After chatting for a while, Yu Yue asked, "Young Master Qi, I don't know how you and Huo Qilin met, why did she call you the master?"

"It's a long story, it's like this..."

Qi Luosheng briefly talked about the process of subduing Huo Qilin. As for Longmai, Chi You, and why he was injured, Qi Luosheng did not mention a word.

Yu Yue is also an old man, so he could naturally hear that Qi Luosheng was hiding a lot of things, but he knew how to advance and retreat, and he didn't ask too much, so he pondered: "So it turns out, Huo Qilin can change so much, and it can be regarded as one of the martial arts. What a blessing! But Huo Qilin is irritable and talented, and I hope Young Master Qi will be more restrained in the future so as not to endanger the common people." No matter what happened in the past, now Yu Yue is a good man, knowing that Huo Qilin recognizes Qi Luosheng as a After the Lord, the original grudge was also put down.

Qiluosheng's face turned straight, and said: "Senior, don't worry, Xiaoqingchi was originally a divine beast, but in the past, his intelligence was not open, and he couldn't act on his own. Now that he has recognized me as the master, I will take good care of her, and I will not let her again. Willful nonsense."

"It's so good!" Hearing Qiluosheng's words, Yu Yue was very happy. Yu Yue was also a famous swordsmith in his early years. Every day, I don't know how many people from all corners of the world came to customize weapons. Naturally, his eyesight has also gained some, and in Yue's opinion, a character like Qiluosheng who can subdue the fire unicorn, what he says is naturally what he says.

Yu Chuchu appeared at the door with a face of cigarette ashes, interrupting the two of them, "Daddy, big brother has eaten."

Qi Luosheng stood up and felt that although his body was a little weak, he could move freely.

Walking out of the thatched hut, a wooden square table was placed on the open space outside. On the table were three bowls of corn rice and two plates of stir-frying vegetables. It seemed that there was very little oil and water, and it seemed that Yu Yue and the others were not living a rich life.

Yu Yue said heartily: "In the mountains and fields, there is nothing to entertain, and I hope the young master will not dislike it."

Yu Chuchu was playing with the corners of his clothes and looked at Qiluosheng nervously, afraid that Qiluosheng, who was dressed as gorgeously as your son, would say refusal.

"Senior, what are you talking about?" Qi Luosheng smiled and sat on Yu Yue's left.


The familiar sound of hoofs rang out, and the tableware and chopsticks on the table made a light "whoosh" sound under the vibration.

"It's Xiaoqingchi is back!" The voice fell, and a red shadow in the distance was quickly approaching, and it only came to the front of the thatched hut in a moment.

Mo Qingchi had already restrained the beast flames on his body, strode to Qiluosheng with great strides, dropped a tiger corpse as if offering a treasure, and said in a milky voice, "Master, you are awake! Great! I was a little hungry, so I went to the forest to hunt for food, but Ang also brought back a copy for the master!" Mo Qingchi crouched down, wagging his tail like an iron whip, as if expecting Qiluosheng's praise.

Qi Luosheng smiled and got up and patted Mo Qingchi's big head: "Little Qingchi is really good."

Yu Yue and Yu Chuchu on the side were shocked. I didn't expect that the mighty and majestic fire unicorn would be more docile than a puppy in front of Qiluosheng, which really made people have the urge to complain.


Qiluosheng spent a few days in Fengxi Village, and after recovering from his injury, Qiluosheng exorcised the remaining demonic energy in his body for Yu Yue, and opened the triple burner entrance of the unicorn arm for him, allowing Yu Yue to truly control the unicorn arm. , which is to repay Yu Yue's kindness for helping.

As for Yu Chuchu, Qi Luosheng taught her "The Art of the Misty Sword". Qi Luosheng is not as ruthless as Bu Jingyun, not to mention that this little girl is taking care of herself these days when she is recovering. With Chu Chu's pitiful situation, Qi Luosheng naturally didn't want her to follow her original path.

Yu Yueben did not object to the fact that Qiluosheng was passed on to Chu Chu martial arts. Although he did not want Chu Chu to get involved in martial arts, he also knew that some things could not be avoided! Attracting some villains to watch, it is also a good thing to have martial arts to defend yourself.

After helping Yu Chuchu to open up the meridians of the whole body and instructing Yu Chuchu on some matters that need to be paid attention to in his cultivation, Qi Luosheng took Mo Qingchi and said goodbye to Yu Yue.

Yu Yue sent Qiluosheng and Mo Qingchi out of the village, hugged their hands in a salute, and said, "You go well, Mr. Qi. If you have free time in the future, please come and sit again."

Qi Luosheng took out a jade box from the space and handed it to Yu Yue, and smiled gently: "Uncle Yu, please accept this little care (Nuo Nuo is good)."

Yu Yue saw that the whole box was made of high-quality jade, and the contents in the box must be extraordinary, so he quickly reached out and said, "Young Master Qi has done enough for my father and daughter, how can I accept this generous gift? !"

Qiluosheng didn't like the back and forth of refusal, so he shoved the jade box into Yuehuai's arms and said sternly, "I will never take back what Qiluosheng sent. If Uncle Yu doesn't like it, he can dispose of it himself and leave."

Qi Luosheng's body flashed, and he was already sitting on the back of Huo Qilin.

When Yu Chuchu saw Qiluosheng leave, he was full of reluctance and called out timidly, "Brother Qi, will you come to see Chuchu in the future?"

Qiluosheng turned back and smiled: "Of course."

The tone of affirmation is better than thousands of promises. The figure that has gone away has been firmly in the small heart. Yu Chuchu clenched his hands and wrote down the agreement that was not a promise. .

[The Last Demon Emperor of Thunderbolt's latest chapter 143 Baijian Villa [Subscribe]]

143 Baijian Villa [for collection]

The lonely boat has gone far away, and there is no return, sadness is not sad and sadness is born, parting, only those who snort and blame Luohui, people in the past are not, only the geese fly every year in the autumn.

Leaving three blood bodhis for his father-in-law and daughter, Qiluosheng rode a fire unicorn and rushed to the famous sword-casting place to worship the sword villa!

Along the way, Qiluosheng taught Mo Qingchi two more practical techniques, "Aircraft" and "Shape Transformation". "Aircraft" can give Mo Qingchi the ability to fly in the air Ability, and "Shape Transformation" can allow Mo Qingchi to change his body appearance, and he can even transform into a human shape after training to a certain extent!

In fact, logically speaking, divine beasts such as fire unicorns, dragons, and phoenixes should have their own bloodline inheritance. Except for the innate supernatural powers, the others will not! That's why Qiluosheng taught her these two spells.

Mo Qingchi already has the strength of the innate True Yuan Realm, but she still doesn't know how to use it. After obtaining the "Aircraft", Mo Qingchi quickly mastered the tricks, stepping on the fire cloud, running in the air like a Wind, fun to play.

As for the more complicated "Shape Transformation Technique", Mo Qingchi has not yet fully mastered it, so 953 can only reluctantly change the size of his body. However, as an arrogant divine beast, Mo Qingchi doesn't like getting smaller, because she hates the feeling of looking up at humans!


"A hundred generations is a prosperous capital, who is not a passer-by; Qianqiu Mingyue blows horns cold, flowers are the masters."

The breeze caressed the willows, the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant. Outside the Baijian Villa, a handsome white-haired man in snow-white clothes stood with his head held high, looking at the mansion not far away, he was holding a fiery red alien in his arms and took a step directly. , heading towards Baijian Villa in front.

Baijian Villa has a long heritage. Although it is declining today, it still has a profound background. The weapons it produces every year will attract many people from all corners of the world. In addition, the sword demon in the middle stage of Innate True Qi is also a strong man. !

However, in Qiluosheng's view, Baijian Villa is a downright take advantage of, a typical person is stupid and has a lot of money! If you don't fight the autumn wind here, Qiluosheng feels a little sorry for himself!

"I'm bowing down to Tiebiao at Sword Mountain Villa, how dare you ask your son's surname?"

Looking at the white-haired man who was gradually approaching Baijian Villa, Tie Biao, the head guard of the gate, naturally couldn't sit back and watch. Seeing that the person who came was dressed in luxurious clothes and had an extraordinary aura, he knew that the other party was not an ordinary person, so Tie Biao hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

Taking a casual look at this dragon-style character, Qi Luosheng smiled lightly, caressed Mo Qingchi, who had become smaller in his arms, and said softly, "Qi Luosheng is here to meet Mrs. Guizhuang Ao in white clothes, and I would like to ask Xiongtai. Let me know." His elegant, modest and reasonable manner made people feel like a spring breeze, and could not help but feel good in their hearts.

"This... I'm sorry! Mrs. Ao is still sleeping now, which is really inconvenient. Please ask the young master to come later." Tie Biao hesitated and said.

Hearing Tie Biao's polite refusal, before Qi Luosheng spoke, Mo Qingchi in his arms couldn't help it!A scum with a combat power of only five, who dares to shut her master from the door, she just doesn't know how to write the word "dead"! With a fierce light in his eyes, Mo Qingchi wanted to trample this girl to death, but he didn't act yet. , was pressed down by Qiluo without a trace.

Stroking Mo Qingchi's head, using his divine sense to make her not be impulsive, Qi Luosheng shook his head slightly, took out a jade box from his arms and handed it to Tie Biao, saying: "I know this is a bit difficult for a strong man, Xiongtai only needs to take this The jade box is handed over to Madam Ao, and she decides whether to see it or not."

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