"What, he is the legendary guardian of the Five Paths of Haozheng. I didn't expect that even such a master would be alarmed!"

"Yu Ming Dan Xin. Jun Fengtian, idol!"


Some white-haired "scholars" of the Confucian sect showed reverence when they saw Jun Fengtian.

Immediately, all the Confucians bowed at the same time: "Congratulations to the Fa and Confucianism."

Jun Fengtian nodded indifferently, not caring about the ghost Fang Chiming not far away, but looked at the "Guangji Pagoda" and said loudly: "Before the Dharma, there was no evil. It's hard to escape the Dharma net."

The words fell, and a quiet figure slowly stepped into the battle circle from the "Guangji Pagoda", attracting people's attention.

The visitor takes one step at a time, as quiet as the abyss, if the water is deep, but it is faintly revealing an inviolable majesty, which makes people hold their breath.

"The fruit of the three bodies comes from the mortal roots, and there is no trace of karma in the six realms.

Good passing is never true, and withering prosperity is empty. "

The ground swelled with golden lotuses, and the sky was falling. The Emperor Tathagata stepped on the swastika Buddha seal and came to the center of the battle group, opposing Jun Fengtian far away.

Gui Fang Chiming saw this and bowed to the Emperor Tathagata: "Vajra Venerable!"

Yu Guang, the master of the Buddha who fought with King Ju, looked at the Emperor Tathagata and exclaimed: "Buddha's head! How could it be..."

"Well... Buddha head, is he the leader of Yungu and Leifeng?" Chongyuzhi was not familiar with the Emperor Tathagata, but he had heard the name of the Emperor Tathagata, known as "the head of the four-level Buddhist sect fighting", absolutely It is the mainstay of violent monks, and is completely different from the weak feeling of Lord Di Buddha!

At this time, the two sides had already retreated, and Ying Wuqian said in doubt: "It is rumored that the Tathagata turned into a ghost and has already taken refuge in Tianyan Mocheng. How could he appear here and restore his Dharma appearance?"

The King of Yama bowed to the Emperor Tathagata: "This time the three religions have invaded the door of the earth and ruined the tranquility of the door of my land. The King of Yan hereby asks King Kong Zun to help us and make this battle a sure-win situation."


The Emperor Tathagata looked at Jun Fengtian and pondered: "Buddha country is a pure place, you should not start a war for no reason!"

Jun Fengtian is relatively clear about the Emperor Tathagata. He has always paid attention to the battle of the Holy Demon, and he also regretted that the Emperor Tathagata had turned into a ghost Tathagata, but now seeing the Emperor Tathagata, Jun Fengtian felt a little troublesome.

He could feel that the strength of the Emperor Tathagata was stronger than before, already surpassing the peak of the innate, and he was a powerful enemy.

What makes Jun Fengtian even more dignified is that who can do this, and even re-transform the ghost Tathagata into the emperor Tathagata, and also make his strength grow by leaps and bounds!

"The head of the Buddha went out in person, and the Confucianism and Confucianism selflessly invited him!"

A word of invitation, Jun Fengtian slammed out with a palm, the Buddha head faced the Confucian sect's super innate innate, stood still, raised his hand gently, and suddenly the Buddha shone like a mighty king of Ming, and regretted that the Confucianism was powerful.

The indestructible golden body, the strongest and the strongest, Jun Fengtian's strike was fruitless, his body moved instantly, and he advanced again sharply.

Jun Fengtian waved his palms to attack, but he saw that the Emperor Tathagata used his hand to move the magic method. Although he was on the defensive, he was as stable as a rock in Mount Tai. Even if he hit the body of the Emperor Tathagata, his palm strength would not be able to break the defense of the Emperor Tathagata's golden body.

Sa Sa counted his hands, knowing the depths of his own, repeatedly connecting his arms and legs, suddenly stalemate.

When Jun Fengtian fought, he spoke out words of persuasion: "The head of the Buddha can still remember Yungu Leifeng.

"Soldiers stop fighting, fight to stop killing, the other side is where you look back, and it is the Confucian who should look back." The Emperor Tathagata was expressionless, only the solemn treasure elephant, raised his hands and feet, all were thunderous.

· · · Flowers · · ·

The good persuasion has been exhausted, and Yu Mingdan's heart is cold and angry, and he is startled by the dust.

"Yi is like an autumn mountain. It is ordered not to return. The law of heaven and earth is upright!"

As soon as the word of the law fell, the "Law Code" in his hand was flipped wildly, and it was instantly certain. The Confucian sect to the law was like a palace wall, and it took shape. Immediately, it was a majestic blow.

"Between Bodhi!"

The Emperor Tathagata's palms turned into clouds and surging waves, and the holy energy surged into the sky in an instant, the Buddha shone brightly, and the golden Buddha seal appeared at once.

Raising the palms and overturning, the strong moves face each other, the wind and clouds are devastated, the airflow is swirling, the ground is agitated, and the waves of thousands of feet are startled.

The Dimen is in Kaixin Station, and Yan Wang and others also attacked the people of the three religions together, wanting to leave them to accept the baptism of "No-self Sanskrit".


The Three Sects would not sit still and wait for death, and the sound of killing shook the sky.

The people of the three sects wanted to break through, but they were helpless and wounded in the first place.

"Those who carry Buddha back accept the judgment! The judgment of heaven and earth, the decision of the king of hell!"

The King of Hell fought against the Chong Yuzhi again.

"Four Religions Converge, Dao Fire Hundred Refinements!"

Knowing that this war is dangerous, the scheming city government's deep Chongyu purpose also had to fight with all his strength, and the gas of the four religions between the hands and the transformation was turned into a fire, which continued to burn the eight wastes.

Ying Wuqian, Guifang Chiming, King Ju, Sanyin, Crazy Blade in Troubled Times and others also fought together as a group.

After fighting with Di Tathagata several times, Jun Fengtian couldn't take advantage of his fists and feet, so he flew back and pulled out the "Zhengfa" on the ground.

"The law of heaven is not easy."

Immediately, the "Dharma" entered the world, draped in the momentum of the storm, showing the might of the universe.

The Emperor Tathagata had a thought, and he started using "Buddha Penalty Channa". The hilt of the flaming red lion head was like a flame. There were six Sanskrit sword rings buckled on the back of the sword. The texture, the end is magnificent.

"The end of reincarnation!"

Reciting, the sword moved, the Emperor Tathagata slashed the sword horizontally, the sword energy was overwhelming, the pressure burst, the huge condensed sword gang was like a cold moon piercing the void, collided with Haoran sword energy, the sun and the moon were dark, the sky and the earth sink.

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