Qi Luosheng showed disdain, secretly swallowed a mouthful of blood, and stared coldly at the roaring Chi You, at the same time, the magic energy quickly condensed, preparing for the next attack.Qiluosheng knew that he could prevail at this time, not because of his own strength, but because Chiyou's body was on the verge of collapse, and the balance of this battle had been tilted from the very beginning.

"The little brat is really arrogant!" Like a broken crystal skeleton, blood-red demonic energy surging all over his body, he said coldly: "You are the first demon clan I have encountered in the past ten thousand years, but you want to Against this seat, you are asking for a dead end!"

"Lawless. The devil's ups and downs. Blood sacrifices to the sky!" Chiyou the devil shouted, the blood glowed, and the entire blood-colored skeleton revealed endless killing intent. The giant energy vortex gathered in a radius of several meters devoured Qi Luosheng.

"Ancient Demon God, you... did your best!" With a cold voice, Qi Luosheng's back demon wings instantly opened, quickly absorbing the spiritual energy of the surrounding world, and punching out with a huge palm, it was the god-level martial arts exchanged from the reincarnation space:

"God style. God's hand!"


The combination of extreme moves, shocking the world, sinking into the sky for a while, the entire blood-colored ancient city fell apart in an instant, and two forces of destruction blasted in all directions.Above the blood-colored ancient city, the dragon veins of Shenzhou were also impacted and churned endlessly!


Zhuolu County.

Since a year ago, after the colorful auspicious clouds broke out here, it has been the place of attention of the major forces.

After that incident, the spiritual energy in Zhuolu County became extremely abundant overnight. Cultivation here is twice the result with half the effort, attracting competition from many martial artists. If it hadn't been frequent earthquakes here, I'm afraid many forces would want to move their headquarters here!

On the fifteenth day of the eighth month, the Mid-Autumn Festival.

The bright moon is in the sky today. It was a good time for family reunion to enjoy the moon with wine. However, in Zhuolu County, the houses are dilapidated.

".. rumbling!"

At this moment, the originally peaceful Zhuolu County suddenly shook violently. Birds frightened the forest, beasts fled, and many weak houses collapsed one after another. Occasionally, some martial artists could be seen jumping out of it.

"The Earth Dragon has turned over! Run!" (Zhao's)

"Is there another earthquake?"

"Ah...my leg is crushed! Someone help me!"

"Run, run!"

In a large courtyard, several innate masters who were sitting cross-legged suddenly stood up and quickly ran towards a wide plain.

The speed of several people was extremely fast, even on the shaking ground, they still ran like flying, and soon came to the place they chose to take refuge. In their astonished expressions, there were waves of vitality fluctuations in the ground, which violently fluctuated in energy. It became more and more intense, and the entire Zhulu County trembled. In the end, it waved like an ocean, gushing out of the earth, causing all the mountains in the vicinity of Zhuolu County to tremble.

A dull roar sounded from the ground, and the surrounding area of ​​Zhulu County continued to shake violently. Finally, several huge ground fissures appeared on the ground, quickly spreading to the surrounding area and swallowing everything. .

[The Last Demon Emperor of Thunderbolt The Latest Chapter 138 The Swing of the Dragon Vein [Subscribe]]

138 The Swing of the Dragon [Subscribe]

The night is cold as water.

Outside the city of Zhuolu County, a middle-aged man in a green shirt and a knife stood on the shaking hill, frowning and said, "Why is this earthquake so strong, and there is no sign at all?"

"Old ghost, I have long said that this ghost place is weird. I told you to leave early, but you don't..."


"Not good! It's not safe here, old ghost, go!"

The speaker was a bald man in his thirties. This man was fat and fat and looked like Maitreya Buddha. He looked clumsy, but he was very agile in his movements. Not long after leaving the hill, the hill that once stood collapsed suddenly, torn apart, and the dust billowed, the two of them burst out, watching the collapsed hill with lingering fears.

Both of them are congenital masters and long-established figures in the martial arts, but facing the mighty power of heaven and earth at this time, they are like ants, panicking and hiding in Tibet.

The dark clouds rolled, engulfing the moonlight in an instant, and the sky and the earth were eclipsed.

Depressed, depressed, extremely depressed!It seems that at this moment, the earthquake is angry, and the surrounding Zhuolu County, whether it is the common people or the martial arts heroes, are like a boat in the sea, and there is a danger of being destroyed and buried at any time!

This tremor lasted for more than 100 minutes. When the earth returned to calm, the entire surrounding of Zhuolu County sank more than ten meters, like a huge tiankeng!


deep underground.

The battle between Qiluosheng and Chiyou's wreckage became more and more intense.

After tens of thousands of years of refining, Chiyou's head has reached the brink of collapse. After breaking through the "heaven and earth furnace", it is even more dilapidated! But the hundred-footed worm is dead and not stiff. The same cannot be underestimated.

"Little brat, you have some skills, take another move from me, and the demons dance!" The remains of Chiyou with only half of the skull left, opened his mouth to devour the demonic energy of the blood city, the blood-red skull was surrounded by suffocating energy, and in an instant, a dark demon could come out of his mouth. It burst out, turned into countless demon forms, and rushed towards Qi Luosheng.

"Reverse the source of magic!"

The evil-looking monsters bombarded Qiluosheng's "Reverse Demon Source", like a mud cow entering the sea, it instantly vanished into nothingness, and then Qiluosheng's palms were transported, turning them into black energy balls to Chiyou. Fight back.

"Indestructible Demon Body!" The hollow (bgcd) skeleton uttered the four words sonorously and powerfully, and the fluctuation of divine consciousness was like a clear speech, spreading throughout the entire crypt.



After several explosions, the wreckage of Chiyou was bombarded and retreated again and again!The blood-red skull shattered into pieces in an instant.

Chi You, who was surrounded by demonic energy, said in a gloomy voice: "You have a lot of tricks, but you can't kill me with these. Ten thousand years ago, I had cultivated an inextinguishable demon body, and even Xuanyuan Xiaoer held the sword of the holy way. You can't kill me, you can only seal me here and refine it in a big formation! Just because you have not yet broken through to the god level..."

"God style. Wind and thunder double style!"

"Ha! If you want to delay time, there's no way!" Qiluosheng sneered in his heart, not allowing Chiyou to catch his breath. While Chiyou was talking, the divine power of wind and thunder started at the same time. Great, Qi Luosheng's current situation can only be used reluctantly by relying on the Qi of the Dragon Vein.

The wind and thunder were united, the wind generated and the thunder turned, and the two forces of mutual generation and mutual restraint turned into a gorgeous beam of light, tearing the sky and smashing straight to Chiyou, and the surrounding space began to distort under the powerful force.

"Damn...the demon body is immortal, the fighting spirit is endless, and the world is bloody!" From the wreckage of Chiyou, there were violent fluctuations in consciousness. The blood under the blood-colored ancient city was pulled by a strange force, and suddenly burst out like a waterfall. When he came out, the sky was filled with blood and water, dyeing the entire crypt into a blood-red, ocean-like blood and water, rushing towards the wind and thunder beams like a tsunami.

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