The sword demon roared, and a sword energy that was several times stronger than before was shot towards Qi Luosheng with endless sharpness.With the previous experience of suffering, the sword demon will go all out this time and no longer keep it, and even the air is slightly distorted where the broken pulse sword qi passes.

Qiluosheng's eyes flashed, his body did not move, and the invisible energy burst out from his body towards the surroundings, forming a layer of absolute defense.

"Reverse the source of magic!"


The "Broken Pulse Sword Qi" bombarded the "Reverse Demon Source" and was instantly absorbed by the gas mask. Then Qi Luosheng waved his right hand lightly, and a more violent "Break Pulse Sword Qi" reflected towards the sword demon.

"How is it possible! What kind of move is this, it can bounce back my broken pulse sword energy, and the power seems to be stronger than what I send out!"

The Sword Demon's face became extremely ugly, and the aura emanating from Qi Luosheng's body can't be described as overwhelming.


"Broken Pulse Sword Qi" bombarded the Sword Demon, instantly crushing the Sword Demon's body-protecting sword energy. After all, the Sword Demon is a battle-hardened character. At the critical moment, the True Qi is gathered on one side, and the center of gravity is tilted to the side. Dangerously avoided the fatal blow.

"Pfft!" The sword qi passed by and smashed the rockery behind him. Although the sword demon avoided the vital point of the body, it was a bit slower after all. The left arm was still slashed by the sword qi, and blood ran down the arm. Slowly dripping, shocking!

The Sword Demon looked at Qiluosheng who was standing there angrily, his eyes were full of anger, he was very unwilling, that his dignified Sword Demon would be forced into such a situation by a white-haired boy who had never even heard of it. It was an inevitable humiliation, and the most important thing was that it was in front of the woman he loved, which made the Sword Demon go mad with shame.

"I don't believe it, give me death!"


The sword demon seemed to have gone mad, and the "Broken Pulse Sword Qi" seemed to need no money, and shot out violently, shooting towards the vital points around Qi Luosheng.

Facing the menacing sword qi, Qi Luosheng was still as steady as Mount Tai.

"Reverse the source of magic!"

Same as before, after the Sword Demon's "Broken Pulse Sword Qi" hit the "Reverse Demon Source", it immediately doubled its counterattack and shot at the key points of Sword Demon's body.

It can be described as a cocoon, the sword demon used all his techniques, but only avoided most of the "broken pulse sword qi", and added a few new injuries to his body! Faced with such a strange situation, the sword demon no longer dared to take action rashly, shouting. : "Little white face, what kind of sorcery is this, why is it so strange, and if there is a kind of it, it will be a dignified battle with Laozi."

"I've done my best to cooperate with you! Standing here and letting you fight, what else do you want? You can't break my protective shield, blame me!" expression.

Hearing this, Sword Demon's old face couldn't help but turn red, and he didn't know if he was angry or ashamed.

But Mrs. Ao, who was watching the battle in Tinglou, was surprised. Although she knew that Qiluosheng was unfathomable, she was not sure how strong Qiluosheng was. Now the strength that Qiluosheng has shown has far exceeded her. Her estimate, no, was beyond her imagination!

"Who is this Qiluosheng? Why have I never heard of this character before in the rivers and lakes! Just standing still can force the long-established sword demon into danger. Such strength is simply inhuman!" Looking at the embarrassed sword demon and the spotless Qiluosheng in the quiet courtyard, Mrs. Ao also began to think about Qiluosheng's previous suggestion!


It seemed that he had made up his mind, and the sword demon was not attacking rashly. Qi Luosheng was rather bored when he saw this, and said to Mrs. Ao who was upstairs in the court: "Have you ever thought about how to deal with this great gift?"

After a long time, Mrs. Ao took a deep breath and said, "Young Master Qi, I have already thought about it! I want him to die!" Mrs. Ao's voice was cold, revealing an unforgettable hatred.

"Mrs. Ao, you..." Sword Demon heard the conversation between the two, and his heart was cut like a knife. He didn't expect that he was infatuated with Madam Ao, but what he got was such a result. The blow of the sword demon was a thousand times stronger than the pain on his body, making him almost mad.

"Crack, I received." Qi Luosheng was not in the mood to care about the feelings of the sword demon, he snapped his fingers and said to Mo Qingchi in his arms: "Xiao Qingchi, you should also exercise, this sword demon is very good at it. , you play with him!"

"Okay! I've long seen this bearded man, and I dare to call Ang a freak. I have to bake him." Mo Qingchi shook his head, jumped out of Qiluosheng's arms, and instantly changed back. On the main body, surging flames enveloped the whole body, and walked towards the Sword Demon calmly.

"Fire Unicorn!"

"Fire Unicorn!"

The sword demon and Mrs. Ao exclaimed at the same time, their eyes full of disbelief, this red strange beast that Qi Luosheng has been holding quietly in his arms is actually the legendary fire unicorn with a fierce reputation, and this fire unicorn can not only spit People say, you can also change the size of the body, it is incredible!

The flames swept all directions, and the surrounding flowers and plants instantly turned to ashes. Mo Qingchi said in a milky voice, "Beard, disaster comes from your mouth, you have to pay a high price for your stupidity!".

[The Last Demon Emperor of Thunderbolt's latest chapter 147 Mrs. Proud [2 more]]

147 Mrs. Proud

"Bearded, disaster comes from your mouth, you have to pay a high price for your stupidity!"

The innocent voice was accompanied by monstrous flames, Mo Qingchi walked on foot, just now the sword demon scolded her as a freak, which has already motivated Mo Qingchi's murderous intention, but she is very vengeful!

"Fire unicorn! It turns out to be a fire unicorn, bastard! How holy is this white-haired boy? He can actually conquer such a peerless beast!" Facing the sudden transformation of Mo Qingchi, the sword demon didn't expect it. The sword demon, who has experienced hundreds of battles, was also taken aback by surprise. Even if he was in full state, he could not be the opponent of the fire unicorn, not to mention that he was injured now. The sword demon hurriedly flashed and tried to escape this danger. place.But, it's too late! How could the careful Mo Qingchi let the Sword Demon leave!

I saw Mo Qingchi grinned, revealing a hideous smile (actually a smile), the fire clouds rolled under his feet, and flew in front of the sword demon, blocking the sword demon's retreat.

"Bearded, you want to run after pretending to be forced, it's not that easy! Die!"

"Fire palm!"

Mo Qing Chi Jiao shouted, and he was in mid-air, his front hooves slammed out, a huge flame of palm qi descended from the sky and attacked the sword demon below.

"What a joke, this fire unicorn is too good! Not only can it fly in the sky, but it can also use palm techniques! Is this going to go against the sky?" Means a quick shot.

"Broken Pulse Sword Qi!"


The sword qi was slightly blocked, and it was defeated by the giant palm. The sword demon took advantage of this gap and hurriedly flashed backwards. At the same time, Mo Qingchi's majestic giant palm slammed down, and the sword demon was just standing on the ground. Several feet of giant hoof claw deep pits.


The huge palm fell, shaking the sky and shaking the earth, the earth burst several feet in an instant, and the flames burned the four fields, turning most of the backyard into a piece of scorched earth.

Above the courtyard, Mrs. Ao clung to the guardrail tightly. The scorching hot air made it difficult for her to breathe. The small mouth under the veil had now opened into an 'O' shape. Mo Qingchi's move was not just a sword The demon was seriously injured, and even destroyed the entire backyard. Madam Ao's eyes were dull, her whole body was trembling, and she muttered to herself: "Is this the strength of the fierce beast Huo Qilin? It's terrible! This kind of monster is not human at all. It can compete! Can a peerless sword really kill such a powerful fire unicorn?" For the first time, Mrs. Ao began to doubt whether the persistence of generations of people in Baijian Villa still makes sense.

"Cough cough!"

The sword demon struggled to support himself. Although he avoided the frontal attack of the "Huo Lin Zhang", he was also injured by the "Huo Lin Zhang"'s residual power. At this time, there were burning marks all over his body, and his hair and beard had already disappeared. It was all scorched, the clothes were shattered and damaged, and the swollen and festering face was like a ghost in hell, and it looked very miserable and cautious!

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