"Don't be nervous, all living beings are equal, I have no heart to differentiate, whether people or ghosts, enter the door of my earth, all of them will be liberated, you need light." Quzhou Yifandu opened his hands, just like Jesus, and there was still a radiance behind him. Holy light.

The people of the three religions around them were like enemies, and they seemed extremely nervous.

Ying Wuqian swept across Quzhou, Fa Confucianism, Emperor Tathagata, and Shi Jun, his expression changed, and finally said: "Whether it is crossed or not, it is my autonomy, the master's method, it is too much."

"The reasoning is not clear, the Tao is not clear, and you can't convince me, but you can resist it!"

The meaning of missing a boat is very simple, but if you say it, then you can try it out.


Thank you sf3488f, Tianli, Divine Sword, Guest Officer Don't Do This, Abandoning Heaven and Dancing Love, Boring Time, Blue Tears, Reincarnation on the Other Side, Landius L, Flowers from the Ashes, Monthly Pass, Rewards, Thank You support!.

Chapter [-] Sinners, kneel down


The Lord Buddha chanted the Buddha's name, stepped forward and said, "We don't mean to offend, we just want to stop the strife!"

"I took the initiative to attack the terrestrial gate, and now I want to stop the disputes, then you should understand that what I did is to stop the disputes!" Quezhou refused to give in.

After hearing the words, Lord Di Buddha recalled the dead brothers and the many innocents who sacrificed in the Mansaka City, hesitantly said, "This is not the way to stop the strife."

"Why are you not sincere?" Quzhou Yifandu looked at Lord Di Buddha, and seemed to see through the other's mind: "You should have tried it, hatred is difficult to dispel. Misunderstandings cannot be explained. People, disputes, greed. , a single thought of bad karma will lead to incessant sinking. Life is limited, and cultivation is the work of thousands of kalpas. You are a Buddhist disciple, you should understand!"

The Buddha Lord folded his hands together, and his expression was a little moved: "The Lord Buddha understands, but the enlightenment is within oneself and cannot be sought outside. Can this kind of Dharma be comprehended?"

"Comprehension, you really can only rely on yourself, great wisdom can't make you realize. But the cycle of karma, evil causes plant evil results, everything can't be taken away, only karma is with you.

The Dimen has created a world without contention, without seeking, without sin and without evil. It is a pure land of cessation of karma, a peaceful place, and the best destination for practitioners.

243 In the world of Dimen, every Bodhisattva in the next life can meet the Great Way early.Isn't this world bad?Don't you want to pursue such a world? "

Lord Di Buddha was indeed a little moved when he heard the words. He was used to seeing the shady stories of the three religions, and he was already tired of intrigues!

However, people’s hearts are different. The Buddha Lord is somewhat moved, but Jun Fengtian is unmoved. Although he claims to be ruthless in Confucianism and law, he is actually the most emotional: “If you cut off the seven emotions, does it mean you are not attached?”

Pain comes from memory, but forgetting the past, what is the meaning of life!

"There are still seven emotions in the door of the earth." Quzhou said.

Chongyu's purpose is deep and sophisticated, and his mind is firm. He belongs to a person who has gone all the way to the black. He has paid so much to get the status he is today. How could he give up easily, and disdain: "Without memory, your so-called seven emotions are nothing but illusory!"

"Everything with action is like a dream bubble, like dew and like electricity, so you should look at it like this." Quezhou's eyes swept over Chongyuzhi and Ying Wuqian: "Fantasy and reality are just between a thought, since you deny the beautiful illusion, Then show your ugly truth!"

"Well, what do you mean?"

Ying Wuqian was glanced at by Quzhou Yifandu, and he was suddenly shocked, and had a bad premonition (bfab)!

Quezhou Yifandu said softly: "Everyone has an unknown darkness in their hearts. If you want the truth, do you have the courage to face the truth?!"

With a wave of hands, an image of a demon rampant appeared in front of everyone.

Under the gray sky, the demons danced wildly, choosing people to eat, and the human beings fled in fear and wailed everywhere!

"Before the number of Jiazi, the Netherworld invaded, and the red dust and snow filled the Shenzhou Continent. At that time, a hero of the human race stood up." Following Quezhou Yifandu's words, the figure of a long-bearded old man appeared on the screen.

"It's Lord Mansakai!"

"It's really the Venerable Lord Wan Sakai. Could it be that this picture was the scene of the battle between Wan Sakai Chaocheng and Youjie?"

Some of the old people in the Wansa Three Sects instantly recognized the old man in the picture, thoughtful.

"This person is the later Venerable Master Wansa, who is far-sighted and has extraordinary knowledge. In order to fight against the secluded world, he invited heroes and heroes from all over the world, and finally established the Wansa Fellowship Association and established the Wansa Dynasty City!"

At this time, the picture turns again, it is the scene of the Wanzhen Recultivation Association, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Yi sects forming an alliance. Seeing this, Ying Wuqian, Chongyuzhi, and the Buddha Lord all have their expressions fluctuating. , the heartbeat can't help speeding up!

The picture changes quickly, and soon it will be the battle of Nushan!

Lord Mansakai and King's Landing Black Emperor fought a decisive battle, and in the end both lost.

Jun Fengtian, You Jun and other people who don't know the truth watch it quietly, but Ying Wuqian and Chong Yuzhi are looking more and more ugly.

"Enough! We are here to block the gate and bring disaster to the world. Everyone must not be distracted by Quzhou." Chongyuzhi knew that if Quzhou was allowed to go on like this, God knows whether they will assassinate Wan in the picture. Venerable Master Sakai, if the matter of framing Yi Tian Xuanmai really happened, it would be a devastating blow to them.

At that time, not only will his reputation be ruined, he will be shameless, and he may even be surrounded and killed by people from the three religions around him!

"Yes, this demon monk must be delaying time, trying to trap us here, everyone should not be fooled!"

Ying Wuqian and Chong Yu did not fight against each other, and even kept hostile and guarded against each other, but the two were extremely tacit understanding, just a glance, has already decided the other party's thoughts, must stop the lack of boats!

But the Buddha Lord showed guilt on his face and remained silent.

Jun Fengtian and Xia Jun saw some doubts, but their thoughts were completely different, but they both waited and watched.

Quezhou said indifferently: "Can't you hold back your anger? I'm just using the fragments of time to reveal the truth of Wansa Chaocheng. If the two of you have no guilt in your hearts, why should you be angry?"

Murdering and killing hearts, without a word from the boat, it is difficult for people to justify Ying Wuqian and Chong Yuzhi.

As Quezhou said, the body is not afraid of the shadow, if they don't do anything wrong, they are not afraid, but the key is that they not only did it, but also did a lot!

Among the three sects, there are many wise people, just a few words, they have already noticed that Ying Wuqian and Chong Yuzhi seem to be concealing.

Damn it!

Ying Wuqian saw that the eyes of the people around him had changed again, and he cursed inwardly, but he didn't dare to gamble, because if there was something about them assassinating Venerable Master Wan, then he would really be finished!

The same is true of Chongyu's decree, and he immediately shouted coldly: "Don't confuse the public with slanderous words, the law of nature cannot tolerate it, die!"

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