"Oh! Saying that, you're useless!" Mo Qingchi wanted to turn around and leave, but she had promised Qiluosheng not to eat people, and naturally she would not take the initiative to hurt people again, but Mo Qingchi's words were heard in Asan's ears. The taste changed, and I thought that the "fire demon" in front of him thought he was useless and was going to eat him!said quickly:

"Wait, wait, don't eat me, I know who will heal, I'll take you there."



Fengxi Village.

The village is located in the quiet mountains, isolated from the world with few disputes. The stream is clear and beautiful and quiet. Most of the villagers here live by fishing and hunting.

. ....

By the river, an eleven- or twelve-year-old girl was washing clothes. Her tender feet were stepping on the blue stones in the water, her sleeves were rolled up, she was rubbing the linen shirt in her hands, and she would stretch out her hands to wipe it from time to time. Sweat on his forehead.

At this moment, a little fat man ran over and shouted out of breath, "Chuchu... it's not good! Your father... father was caught by a monster!"

Yu Chuchu turned around and said in a pretty voice, "Aniu, you are talking nonsense again, you are like this, I will ignore you in the future!"

Little Fatty cried anxiously: "Chuchu, I really didn't lie to you this time, everyone in the village saw it! That monster is on fire, and it's outside your house now!"

Seeing that Xiao Pangdun didn't look like a joke, Yu Chuchu mentioned the unwashed clothes and ran to the house, asking Xiao Pangdun, "What's going on."

As he stepped on his short legs, Xiao Pangdun replied, "I don't know very well. I was playing in the village when I suddenly saw a big flaming monster rushing in. It was taller than my room. But it frightened me!" Speaking of this, Little Fatty still had a lingering expression on his face, obviously frightened.

"Who asked what happened to you, I asked why the monster wanted to arrest my father?"

Little Fatty touched the back of his head: "I don't know! Oh, yes! That monster seems to have been brought by Kitamura Asan! I also saw a strange man with white hair hunched over the monster!"

[The Last Demon Emperor of Thunderbolt's Last Chapter 140 Yu Yue [Subscribe]]

140 Yu Yue [For Flowers]

Mo Qingchi walked slowly with the unconscious Qiluosheng on his back, while Orion Asan led the way, bypassing a forest, and arrived outside Fengxi Village in a short time.

At this time, it was early in the morning, and the smoke from the cooking in Fengxi Village was faint and peaceful.

The weather is nice and sunny today.

The villagers of Fengxi Village started farming in the fields early, or weaving nets and drying fish. Some children gathered together and played carefree, like a paradise.


Suddenly, the dogs in the village roared wildly, and the animals such as chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep were restless, as if they sensed that a huge threat was approaching.

The villagers in the village also felt the ominous atmosphere and became nervous.

""One Twenty" Da Da Da Da ~"

A hoof sound came from far to near, and the earth was shaking slightly. Some villagers who were close to each other gathered together and looked around, only to see a peerless beast nearly two feet high, covered in fire, from the village Walk outside.

The huge size and the monstrous beast flames instantly shocked these simple villagers.

Some people stood in the fields, unaware that the farm implements in their hands had fallen off, and their bodies were stiff and dumbfounded.

Some people hugged their children tightly and looked at the moving giant beast in horror, daring not to make the slightest movement, for fear of attracting the attention of the terrifying giant beast.

Some people rushed back to the room to hide or look for weapons, while some old people muttered the word "Fire Demon" with horror on their faces.

All beings have different expressions, but so far, no one has dared to take the initiative to provoke Mo Qingchi, all of them are watching from a distance in horror.

Mo Qingchi was not in the mood to pay attention to these villagers, and asked Asan, who was in fear, "You said that the person who can heal Master Ang lives here? You'd better not lie to Ang, otherwise, Ang will let you die. Very rhythmic!"


Although Mo Qingchi's voice was as clear and moving as a little girl's, but seeing the body that was full of fire and was two stories tall, Ah San didn't dare to put the word "cute" on Mo Qingchi! Hearing Mo Qing Chi's threat, Asan swallowed a mouthful of spit, and said quickly: "Don't worry, Sir Qilin, Uncle Yu is a famous doctor in our village, many people from other places come here to see him for medical treatment, gnawing will definitely cure you. The owner's!"

Having said that, Ah San is actually beating drums in his heart. Looking at Qiluosheng lying on Mo Qingchi's back, Ah San is full of doubts! That white-haired eccentric lay under such a high flame, he was unscathed. , at a glance, you can see that he is not an ordinary person, and Asan doesn't know if Uncle Yu can cure him, and if he can't, what should he do?Will the giant beast claiming to be a fire unicorn violently kill people?Or directly slaughter the village to vent their anger?The more he thinks about Asan, the more scared he becomes, but now he can only bite the bullet!Up to now, I can only entrust my hope to Uncle Yu!

Not long after, Asan brought Mo Qingchi to a thatched cottage in the south of the village. Before Asan walked in, he heard an angry shout from inside.

"Beasts die!"

I saw a middle-aged man in his forties, holding an iron sword, rushing out of the house quickly.

"Well, this aura is..." Mo Qingchi saw the man rushing aggressively, and felt an aura similar to his own in him, as if he remembered a past event, and said bitterly, "Ang remembers you, when you were You have hurt Ang before, and today Ang will make you pay for it."

"What! This monster has actually spoken!" Yu Yue was shocked when he heard Mo Qingchi's milky voice. He didn't expect to see this unicorn demon not only grow up a lot, but also vomit. Is it possible that he has already matured?

Although Yu Yue was puzzled, the arrow was already on the line at this time. He knew the "ruthlessness" of the unicorn demon, and he had a deep relationship with it. He would definitely not let him go. On Mo Qingchi's left shoulder, there was a scar without scales, which was the weakest defense on Mo Qingchi's body.

"Naive, the same moves won't work on Ang!"

When Mo Qingchi saw Yue's actions, Mo Qingchi sneered with his wisdom, which was not inferior to human beings. With a flash, he would step on Yue's hoof, who hadn't reacted yet. Today's Mo Qingchi, whether in wisdom or strength, is beyond There were too many in the past, and a quasi-first-class martial arts master like Yu Yue was completely vulnerable in front of her...  

Ah San didn't understand the situation, but in the blink of an eye, he saw that Mo Qingchi had stepped on Yue's hoof, and the flaming hoof claws kept burning Yu Yue's body under the hoof, and Ah San was shocked. , hurriedly shouted: "Sir Qilin, stop! He is a genius doctor. If he dies, no one can save your master!"

"Nani?" Mo Qingchi looked at Yu Yue, who was struggling under his hoofs, and quickly put away his front hoofs, and at the same time restrained all the flames on his body, and asked Yue, "Is it true that the little guy said you can cure diseases? of?"



Yu Chuchu and Xiao Pangdun hurried back to the farmhouse. As soon as they crossed the hill, they saw a giant beast covered in fiery red crawling outside their thatched hut.

"Father!" I don't know if the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, or if he is eager to save his father, Yu Chuchu rushed over regardless.

Arriving in front of the hut, without even looking at Mo Qingchi, Yu Chuchu rushed into the house and shouted, "Chuchu, Dad, are you alright!"

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