"Well... okay! Please wait here for a moment, my son." I don't know Tie Biao, who had already walked around in front of the god of death, hesitated again and again, and finally took the jade box in Qiluosheng's hand and entered to report.

Looking at the figure of Tie Biao leaving quickly, a smile appeared on the corner of Qiluosheng's mouth. As long as Mrs. Ao saw what was in the box, Qiluosheng would not worry about her inviting her in.

Baijian Villa, in a rich and elegant room, two maids were combing the long hair of a masked middle-aged woman. At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor, and then Tie Biao knelt on one knee at the door. Outside, he respectfully said: "Madam! Outside the village, there is a son who calls himself Qiluosheng asking to see you!"

"Qi Luosheng?"

The masked woman was stunned. After thinking for a long time, she couldn't think of such a number one person in the world. She thought she was an unknown person, and she replied casually: "I don't want to see anyone now, you can send him away for me. !"

"Uh... yes, ma'am." Tie Biao had some plans for a while, but the hand holding the jade box was not handed out in the end!

"Yeah!" Mrs. Ao noticed that Tie Biao had paused for a moment, and turned back slightly dissatisfied, and happened to see Tie Biao put away the jade box in his hand from the crack of the door, and called: "Wait, what is in your hand? What is it?"

"This is something that Mr. Qi from outside the village handed over to the villain. He said that you only need to hand over this jade box to the lady, and you can decide whether to see it or not."

"Oh! It's interesting!"

Taking the jade box presented by Tie Biao, the masked woman opened the corner of the jade box with some curiosity, but her expression changed drastically after a while, and said to Tie Biao: "Tie Biao, immediately invite that son to my place. Room, remember, don't let the sword demon see it!"

Tie Biao clasped his fists and said sternly, "Yes! Madam."

Tie Biao led the way and quickly took Qiluosheng outside Madam Ao's room. Tie Biao knocked on the door lightly and said respectfully, "Madam, Young Master Qi has already brought it!"

"Yeah! Step back first and let Young Master Qi come in!" A lazy voice came from the room.

"Yes! Madam."

"Master Qi, my wife has an invitation." Tie Biao bowed his hands to Qi Luosheng, then waved his hand to the room: "Please!"

Qi Luosheng hugged Mo Qingchi and pushed the door in, and saw a masked woman sitting on a seat, playing with a jade box, which was just what he had given him.

"Mrs. Ao, do you still like this gift?"

"When you bow down to someone, you must ask for something! Young Master Qi is the first time to meet, so he gave such a heavy gift. I must have asked for something extraordinary. Can you tell me clearly!" Changed, but she quickly suppressed it.

Qiluosheng chuckled lightly: "Mrs. Ao is quick to speak, and she will speak bluntly next time. This time I only come here for two things."

[The Last Demon Emperor of Thunderbolt's latest chapter 144 Jiangshan Yandao [Subscribe]]

144 Jiangshan Yandao [for collection]

Qiluosheng chuckled lightly: "Mrs. Ao is quick to speak, and she will speak bluntly. This time I only come here for two things~."

Mrs. Ao opened the jade box and put it on the table. Inside the jade box were two mother and child fruits that were as bright as blood. There were waves of strange life vitality fluctuations in the jade box. It was the blood Qi Luosheng obtained from Lingyun Cave. - Bodhi.

Vitality is the foundation of the body and the source of life. Items that nourish vitality are often very rare, especially blood bodhi, a "sacred object" that nourishes vitality, which is extremely rare. It's a pity that Jianghu people have only heard of its name, but it has not been fruitful. .

And Baijian Villa began to build a peerless sword against the fire unicorn hundreds of years ago. It is natural to describe this "healing sacred object" cultivated with the blood of the unicorn. At the moment of seeing the blood bodhi, Mrs. Ao will He recognized that it was only because he invited Qiluosheng to enter Baijian Villa, a person who could use Blood Bodhi as a salutation letter, and had to attract the attention and curiosity of Mrs. Ao.

Taking a deep breath of the strange fragrance emanating from Blood Bodhi, Madam Ao felt refreshed and lightly covered the jade box to prevent the medicinal power of Blood Bodhi from being lost, Madam Ao said with a pleasant face, "I don't know what Young Master is asking for, but if you can do what you can do at Baijian Mountain Villa, Will do my best to help.”

These words are beautiful, I will do my best to help if I can, and if I can't, I can't help!

Qi Luosheng didn't care about Mrs. Ao's hidden metaphor, and comforted Mo Qingchi, who was a little unhappy, and said, "One, I hope Guizhuang will recast three weapons for me."

"This is easy to handle. Baijian Mountain Villa is definitely the best in the world, not to mention the casting skills. I agree to this! What about the second one?" Mrs. Ao said that she was just recasting weapons, and she agreed without thinking. began to ask.

"Ha!" Qi Luosheng chuckled and said with a hint of playfulness: "Madam is not in a hurry, you might as well listen to my request first."

"Request?" Mrs. Ao's expression darkened when she heard the words, and then she regained her graceful bearing and said, "I don't know what the young master asks, but it doesn't matter."

Qi Luosheng smiled slightly, took out the snow drink knife from the space and put it on the ground with his backhand. A frosty air was emitted from the blade, and the temperature in the room dropped by more than ten degrees.

"Where did he take out such a large knife? Could it be a trick?" Seeing Qiluosheng taking out a large knife out of thin air, Madam Ao was surprised for a while, then felt the chill on the knife, and said in surprise, "Xueyin Knife! Rumor has it that a year ago, King Nie and this knife were dragged into Lingyun Cave by the Qilin Demon, and they have disappeared since then.

"It's just a fluke, this is the first weapon I want to recast. This is the style after the recast. It's called Jiangshan Yandao, please take a look at my wife." Qiluosheng smiled lightly, and then took out a pair of Jiangshan from the space. The drawing of Yandao was handed to Madam Ao.

"Jiangshan Yandao! Young Master Qi has already thought about the name of the knife. It seems that the son is determined to get this thing! This is..." Mrs. Ao took a look at the drawing, and was immediately attracted by the gorgeous appearance of "Jiangshan Yandao" Attractive, the long and narrow blade of the Yandao is presented in white, not as gorgeous as the name of the knife, but in a warm white jade color, and the decorative pattern on the knife is a peony image, which is beautiful.Rather than a murder weapon, it is more of a work of art beyond the mundane.

Putting the blueprint on the table, Mrs. Ao thought about it for a while and said, "Xueyin Dao is a magical weapon, and it is not easy to recast it. I still need to ask the casting master before answering. I don't know the remaining two What is this weapon?" Madam Ao saw that Qiluosheng's shot was a treasure that people in all corners of the world dreamed of, and she became curious about Qiluosheng's next two weapons.

Qi Luosheng heard the words, took out two drawings from the space, put them on the table and said: "This knife is called Tears of the Black Moon, and the other is called Or Tianji."

Madam Ao read it carefully before putting down the blueprint reluctantly, and asked Qiluosheng, "I don't know what kind of weapon your son plans to use to recast it!"

"Peerless sword and sword of defeat."

"What! How did you know about the peerless sword and the sword of defeat?" Hearing Qi Luosheng's name, Madam Ao's expression changed dramatically, and she instantly became alert.The peerless sword is the hope of Zhenxin in Baijian Villa. Baijian Villa naturally attaches great importance to it, and has never disclosed the slightest rumor to the outside world! And the sword of defeat is only recorded in Zuzhi, even Mrs. Ao did not see it in person After seeing it, Mrs. Ao couldn't understand why Qi Luosheng knew about the existence of these two swords.

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Qi Luosheng ignored Madam Ao's shock and continued: "How to know, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that Madam is willing to do it with me."

"Fulfilling you, sister!" Looking at Qiluosheng, who was light and cloudless, Mrs. Ao suddenly had the urge to curse her mother, but in order to maintain a dignified image, Mrs. Ao had to take a deep breath to calm down, and immediately Mrs. Ao had the urge to curse her mother. Looking straight at Qi Luosheng, his black and white eyes showed a trace of anger at this moment, and said displeasedly: "Since Mr. Qi knows the sword of peerless excellence and the sword of defeat, he must also know about these two swords. What is the significance of Baijian Villa, why should it be difficult for others!"


With a slight smile, Qiluosheng caressed Mo Qingchi in his arms, and said indifferently, "The only thing Madam is worried about is the fear of losing the two swords, which will lead to the decline of Baijian Villa. In fact, I want to solve this problem, but It's not difficult, just find a good backer!"

"Oh! The backer that Young Master Qi said was referring to you, right?" Madam Ao raised her head and said slightly mockingly.

"Ha!" Qiluosheng chuckled and said aloud: "Madam is really smart, as long as you bow to Sword Villa and submit to me and regain your prestige, it's no problem."

"Young Master Qi is quite confident, but why should I trust you?" Madam Ao looked at Qiluosheng's beautiful face, her calm expression, as if everything was under his control, her expression changed, and she asked anxiously and curiously. road.

"Confidence comes from strength. Since Madam has doubts, I will give Madam a big gift first!" Qi Luosheng's lips were slightly raised, and a playful smile appeared on his face.

"Big gift?" Mrs. Ao said with some doubts.

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