"Hmph, let me hurt, you... not easy."

The killing intent was boiling, but Ghost Fang Chiming's heart was like still water, the long knife slashed, and Ying Wuqian was forced to retreat.

"If you can take this sword and not die, you are not bad."

Fighting for the front in the mouth, Ying Wuqian leaped into the air, avoiding the red sword light, and then the body swirled, followed by the green light, turning into a mysterious wind, and the rapid sword attacked.




The dust and sand are rolled in the wind, the fire snakes on the ground, the double-edged fights, the swords burst out with ten thousand points of light, one is fast, the other is strong, between the two magic soldiers, the majestic and sharp energy instantly rolls around the circle, and the grass is cut off. The wood is split a hundred feet, and the eyes are full of scabs!

Ying Wuqian didn't want to fight, so he rushed out with extreme moves, raised his sword in front of him, and turned his qi into wind.

"Xuanfeng Tianchi!"

I saw Ying Wuqian condensing his qi and condensing his sword, flying in mid-air, surrounded by mysterious winds, light blue Confucian robes fluttering, and green light gathers the sword edge!

"Zhan Longyin, the ghost is shocking!"

Ghost Fang Chiming jumped up at the same time, Xiongyuan turned sharply, and instantly the red fire filled the sky, and the ghost was shocked.

Just when Gui Fang Chiming's ultimate move was about to come out, he saw Ying Wuqian left Yun Shan Feng and right sacrificed the move of Confucianism and Four Religions.

"Confucian waves are thousands of turbulent!"

As soon as he pointed it out, the confluence of the four religions shot out one after another, refracted in the sky, and impacted in four directions.

Gui Fang Chi Ming swung his saber to attack in a row, and just now he blocked the confluence of the four religions. He felt the cold front approaching behind him, and his heart was ruthless.



The sword of Ying Wuqian pierced the abdomen of Guifang Chiming, and the sword of Guifang Chiming pierced through the right shoulder of Ying Wuqian, dripping blood and hurting both sides.


Ying Wuqian turned into words and finished speaking, Gui Fang kicked with his bare life, Ying Wuqian flew out, and the moment the sword was separated from the body, both of them were blood-stained in the sky!

"Compared to you Chi Ye, you are still a little more tender!"

Ghost Fang Chiming pressed his abdomen, his muscles contracted to prevent a large amount of blood from flowing out, and at the same time he took out the healing medicine and took it.

"When~ when~ when~"

During the battle, time passed without realizing it, and after several fights, the "No-Self Sanskrit" sounded again.

"Not good!"

The already difficult battle situation, now disturbed by the "No-self Sanskrit", the people of the three religions are suddenly even more difficult to support.

When Gui Fang Chiming was about to kill Ying Wuqian, he saw a huge sword qi coming from the Nine Heavens and attacking the "Guangji Pagoda".

Just when the sword energy was about to hit the "Guangji Pagoda", the accident reborn, and a dazzling Buddha palm erupted from the tower.

"Well, there are still masters hidden in the underground door!"


Thank you for the King's Landing Heidi Wan Mo Jingzuo, prodigal son, zoooooooo, ruthless sword son, **, a page book, romantic flowers and snowy moon, Yuntian Wangchui-flowers, monthly tickets, rewards, thank you for your support. .

Chapter [-]: The Buddha's Head Battles the Dharma and Confucianism


Quzhou Yifandu looked down on the changing situation, a jade flute played a song of blue seas and waves.

"Defeng Ancient Road also sits~ Can't you stop!"

Putting down the "Heaven and Human", Quezhou Yifandu looked at the space image ahead. In the picture, it was the scene of the Wansa three sects attacking the underground gate, and the one who attacked the "Guangji Pagoda" earlier was the Fa-Confucianism. Jun Fengtian!

However, Quezhou Yifandu did not act, and did not send anyone to support, but continued to wait and see.

The three religions have backers, and he also has them. Now let them jump again, and when the time comes, they will be wiped out.


around the door.

Outside the "Guangji Pagoda", the sword energy and the Buddha's palm meet, instantly shattering the ground and destroying the mountains, and the energy of destroying the sky and the earth ravages the eight wastes, but just touched the "Guangji Pagoda", a burst of golden light blocked it!

"What a powerful skill, this sword energy is majestic and upright, could it be him?" Ying Wuqian seemed to have thought of something, his expression changed, and at the same time he took the opportunity to retreat, avoiding the pursuit of Ghost Fang Chiming.

Gui Fang Chi Ming wanted to capture Ying Wuqian, but he suddenly felt an aura of arrogance descend from the sky. Suddenly, he saw a thunderbolt, and the "Sword of Righteous Law" fell, preventing Gui Fang Chi Ming from advancing.

Gui Fang Chiming's face condensed, and he looked around, and in the radiant holy light, there was a dignified and solemn spirit, which spread with Langshi, and deterred his heart.

"What is wrong with the heavens and the earth is not punished by black and white, what is not committed by criminals and ghosts, and what is broken by the sun and the moon is not broken.

Confucianism, ruthlessness, Confucianism, selflessness. "

At the moment of astonishment, I saw the turbulent atmosphere, the Confucian light and the holy brilliance, and a person holding the "Zhiheng Dian" in his hand, stepped on it coldly and calmly.

When Ying Wuqian saw the person who came, he showed a respectful look on his face, and bowed in a salute: "Respectfully welcome Fa and Confucianism."

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