Yu Chuchu ran into the hut and saw a naked, naked, white-haired man lying on the straw mat, his face flushed, and he quickly turned his head away.

"Why are you back, Chu Chu!" Yu Yue's voice came from outside the door.

Yu Chuchu turned around, "Father, are you alright!"

Yu Yue touched the 2.5 bags of Yu Chuchu's brain and sighed: "Dad is fine, this is the person that Asan's little bastard brought back, you take care of him, I'll go to town to buy some medicine."

"Father, what's going on with the monsters outside?" Seeing that his father was safe and sound, Yu Chuchu asked fearfully about the condition of Mo Qingchi lying outside the house.

"You are a monster, and your whole family is a monster."

As soon as Yu Chuchu's voice fell, he heard a dissatisfied and arrogant voice from a little girl, and suddenly asked: "Who is talking?"

Mo Qingchi passed through the door, revealing half of his head, and said to Yu Chuchu in the room, "Just Ang, little one, what do you think?"

Yu Chuchu shouted: "Ah... monster!"

Mo Qingchi said dissatisfiedly: "You are the monster, Ang is a noble unicorn, if you are talking nonsense, Ang will eat you.".

[The Last Demon Emperor of Thunderbolt The Latest Chapter 141 Unicorn Arm [Subscribe]]

141 Unicorn Arm【For Collection】

More than ten years ago, Yu Yue, who made a living by casting swords, used to live a happy and stable life.

But on a certain night when the sword was cast, an unusual wind and sand blew up, breaking this stability.

Yu Yue saw people running for their lives in the streets. Because Yu Yue made swords for a living, he had a strong stamina to flames. He picked up a sword and looked closer. It turned out that a fierce and unusual fire unicorn was raging here.

When Huo Qilin was approaching him, he jumped on the roof. At this moment, he suddenly saw a scar on Huo Qilin's body, but he didn't think that it was the key point.Yu Yue immediately jumped into the air and stabbed towards the scar. The fire unicorn sprayed his left arm like a thousand catties of hot oil, as if he wanted to fry his arm.At this moment, the fire unicorn, who was stabbed to death, fled away.

When he woke up, his left arm was already burnt, and he thought that this left arm was useless. Who would have guessed that after a month, all the burnt crust would fall off, revealing a brand new arm, because this brand new arm turned into a An extraordinary person.

As a hero to exorcise the unicorn demon, Yu Yue became famous, and later married a long-favored Meijiao 16. Mother and gave birth to a lovely daughter, which can be described as a good harvest in career and love!

However, luck and misfortune depended on each other. Although the Qilin Arm enhanced Yu Yue's strength and made him become a first-class master in the martial arts, the hot power hidden in the Qilin Arm always tormented Yu Yue. In order to cure the Qilin Arm, Yu Yue He often goes out to seek medical treatment, but when Yu Yue came back from a trip, he found that his parents fell in a pool of blood, and Yu Chuchu, who was just one month old, was dying!

And this was because the local magistrate, who had long coveted his wife, robbed him while he was out. His parents resisted and was beaten to death. On the night of his arrest, his beloved wife was unwilling to be humiliated.

In a rage, Yu Yue went to the yamen frantically to find the dog official to settle the account. The hatred inspired the demonic energy hidden in the unicorn's arm. Yu Yue, who was blinded by the killing intent, completely lost his mind and killed him with the unicorn's arm. When he killed the dog official, he also killed one hundred and three people in the government.

Seeing the little girl who was only six years old, the dog officer, who was completely crazy at this time, was like a beast, and he was about to wave his arms down. Just as he was about to start, he suddenly saw her desperate and pleading eyes, and suddenly arouse his pity.

Yu Yueru was struck by lightning, and he suddenly felt a big thing in his heart. Everyone has the right to survive, and he did not kill their lives at all.

Yu Yue was very regretful that he had killed these [-] people for his own personal vendetta, and at the same time let go of the dog officer's young daughter, but he had already made a big irreparable mistake, and the government quickly chased him down.

From then on, Yu Yue took Yu Chuchu, who was still in his infancy, to wander the rivers and lakes. Yu Yue regretted killing innocent people indiscriminately because of impulse, so during the wandering period, he kept his name incognito and used the unicorn arm to help people out of trouble, hoping to alleviate the sin in his heart. .

Later, in a cave in the back mountain of Fengxi Village, Yu Yue accidentally discovered the trace of a fire unicorn. In order to understand the secret of the unicorn arm and avoid the pursuit of the court, Yu Yue lived in seclusion here.

Yu Yue suffered from the burning of the unicorn arm for many years, so he has been searching for herbal medicine for so many years to suppress it. The transition from swordsman to physician.

Over the years, Yu Yue has also entered the cave many times, but he has never found any trace of the fire unicorn. Even in the past two years, Yu Yue has given up his plan to continue searching for the fire unicorn. Qilin took the initiative to come to the door, and I have to say that it is good luck!


The sun shines on the west mountain, and the blue wind is cool.

Inside the thatched hut, Yu Chuchu brought a pot of potion, soaked the towel, and wiped Qiluosheng's body.

Qi Luosheng was held in his mouth by Mo Qingchi and ran for most of the day. His clothes had already been burned to ashes by the flames of the beasts on Mo Qingchi's body. That is to say, Qi Luosheng's physique was super strong. If he were an ordinary person, he would be killed by Mo Qingchi. Even if she was not bitten into rotten flesh by Mo Qingchi's sharp teeth that could be compared to a divine soldier, she would be burned into coke by the high temperature attached to her body!

However, Qiluosheng's state at this time is not very good.In the crypt, in order to resist the energy that erupted after the destruction of the dragon veins, Qiluosheng was injured by it to the source, and then escaped with Mo Qingchi, causing Qiluosheng to fall into a coma. With a strong physique, he only needs a short rest to regain consciousness, but Mo Qingchi took Qiluosheng in his mouth and tossed it around, causing Qiluosheng's injuries to increase, otherwise he wouldn't be in a coma until now!

At this time, Qiluosheng had nothing but a thin blanket for the key department. Yu Chuchu was a pure and innocent girl. When did he come into contact with a strange man like this, he wiped the towel on Qiluosheng's body, and his eyes Don't dare to look around, cheeks are red, be careful of the wild "plop plop" of the liver.

Yu Chuchu looked at Qiluosheng with some obsession, stroked the snow-like white hair, and said to himself: "This person is so good-looking, but why is he full of white hair, is it because of love as in the story? He was injured overnight? Also, since he can subdue the giant beast outside, his martial arts must be very powerful, but why did he suffer 200 injuries and go into a coma? With strong muscles, Yu Chuchu was unknowingly immersed in his own fantasy, looking at that handsome and soft face.

Two hours later, the unconscious Qiluosheng woke up from the couch, opened his eyes, and found a little loli crawling beside him.

After all, Yu Chuchu was still young, and after rubbing the medicine for Qi Luosheng, she was a little tired, so she crawled on the edge of the bed and fell asleep.

Qiluosheng tilted his head and looked at it, only to see Yu Chuchu's side face was pink, and there was a trace of saliva hanging from the corner of his mouth, as if he was dreaming, and he looked very cute.

A breeze blew through, feeling a little cold on his body. At this time, Qi Luosheng realized that he was completely naked. Fortunately, he was thick-skinned. Recalling what happened before the coma, "I remember that I took Mo Qingchi to escape the range of the dragon vein eruption, but I haven't left Lingyun Cave yet, why is she here now, and where did that little girl Mo Qingchi run to? already?"


At this moment, Yu Yue, who was carrying the herbs on his back, shouted and walked into the house. He saw that Qiluosheng had changed into his clothes and got up. Although he was a little confused about where Qiluosheng got the clothes, he didn't ask any further questions. He smiled and said, "Young Master, you are awake!".

[The Last Demon Emperor of Thunderbolt The Latest Chapter 142 Kirin Arm 2 [Subscribe]]

142 Kirin Arm 2 [for a reward]

"Yeah! Demonic energy!" As soon as the middle-aged man approached, Qiluosheng felt a faint demonic energy in his body, but he didn't say it clearly, clasped his fists in a salute, and said with a smile: "It must be Your Excellency who saved me, next Qiluosheng, I would like to thank you here, I don’t know the name of your benefactor, if you have any dispatch, Qiluosheng will definitely be there.”

The middle-aged man hurriedly waved his hand and said, "It turned out to be Young Master Qi, and I am under Yuyue. I am ashamed to say that! The son's physique is different from ordinary people's, and Yu has no idea how to treat him. The way for Young Master Qi to recover is entirely dependent on his own resilience. Someone didn't help at all!"

"Dad, you're back!"

Hearing Yu Yue's cry, Yu Chuchu woke up in a daze, then thought of something, turned around and saw Qiluosheng smiling, remembering that he was dozing off on the edge of the strange man's bed just now, his face turned red all of a sudden, and he was in a hurry. Said: "I, I'm going out to cook." Then he ran out of the room in a flash.

"This child made the young man laugh." Yu Yue shook his head and laughed, his eyes full of doting.

"Where, where..." Qiluosheng then politely greeted Yu Yue.

Qi Luosheng was still very happy after learning that it was Yu's father-in-law and daughter who saved him, but when he saw that Yu Chuchu was just a little girl, Qi Luosheng felt a little regretful in his heart.

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