After the words fell, Chongyuzhi immediately attacked, Ying Wuqian made his move at the same time, one left and one right, and attacked.

The two of them were dedicated to killing and killing their mouths, and their moves were ruthless and decisive. Before they instantly attacked the lack of boats, the two were in charge of the three sects. They were all top-level innate peak masters.

However, the attack of the two was weak and weak to Quezhou Yifandu, and with an understatement, the invisible energy cut down the attack of the two.

"Sinner, kneel!"

Quezhou Yifandu drank the majestic drink, and then backhanded like pressing, Chongyuzhi and Ying Wuqian only felt that Mount Tai was pressing on the top, and were pressed to their knees without any resistance.



Kneeling on his knees, his mouth vomited vermilion, regardless of whether he was honoring the jade decree, Ying Wuqian, or the people of the three sects around him, they were all shocked.

They all know that Quezhou Yifandu is very strong, but they never thought it would be so strong!

To be able to become the headmaster of the three sects, Ying Wuqian, Chongyuzhi's strength is not weak, and in the presence, it is also Jun Fengtian, very much stronger than the two, but in the face of lack of boats and sailing, the two headmasters But there is no power to fight back!


Thanks beacon and warring states, gyz113, dance of the sky, houyi88, db1231db, old age, army of light, zlf1026 for flowers, monthly tickets, rewards, thank you for your support. .

Chapter [-] Expose the Truth

With one move to defeat the enemy, Quezhou Yifandu showed his powerful strength.

Ying Wuqian, Chongyu decreed and knelt down, without even the strength to resist, he was shocked and angry!

As the head teachers of Confucianism and Taoism, they have a high status and are respected by others.

The people around the three religions were also horrified when they saw this, and even Jun Fengtian and Zhejun showed deep fear in their eyes.

With their skills, it is not difficult to kill Ying Wuqian and Chong Yuzhi, and they can kill them in seconds, but it is difficult to suppress them in such an understatement as Quezhou Yifandu.

For the masters of their realm, defeating, beheading, capturing alive, the difficulty factor goes up straight-.

Very uncertain in the eyes of Jun Xian, he thought: "Quezhou can actually present the picture of the past, so doesn't he know everything I have arranged? How did he do it?"

Thinking of this, the murderous intention of the very king is more intense, and at the same time, he is also secretly vigilant. If the situation is not good, he will be ready to run away.

"Rescue the Headmaster!"


Ying Wuqian and Chong Yuzhi have been the headmasters for hundreds of years, and there are some die-hards who are desperately trying to rescue them. It is a pity that the strength of the two sides is very different. .

Quezhou Yifandu did not rush to do it, there should be no Qian, Chongyuzhi was not enough to make him worry so much, what he had to do was to use the two to drive the three religions into the abyss.

Jun Fengtian didn't act rashly, one was not sure, and the other was that he also found out that Ying Wuqian and Chong Yuzhi had problems, and wanted to find out the reason before making a decision.

As for the unruly monarch, although he wanted to make trouble, he did not become a standout due to the lack of Zhou Yifandu's strength, and silently became a melon eater.

In the midair, the scene of the passing of the Wansheng Dynasty City continued, and soon it was broadcasted, the scene of Mo Qingchi, Yi Xuanmiao, Lord Di Buddha and others jointly plotting against the Lord Wansa.

Most of the people present were newcomers of the Three Sects, who had never experienced the chaos of the secluded world. All they knew about the history was from their elders, or from the Three Sects History, but from the picture, it was completely different from what they knew. Many people seemed a little confused.

"Is everything in this picture real?"

"Master Di Buddha actually united with others to assassinate the Lord Wansa, how is this possible!"

"Ying Headmaster, Chong Headmaster has secretly contributed to the flames, not only fell into trouble, but also framed others, this... This is not the Headmaster I know!"

"I can't believe that the Lord Mansakai died at the hands of his own people!"

Seeing the scene where Venerable Master Wan Sakai was shot and killed by "Di Gonghong" and died of serious injuries, some people of the three religions didn't want to believe it, while others suddenly realized it.

Looking at Ying Wuqian, Chong Yuzhi's eyes also changed. Although the two were not the masterminds, it could be seen that the two were secretly contributing to the flames. It can be said that the death of the Lord Wanzhen was inseparable from them.

Then the screen turns again, it is the scene where the four sects and headmasters join forces to fight against the black emperor of Junlin. Shi Daqian was killed by the black emperor of Junlin because of the Chongyu decree, followed by the Chongyu decree. Cang, Liusu Wanqing and the others sacrificed their Yuan Gong, sacrificed their lives, set up a mysterious ice barrier, and harmed Yi Tian's profound veins.

After sealing the You Realm, the three sects revised the battle to seal the Youdu. After Wang Xiaoran, the leader of the Yi sect, was heroically cut off, he changed it to a rebellion with the army, and the remaining demon generals of the Youdu planned to destroy the three sects and solemnize Wan Sakai. The seal is in Youdu...

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????

Seeing this, most people understand the cause and effect.

"It's not real, it's not real!"

"How could the headmaster be such a person, I don't believe it!"

"I didn't expect the truth to be like this? What a grand-sounding three religions!"

The people around the three religions talked a lot. When the screen was broadcast to Ying Wuqian, Chong Yuzhi, and the Buddha Lord, after the integration of "the origin of the three religions", Quzhou Yifandu canceled the picture, and began to ask Ying Wuqian and Chongyuzhi the guilt: "You are greedy for power, frame the loyal and the good, betray your trust, and have a lot of bad karma. What can you say?"


Chongyuzhi saw what he had done at the beginning, but he still refused to admit it, showing a fair and comfortable appearance, and shouted angrily: "These pictures are all done by you, and they are all slander methods, can there be real evidence?"

Although there are pictures and the truth, Chongyuzhi insists that it is a frame-up, because once it is admitted, it will be irreversible.

The same is true for Ying Wuqian. The current situation is very unfavorable for them. If they are convicted, the two of them will definitely not escape the guilt. If nothing else, even Jun Fengtian can't let them go.

However, most of the people of the three religions who saw the picture had already begun to doubt the two of them. When Lord Buddha saw this, he breathed a sigh of relief for some reason. Compromise so far!

Now that the truth is revealed, he doesn't need to hide it, he immediately stepped forward and said, "These are all true!"


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