But "Yueyue", the master of the Yue Sacred Clan, is also there, so it would be troublesome! "

Yaoyue is the new master of the Yue Sacred Clan. Although she is a woman, her strength is extremely powerful. If the Demon Prince makes a move, he can fight him, but thinking of his son's personality, the Lord of the World is really hopeless.

Can not make trouble, he has been thankful!

the other side.

Yutian Longhuang was also very helpless. The five sons went after Xietian Yuwu and wedges who had escaped from prison, but they were gone forever, causing him, who was fast into the coffin, to go into battle with leather armor.

Actually speaking, this is also what Yutian Dragon Emperor asked for himself. At the beginning, because blazing Chilin was born with six claws, Yutian Dragon Sovereign disliked him so much that Chiyan Chilin was rebellious and let go of Xietian Yuwu, otherwise There won't be so many things, and it can only be said that fate makes people.

"Lord Curse, after this battle, the Buddha Prison will not exist!"

Yutian Longhuang was wearing the "Holy Dragon Battle Robe", his white hair fluttered, and his wrinkled face was full of wrinkled face, but he had the aura of an indomitable emperor.

"Winning or losing is not a verbal battle, Dragon Emperor, your sword is dull!"

The master of the curse world sneered, but Si did not dare to be careless, and pulled out the double swords of Jumang with his backhand.


The evil dragon energy slammed into the surroundings, shaking the sky and the earth, the fire waves rolled in an instant, the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and the disaster was extremely devastating!

"Cracked Scroll. The above formula. Cracked Yuzhitao!"

The master of the curse world transports the "Bingjiawujing", and the "Jumang" double swords are swung, endless evil power swirls, and the sky changes suddenly, the sea of ​​​​clouds churns, and the evil power turns into endless waves, rushing towards the Yutian Dragon Emperor.

"Bingjia Wujing?"

With a few words, Yutian Longhuang stepped out, Hengdao's face was sideways, his eyes were slightly closed, and then he suddenly opened, and a shining golden light erupted in his eyes.

Titanium alloy dog ​​eyes, uh, no, it's the eyes of the dragon!

"Canglong has regrets!"

After Yutian Dragon Emperor opened his eyes, his momentum suddenly increased by three layers, reaching the middle stage of the super innate.


Seeing the Yutian Dragon Emperor opening his eyes, the Lord of the World of Cursed thought that something was wrong, and he hurriedly used the two swords of Jumang. At the moment when the Lord of the World was defending, the light of the sword pierced through the waves of Yu, and bombarded the top of the "Jumang".

In an instant, the air waves rolled, the boulders exploded, and the cursed world master retreated in disgust, but there was no decadence on his face, but a sneer.

"Dragon Emperor, you are really old. Even if you open the Eye of the Sword and Dragon, you can only do so much. Your era is over!"

With a smear of blood on the corner of his mouth, the Cursed World Lord stared coldly for a moment, the black robe on his body moved without wind, his hands dancing like dead wood, stepping on strange steps, and a sword shattered out of the ground.


The swords clashed, and they were shocked. The Lord of the World and the Dragon Emperor Yutian spewed a mouthful of blood at the same time. The Lord of the World was sure in his heart, and the desperate move came out in response.

"Dance of death! Let's dance! Dance till you die!"

Cursing the world master together with "Jumang", under the shroud of the dance of death, it is a symbol of desperation that is not stingy, the majestic and fiery sword energy is flying at an extreme speed, as if it is endless.

Thank you for the monthly flowers of Emperor Zun, **, Landius L Siguma, Fenghuaxueyue, Shanlong Yinxiu, 748402zong, thank you for your support. .

Chapter [-] I, representing peace [for flowers]

Thousands of rivers and thousands of mountains are willing to wander, and I have found in my dreams and do not know me.

There are so many forms of sentient beings, I am afraid that they will be lonely even if they are borrowed!


Heroes are twilight, Yutian Dragon Emperor was originally a super-innate late-stage powerhouse. With the eyes of the sword and dragon, he can fight even against the close-to-god powerhouses. However, the years are ruthless. No matter how powerful you are, your body can't resist the passing of time. !

"Whoosh whoosh~"

The sharp sword beams are intertwined, like a brilliant stream of fire, and between the whistling, the vortex of death has shrouded the Yutian Dragon Emperor, as if to pull it into the boundless abyss!

One move failed, and Yutian Longhuang suddenly fell into danger.

Yutian Longhuang's life span is about to expire, and his physical fitness is gradually declining in all aspects, and he is becoming more and more powerless.

If it had been a hundred years earlier, Yutian Dragon Emperor would have been able to clean up the Curse World Master with one hand, but now he can't!

In order to maintain this rotten body, Yutian Dragon Emperor consumed a lot of dragon yuan. Fortunately, Yutian Dragon Emperor has a deep foundation and sufficient equipment. With the "Holy Dragon Tabard", he resisted most of the attacks of the Cursed World Lord.

"If you want the emperor's life, you are not qualified to curse the world!"

Yutian Dragon Emperor is also a cunning and cunning generation, intending to drag the battle, attack with defense, relying on the amazing defensive power of the "Holy Dragon Tabard", to resist the "Dance of Death" of the cursed world master, and the "imperial power" horizontally slashes. , a move to retreat the enemy.

"Hey, the dignified Dragon Emperor, who has to rely on the treasure armor to protect his body, I think you don't call it the Dragon Emperor, change 787 to the Turtle Emperor, a turtle with a shrunken head!" The master of the world saw that it was difficult to break the defense, and he sneered, Wanting to disturb the other party's state of mind, at the same time, the two swords of "Jumang" hurriedly swung out with sparks all over the sky.

"Dark Evil Fire!"

Wherever the sword edge of "Jumang" passed, endless evil fire spread, and as far as the eye could see was a fiery red, the fiery flames burned the sky and destroyed the ground, and instantly turned a ten-mile radius into a piece of scorched earth.

"I want to anger this emperor, but can you afford this emperor's anger?"

Yutian Dragon Emperor doesn't know the mind of the Cursed World Lord, they are all old monsters for thousands of years, and no one is stupid, but Yutian Dragon Emperor is still very angry.

Moreover, the Yutian Dragon Emperor is not unable to defeat the Cursed World Lord. If he really tried his best, the Yutian Dragon Emperor would be sure to kill the Cursed World Lord, but he would inevitably be seriously injured. Master, if once he falls, the Yue Sacred Race is likely to take the opportunity to rise.

The struggle for power is the most ruthless. Although the Yutian Dragon Clan and the Yue Sacred Clan seem to be in harmony, no one likes to be the second child of the Ten Thousand Years.

Yutian Longhuang can't even trust his own son, let alone outsiders.

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