinxing was startled that something was wrong, and reminded in a hurry, but it was too late!

"Reverse the source of magic!"

Lin Feng activated it with one hand, and already doubled the attacks of Qilinxing and the others and bounced back.


Only heard a world-shattering explosion, the totem of the four elephants smashed into pieces, the unicorn star, the heavenly tiger order, the beast in the cloud, the golden lion vomited blood, and the alien mask on the face also shattered at the same time, revealing their true colors.

Lin Feng's thoughts moved, the dark night dissipated, and he instantly appeared in front of Su Huanzhen, smiling slightly, revealing a row of white teeth.


Su was really surprised when he saw this, he couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of bloody saliva, his body felt cold, and he had an ominous premonition!


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After the extreme move, the air waves lifted the sky, and the waves that slammed around the sea, wave after wave, overturned thousands of feet, which was terrifying.

Su is really true, a page of a book, proudly laughing at the red dust, the mad knives in troubled times are all wounded, vomiting blood and flying back, the mask falls off, showing its true colors!

Lin Fengzhan didn't care about the others, and after he recognized Su Huanzhen, he flew away, the sword was closed in an instant, and the fist of the casserole hit Su Huanzhen's big face with a friendly punch.


With a crisp sound of flesh slapping, Su Huanzhen's fat face was instantly dented by more than two centimeters, and several big teeth spurted out with blood.

Then the powerful force made Su Huanzhen volley [-] Baidu and fly out, crashing into the turbulent deep sea.

Lin Feng didn't use his true essence in this punch, he just relied on his physical strength, but even so, Su was really uncomfortable. .

Of course, Lin Feng should focus on taking care of the witty and demon-like Su Yuzhen. His face was full of peach blossoms when he didn't fight today, and Lin Feng felt sorry for himself.

"Magic Swallows the City, isn't it!"

"Tianhai. Qilin Star, right?"

"Do something wrong!"

"Group a group to fight monsters, right?"

"If you wear a mask, you think you can save the world, right?"


Every sentence Lin Feng said, he hit Su Huanzhen's face with a friendly punch. He said that hitting people doesn't slap in the face, and 853 curses don't expose shortcoming, but Lin Feng likes to slap in the face.

Since Su has really brought someone to the door, there is no need to be polite to him!

His fists hit Su Huanzhen like a torrential rain, but in just a few breaths, Su Huanzhen gained weight again, hey, why do you say "again"?

Su Huanzhen was not only devastated, but also hurt in his heart. He wanted to speak, but Lin Feng didn't give him a chance at all. If he caught him, he would be beaten. At this time, Su Huanzhen was really disheveled, his eyes were black, and his nose was bloody. With a face, even without a mask, it is estimated that his mother would not recognize him.

Su really can't figure it out, obviously they have four little friends together, how could Lin Feng look for him to beat him!

Don't you look badass?

Should not be!

Now that Su Junzhen has completely lost his ability to resist, the whole person was hit by Lin Feng like a ball. The only good thing is that Lin Feng didn't use the killer, otherwise he would be able to say goodbye to this world!

Just when Su Huanzhen sang "Liang Liang", a page book, mad sword in troubled times, and Aoxiao Hongchen just stabilized. Seeing that Su Huanzhen was beaten violently, he hurriedly made a move to save the siege.

"Heaven and Earth Roots!"

Knowing that Lin Feng's strength is strong, the mad sword in troubled times is extremely powerful, and when he sees the opportunity, he has no intention and no self.

"Nice move, but the next second is mine!"

After hitting Su Huanzhen with more than [-] punches to the flesh, Lin Feng noticed that Crazy Blade had used the "Heaven and Earth Root", and immediately used the "Eye of the Holy Demon" to engrave it.

As for the half-dead Su Huanzhen, he was left by Lin Feng and caught by Ao Xiao Hongchen Yujian.

"Su is really true, you hold on!"

Seeing Su Huanzhen's unrecognizable and miserable appearance, Ao Xiao Hongchen couldn't help but be frightened. He just nodded his head to kill. Lin Feng beat Su Huanzhen like this but didn't kill him. This is no longer a battle, but a one-sided rubbing. Abuse!

Looking at Lin Feng, and Su Huanzhen again, Xiao Hongchen imagined what would happen if he fell into Lin Feng's hands.

It was too cruel. If he was beaten like this, he might as well just kill him.

King Xian, King Ju and others also began to flee in disarray, leaving only the mad sword in troubled times and a page of books to procrastinate and buy time for them.

"Armour-piercing sharp-edged seven-spined fingers!"

 Seeing that "The Roots of Heaven and Earth" by Crazy Blade in Troubled Times was blocked by Lin Feng, one page knew that Lin Feng's body shield was strong, and immediately gathered Fo Yuan, condensed it with one finger, and planned to break the face.


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