Now the master of the Yue Sacred Clan, Yueyue Jing, is extremely talented and has the power to compete with the Yutian Dragon Clan. Although the Yutian Dragon Emperor has a calm face, he has a plan in his heart!

The other side of the battlefield.


The knives and halberds were handed over, and Yueyue struck back the guardian Jialing with a single blow. The sharp edge of the divine weapon "Yuanque" appeared, and the cold air gushed out.

"Nine Compass Roots, Corrupt and Evil Fumu, Covering the Sky and Covering the Ground, Quickly Follow My Order!"

Seeing Jialing's defeat, Taixi Gong hurriedly displayed "Nei Yin Xie Jue", and the greedy and evil Fumu seemed to be soldiers who had received orders. Invite the month.

"The light of a grain of rice dares to compete with the sun and the moon, Haoyue. Judgment!"

When Yaoyue said a word, a strange realm of bright moon suddenly appeared behind her, solitary and dreary, blurred and cold, and the moment she saw the greedy and evil Fumu approaching, Yaoyue's figure flashed instantly, and the "Yuanque" machete was brought up in her hand. A cold and cold light instantly broke through the siege of greedy and evil Fumu, and the moment when Taixi Gong passed by, a stunning sword light flashed.

Yueyue slanted her knife to the ground, and "Yuan Que" dripped a little blood red!

"So fast, so beautiful... ah~"

There was still an image of a bright moon in Duke Taixi's eyes, as if he was obsessed, but the next moment, there was a miserable howl, his head separated, and a lot of blood spurted out from his neck!

At the same time, the roots of the greedy and evil Fumu that emerged from the ground also burst apart in an instant, bursting with a bang, and the fly ash was annihilated.

"Tai Xigong! Damn, Divine Thunder!"

Seeing the death of Duke Taixi in battle, the guardian Jialingang stepped forward, and the "Jaling Spear" with the power of thunder quickly stabbed Yaoyue.

"Heroic warrior, what a pity!"

Yueyue expressed her appreciation, but also seemed to regret, "Yuan Que" waved from bottom to top.


In the dull golden sound, the Guardian Jialing's "Jaling Spear" flew away from his hand, and Yueyuesu slapped Jialing's heart in the heart.


With the sound of bone cracking, Jialing flew out like a cannonball.

When the world master Yu Guang saw Taixi Gong die in battle, his heart couldn't help but feel tight. Yaoyue was no longer restrained. Facing two super-innate powerhouses, he would definitely not escape the catastrophe!

"Hahaha... Buddha and prison should be destroyed, this is fate, curse the world master, you accept your fate!" Yutian Longhuang smiled coldly, just now he cursed the world master to make a run, but he didn't forget, now the feng shui turns, Yutian Longhuang naturally doesn't mind falling into a hole.

The Lord of the Cursed World knows that if this continues, the Fire House Buddha Prison will be destroyed. If the Demon Prince is willing to fight for the Buddha Prison, and their father and son join forces, there may be a turning point today. Unfortunately, Ning Yuan's personality is repeated and cannot be trusted at all!

For the current plan, only by exiting the Tower of Compassionate Light, returning to the Fire House Buddha Prison, and taking advantage of the evil miasma in the Buddha Prison, can we save a ray of life.

With a determination in his heart, he cursed the world master to destroy his own demonic essence, and at the same time motivated Fumu to help in the battle, intending to lead the people back to the Fire House Buddha Prison.

And just when the curse world master was about to fight desperately, a familiar evil spirit BGM came from far in the sky.


You are the prince of truth, save my world from my truth.


Like a flame, take me out of the dark depression!


we're all ready to take off


Fly high, take me to the sky.


Fly high, fly high, fly high!


I saw a gray-winged demon dragon galloping from the sky, and the evil aura rushed towards my face.

The devil prince stood on the top of the dragon's head, looking at the battlefield below, with a sinister smile, and said aloud: "I, the devil prince, represent peace."

He said that he loved peace, but the movements of his hands were completely opposite. Between his palms, the fiery heat penetrated the heavens and the earth, and a flame of destruction descended from the sky.


Thanks to "Brahma Becomes Buddha", "Falling Flowers Snow Moon", **, b**, Shanlong Yinxiu, One Page Book, zlf1026 and other book friends for their rewards, flowers, monthly tickets and comments.

I hope you can support it, and post your opinions in the comments when you have time! .

Chapter [-] Surprise Change 【Seeking Monthly Ticket】

The Huo Zhai Buddha Prison is facing the strong siege of the upper heaven. Although the Lord of the Curse leads Taixi Gong, the guardians and others resist it with all their strength, but the enemy is strong. Invincible, for a while, the Buddha prison suffered heavy casualties.

Just when the Lord of the World was about to lead the people in the Buddhist prison to break through, the strange demon prince from the Buddha's Prison in the Fire House came.

The blazing evil flames fell overwhelmingly, regardless of enemy or foe, instantly shrouding the Yutian Dragon Clan, the Yue Sacred Clan, and some Buddhist Prison Warriors.


"court death!"

The Curse World Lord did not move, but Yutian Dragon Emperor, Yaoyue angrily shot to intercept.

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