Qi Luosheng nodded, his left index finger slipped lightly over his lips, and said lightly, "Yes, he is on his way!"

"Humph! Pretend to be mysterious."

Just then, there was a knock on Madam Ao's door!

Rough mine's voice came out of the door: "Mrs. Ao! Madam Ao! I am a sword demon! Open the door!".

[Thunderbolt: The Last Demon Emperor of the Last World Chapter 145 If you are ugly, you should read more [for flowers]]

145 People who are ugly should read more【For flowers】

"Mrs. Ao! Madam Ao! I'm a sword demon! Open the door!"

Hearing the screams outside the door, Madam Ao's face instantly turned ugly, she was both resentful and jealous of the sword demons outside, and then a flash of light flashed, and she said to Qi Luosheng: "The big gift that Mr. Qi said is not true. Could it be the Sword Demon?"

Qi Luosheng smiled and said: "Yes, the sword demon is a great gift from me. Presumably Madam Ao doesn't want to continue to be obsessed by the sword demon. Let's go on!"

Madam Ao's face changed instantly, her bright eyes rolled, and she said worriedly: "That sword demon has an extreme temperament and high strength, all the men who are alone with me will be killed by him, and if there is nothing for Mr. Qi to win It's better not to take risks!" Madam Ao was not worried about Qiluosheng's safety, but was afraid that Qiluosheng would not be able to beat the Sword Demon with "two seventy-seven", but instead angered him, which would involve herself at that time.

"I'm afraid it's too late!"

"Mrs. Ao, why is there a man's voice in your room?" The sword demon is also a master of the innate realm. If Qiluosheng hides his breath, the sword demon may not be able to find it, but when he talks to Madam Ao, he is immediately caught by someone outside the door. The sword demon noticed.


The door of the room was kicked open, and the sword demon walked in angrily. When he saw Qiluo Sheng, who was sitting opposite Mrs. Ao, he was obviously stunned. Sheng was actually a man, and was immediately furious.

"Who are you, white-haired boy? Why are you hiding in Mrs. Ao's room? Good! Since I bumped into you, then leave your life behind!" The elegant and handsome white-haired man in front of him asked Sword Demon Very unhappy, early in the morning, such a handsome man actually appeared in the room of the woman he liked, saying that there is no problem, who would believe it!Anyway, Sword Demon doesn't believe it.

"call out!"

Without waiting for Qiluosheng to answer, the sword demon pointed forward without warning, and a sharp sword energy shot out instantly and shot towards Qiluosheng.

"Ha!" Qi Luosheng sneered with disdain, and then flicked his fingers, the blue sword energy directly tore the air, and collided with the sword energy shot out of the sword demon's fingers.


With a loud bang, the doors and windows in the house were instantly torn apart, and the sword demon only felt a terrifying force, which instantly entered his body, and suddenly vomited vermilion.

On the other hand, Qiluosheng was still light and cloudless. The bursting sword energy was not even close, and was offset by an invisible air wall two meters away. There was not even a trace of smoke and dust around Qiluosheng, and the gap between the two was instantly high. Judgment.

Seeing this, Mrs. Ao's eyes lit up, and she gave Qiluosheng a deep look, but didn't say anything.

The sword demon wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth outside the door, and walked into the half-destroyed room as if nothing had happened, Qiluosheng jokingly said: "Call out when it hurts, don't hold back, it's easy to hold back the internal injury. "

"Don't be arrogant, white-haired boy. I was careless just now, and I had the ability to fight." The sword demon was really careless. He only used three layers of skill in one blow. Losing face, and now hearing Qiluosheng's ridicule again, the Sword Demon immediately launched a battle, not to be outdone.

"Hey, I'm a scholar, and it's humiliating to fight and kill." Qi Luosheng waved his hand and continued: "If you insist on competing with me, why don't we just recite poems and draw pictures, how about playing the piano and composing music? "After Qiluosheng finished speaking, Mo Qingchi in his arms rolled his eyes wildly, and couldn't stop complaining about Qiluosheng in his heart.

"The scholar? When did the scholar become so powerful! Are you kidding me?" The Sword Demon was secretly angry, of course he couldn't believe Qiluosheng's words, let alone recite poems and paintings with Qiluosheng. , because he doesn't know anything about this aspect at all, so naturally he won't humiliate himself in front of the person he likes, and instead said angrily: "Little white face, if a man is a man, he should fight in a man's way, and dancing with words is something that girls play with. ."

Qiluosheng chuckled lightly and said, "Brother Tai's words are wrong. The Master said, learning without thinking is useless, thinking without learning is dangerous. "..." A series of words made the Sword Demon feel dizzy, and he didn't know why.

"My son said..."

The Sword Demon shouted loudly: "Enough! Speak human words." He listened to it for ten minutes, but he didn't understand a word. Pulse Sword Qi" greeted!

"Uh! Okay!" Qiluosheng said earnestly: "Actually, what I want to express is that if you are ugly, you should read more. You are so ugly, if you don't have some knowledge, it will be difficult to find a wife! "

"Damn, I'm going to slaughter you!" The huge roar shook the blue tiles of the roof from cracks! Until now, the sword demon still doesn't know that the white-haired man in front of him is scolding him ugly! There is a saying that you don't slap someone in the face, and you don't expose your shortcomings when you swear... Now, in front of Mrs. Ao, this person has stabbed in the sore spot. With the personality of the sword demon, how can you swallow this bad breath.

I saw the blue scriptures on the sword demon's head jumping violently, squeezing his fists with a "kaka" sound, and he wanted to rush up and tear the white-haired man in front of him, but looking at the masked Madame Ao next to him, the sword demon was hard. Lively endured.

Qiluosheng didn't care about the undisguised killing intent of the sword demon, and sighed: "Hey! I'm just telling the truth, why should you be angry! Since you don't have any skills, and you only have one specialty in martial arts, then I There is only reluctance to accompany you!"

"You, hum! If you can't use it here, follow me to the backyard for a fight." The sword demon didn't want to talk to Qiluosheng, and he already regarded him as a dead person in his heart. Seeing that Qiluosheng agreed to the competition, he waved his sleeves. Step outside.

Qi Luosheng didn't get up immediately, but asked Madam Ao next to him: "What is Madam Ao going to do with this gift? I wish I had a standard, otherwise it would be bad if I accidentally killed him. !" That relaxed look, as if the one who is about to fight is not the notorious sword demon in the martial arts, but an ant who can play at will with 4.1.

"This guy!" Facing Qiluosheng who seemed to be winning, Mrs. Ao didn't know how to respond. She watched everything just now. Whether it was Qiluosheng or Sword Demon, in Mrs. Ao's eyes, it was not a problem. What kind of kind! No matter who among them lives or dies, it will do no harm to Madam Ao.When the sword demon died, she avenged her husband's revenge! Qiluo's life and death, she won the blood bodhi and the snow drink knife, no matter how it was considered a loss!

But aside from other things, in all fairness, Mrs. Ao still hopes that Qiluosheng can win. As for the reason...

Hmm! If you are ugly, you should read more!


Tomorrow will be a new month again. I am going to present the third watch, and I would like to ask for your support! In addition, I would like to thank "Twelve", "Prodigal Son", "**", "a**" and others for their monthly tickets and flowers. .

[The Last Demon Emperor of Thunderbolt's Last Chapter 146 The Tragic Sword Demon [Subscribe]]

146 The tragic sword demon

Xiao Shaoqi permeated all around.

In the backyard of Baijian Villa, the sword demon and Qi Luosheng faced each other, one with a gloomy and murderous look on his face, and the other calm and self-confident.

In the end, Mrs. Ao didn't say anything, but just stood quietly upstairs to watch the battle. Before the victory or defeat, Mrs. Ao didn't want to bet lightly. Anyway, in the current situation, there must be something between Qiluosheng and the sword demon. Once she died, she just had to wait, there was absolutely no need to take risks.

After all, chips are the safest thing to hold in your own hands!


Seeing that Qi Luosheng was still holding a strange beast in front of him, the sword demon didn't seem to take himself seriously at all, and said fiercely: "Little white face, you are still holding a freak when you are about to die, it seems that you are very concerned about this. Stuff! I'll be a good guy and send you on the road together!"

Although the Sword Demon looks wretched and is rather short in stature, as a famous swordsman, he is also a proud person. If it weren't for the pride of his wife, he would be willing to be buried in Baijian Villa! Now seeing Qiluosheng "despise" himself so much, The trace of fear that originally existed was also instantly drowned out by the anger in his heart, the second finger of the left hand quickly shook out, and the 16 sword lights loomed at the fingertips.

"Broken Pulse Sword Qi!"

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