The blood-colored skeleton felt that the flames in the "Great Furnace of Heaven and Earth" had increased. Although it was only a little, it was the last straw that broke the camel's back for it, which was already at the end of the shot! , it is unknown whether the promise will be fulfilled!

"Hey!" Qiluosheng sighed and said with a sad face: "Senior is really magnanimous and makes the junior feel ashamed. I cut off the life of the senior today, and it is really helpless. I also ask the senior to forgive me!"

Looking at Qiluosheng's slightly guilty eyes, the blood-colored skull secretly said: "Maybe there is another secret." Then he said: "Boy stop first, you can tell this seat if you have any difficulties, and this seat can help you."

"Hey! Seniors can't help me, they... are too strong!" Qi Luosheng said heavily, while he kept pouring the power of the four sources into the four sacred statues, while secretly observing the condition of the blood-colored skeletons.

"Bullshit, you haven't said it yet, how do you know if this seat will help..." The blood-colored skeleton said suddenly, and found that Qiluosheng showed no signs of stopping, and immediately said angrily: "No! Boy, you are doing it on purpose. Procrastination!"

"Ha! As expected of the ancient demon god... Chi You, you were discovered so soon!"


That's right, this bloody skeleton is the head of Chi Youdi, the ancient demon god who once fought with Emperor Xuanyuan for territory.

Chi You was originally the chief of the Jiuli tribe in ancient times. He was gifted with extraordinary talent, with a copper head and an iron forehead. He was invulnerable to swords and guns.

Later, he competed with the Yellow Emperor for the world, and defeated the emperor in nine battles and nine defeats. Emperor Xuanyuan was incapable of being the enemy, and finally resorted to the ultimate trick, moving rescue soldiers (please God). After I don't know what kind of promises to make, the emperor won the power of the heavens. help.

The decisive battle with Chiyou in the wild of Zhuolu, with the participation of the gods, the emperor's strength has greatly increased, and the battle with Chiyou is dark and bloody.Although Chiyou was extremely powerful, he was outnumbered and eventually captured by the Yellow Emperor. The emperor wanted to behead Chiyou, but Chiyou has become an immortal body and an immortal soul. its annihilation!

Fearing Chiyou's resurrection, the emperor buried his limbs in different parts of China, and the head with the immortal soul, under the town and the dragon veins, composed of Qinglong, Xuanwu, Baihu, and Suzaku to form the "Four Elephants Conquering Demons" day and night. change!


As for Chiyou's identity, it is actually not difficult to guess. When he entered the dragon vein, Qiluosheng had some guesses about the identity of the monsters suppressed by the underground. The only monster that could be so important to Emperor Xuanyuan was Chiyou!

The little trick was dismantled by Chiyou, Qiluosheng didn't care, put away the guilty expression on his face, and said indifferently: "Unfortunately, what can the demon god who is about to lose, what can he do?"

Qiluo 527 didn't expect to be able to fool this old monster who had lived for so many years to death, and it's not easy to delay for two minutes with some nonsense!If it hadn't been sealed for too long, Chiyou's intelligence had deteriorated, and it would have been impossible for Qiluosheng to put him on the list.



The cracks on the blood-colored skull deepened a little, and the fire of the soul became more sluggish. Chi You roared angrily: "Damn, when this seat breaks through the magic circle, I will cut you with thousands of swords, deprive you of your soul, and throw it into the fire of karma. You will be burned by the fire of karma forever, and you will not be able to transcend birth!"


Hearing Chiyou's threat, Qiluosheng sneered disdainfully: "If you were in your prime, I would have never dared to provoke them, but now you only have the strength to speak ruthlessly!"


He knew that it was useless to talk too much, so Chi You didn't say much, he just slammed into the "Great Furnace of Heaven and Earth" with all his strength, and the horns on the blood-colored skull slammed into the place where the "Great Furnace of Heaven and Earth" shattered.


There was a loud bang, the heaven and the earth shook, and there was a sound of "click". The horns on Chi You's head shattered on the spot under the violent collision, and even the skull on the bloody skull was broken into several pieces, as if it was about to collapse completely. The crack also expanded a point under the strong impact. .

[The latest chapter 137 Earthquake [Subscription]]

137 Earthquake 【Subscription】



Under the violent impact, the cracks between Chi You's head and the "Great Furnace of Heaven and Earth" gradually expanded, and were about to reach the brink of collapse.

Looking at the head of Chiyou who was desperately hitting the "fiery furnace" in the blazing flames of the world, Qi Luosheng sighed: "As expected of an ancient demon, such a tenacious will is worth admiration! Unfortunately, your era has passed!"

" era is about to come!" Chiyou's skull screamed up to the sky, the magic energy condensed in one place, desperate, the whole head turned into a red streamer, like a sky-shattering rainbow, hitting the "heaven and earth furnace", towards the cracked " "The Great Furnace of Heaven and Earth" slammed into it very quickly, this time Chi You tried his best, either the furnace was broken, or he died!


With a loud bang, the "heaven and earth furnace" that had been standing for thousands of years suddenly burst violently. At the same time, the earth in the blood-colored ancient city began to crumble, and the four stone statues of holy beasts were also impacted and shattered.The violent demonic energy rushed out from the ground, wreaked havoc in all directions, and wiped out all the buildings and bone mountains in the bloody ancient city.

The demonic energy is overwhelming! A black demonic energy like an ocean surged from the ground, and instantly enveloped the entire blood-colored ancient city, a scene like the end of the day!

"Ow..." After a huge roar, there was a loud bang, and a violent energy explosion occurred in the land of the four elephants.

"I came out! I finally came out! Hahaha..."

With all his strength, Chi You finally won the bet. He rushed out of the "Great Furnace of Heaven and Earth". Although most of his entire skull was broken, his strength was completely lost! But he finally rushed out of the tens of thousands of years that had been begging him. cage!

The demonic howl full of hatred to the sky continued to stir in the whole space: "Ten thousand years! Ten thousand years! This seat finally waits for the day when we see the sun again! Xuanyuan child, heaven, get ready...¨..."

"Eight dragons go against the road. The world is ruined!"

"Damn it!" Seeing Chiyou rushing out of the "Great Furnace of Heaven and Earth", Qiluosheng scolded secretly, and started with the top form of "Bingjia Wujing. Waste Character Scroll". Ye, hurriedly strangled Chi You's head, who was roaring in the air.

"Yeah!" Chi You vented his anger and felt threatened, and the fire of his broken soul jumped: "I almost forgot that there is a little brat like you, huh!"

With a cold snort, the air in the blood-colored ancient city was condensed, like a giant hammer falling on the ground, setting off a wave of blood.

"Ten thousand disasters, this seat has survived! Do you still care about a few qi dragons? Break it for me!"

The bloody light exploded, and an overwhelming magical force erupted from Chiyou's broken head. The surrounding earth was like being punished by heaven. One after another huge cracks in the ground spread rapidly. ring!


The blood-colored energy collided with the eight dragons in the opposite direction, and the powerful energy swayed the world, and the small world of the blood-colored ancient city shook violently and gradually collapsed.

The force of the counterattack slammed on Chiyou's skull full of cracks, and there was a crisp sound, and the two skulls of red crystals, which were comparable to divine soldiers, were collapsed by the powerful impact, and the fire of the soul only left a little afterglow, which made it even more wilted. .

"Hateful! Little brat, this seat will smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces!"

"Ha! Demon God Chi You, that's all!"

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