"Impossible! Impossible! Impossible!" The Sword Demon roared madly in the sky, not daring to accept this cruel reality, his distorted face was dripping with blood, but he didn't seem to know it, and roared angrily: "I am Sword Demon, Demon in Sword! I can't..."


Before the sword demon could finish his words, the impatient Mo Qingchi dodged and came to him. The big hoof claws of the bamboo hat waved at will, as if chasing flies. "Kacha" only heard the sound of bone cracking, and the sword demon Before he could even let out a scream, he flew out and smashed the screen engraved with the fire unicorn in the courtyard. Blood and gravel splashed, and the whole body was like mud.

"Sword Demon..." Mrs. Ao's face changed greatly when she saw this scene. The Sword Demon died so tragically. She felt both relief and fear. She didn't expect the Fire Qilin to be so terrifying! The long-established Sword Demon, In front of the fire unicorn, it was like being kneaded with mud, and there was almost no power to fight back.

After the shock, Mrs. Ao focused her eyes on Qiluosheng. What is the origin of this man in white clothes like snow? Not only is his strength unfathomable, but even the rumored peerless beast, Huoqilin, obeys his words! Such a powerful man. The strength of the background is unknown, but what kind of ulterior motive is there in this?


After dealing with the sword demon, Mo Qingchi changed back to the appearance of a small beast, jumped into Qiluosheng's arms, and asked expectantly, "Master, how was Ang's performance just now?"

Rubbing Mo Qingchi's horned head, Qiluosheng smiled and said, "It's not bad, but the control of energy is not concentrated enough, and the strength is too scattered. My family's, otherwise I'll be heartbroken to death!" He patted his chest, pretending to be rejoicing.

"Master, don't laugh at Ang, or Ang will ignore you in the future." Seeing Qi Luosheng's appearance, Mo Qingchi bowed restlessly in Qi Luosheng's arms, his charming and innocent tone, if he only listened to the voice , it is difficult to associate her with the fierce fire unicorn just now.

Just when Qiluosheng was joking about Mo Qingchi, the guard of Baijian Villa heard the movement, saw the backyard was densely covered with smoke, and the fire was soaring into the sky, so they hurried over.

"Get out of the water! Everyone, put out the fire!"

"The madam is still upstairs, hurry up and protect the madam!"

Hundreds of guards came and moved quickly. The weaker ones threw themselves into the firefighting ranks. Several stronger guard leaders rushed to the courtyard where Madam Ao was located to protect Madam Ao's safety.

A fire-fighting guard found the body of the sword demon under the broken screen, and exclaimed: "This... this is the sword demon! How could it die here, and who did it (for what money)?"

Another guard said: "My buddy will not admit it wrong! Lord Sword Demon is a strong man in the innate realm, and he has been famous for a long time, how can he die so miserably?"

"I won't admit it wrong, I recognize his bracers and shawl, this must be Lord Sword Demon!"

Several guards who came after hearing the sound focused their eyes on the blurred and indistinguishable corpse. After some identification, it was determined that the deceased was the sword demon, and they were shocked! The sword demon is the highest combat power of Baijian Mountain Villa. , even he died so tragically, if the "murderer" starts killing, who else can resist Baijian Villa!

Mrs. Ao didn't tell these guards about the sword demon and Qiluosheng's fight, so they didn't know what happened. Now that the sword demon was killed and the backyard was on fire, these guards who didn't know the truth were covered. A layer of shadow, feeling extremely uneasy and fearful!

148 Aotian [Subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, important things to say three times]

Several guard leaders who ran towards Madam Ao, when they jumped up the court building, saw a white shadow instantly appear beside Madam Ao, and they were shocked and reminded: "Madam, be careful!"


Madam Ao turned her head and saw Qiluosheng who suddenly appeared behind her was also startled, but she quickly calmed down and said coldly to the guards who came over: "It's okay, Young Master Qi is my honored guest, you first Go down and put out the fire!"

"This... yes, ma'am."

Although the guard leaders were a little puzzled, they still did not dare to disobey Madam Ao's order.

Qi Luosheng said apologetically to Mrs. Ao, "I'm really sorry, Xiao Qingchi is ignorant and I've caused you trouble!"

Mrs. Ao calmed down and said, "Young Master Qi, why did you say this, to kill the evil thief Sword Demon and avenge your husband, what is a mere courtyard?"


Although the sword demon is unparalleled in cultivation, his martial arts are superb!However, he is obsessed with love, obsessed with swords, and does not follow etiquette. He is also unreasonable and has a very unusual personality. He often kills people at the thought of it. There is no moral restraint in his heart, and he only cares about the two in his life.

One is... a sword!

The other one is the hostess of Baijian Villa... Mrs. Ao!

Sword Demon has been obsessed with Mrs. Ao since he met Mrs. Ao more than ten years ago. For this reason, he brutally murdered his own wife, and engraved the words "Son of Sword Demon" on his only son's face to let him fend for himself. Madam, the sword demon killed the former owner of Baijian Villa and Madam Ao's husband while he was out on business!

The Sword Demon tried his best to possess Mrs. Ao!

But after so many years, the Sword Demon not only failed, but instead made Madam Ao's killing intent more and more serious. If she hadn't worried about the foundation of the Sword Villa, Madam Ao would have killed the Sword Demon long ago!


"I just didn't expect that Young Master Qi was so young and possessed such a thaumaturgy, that he would be able to rebound all the "broken pulse sword energy" of the sword demon.

Mrs. Ao asked tentatively, Qiluosheng's martial art of rebounding attacks is simply a magical skill in Mrs. Ao's opinion.In martial arts, there are quite a few (bgfc) exercises that can use strength to fight. The most famous one is the "Immortal Seal" by Shi Zhixuan, the Evil King. Completely neutralize or rebound the opponent's attack.But Qiluosheng can completely absorb the enemy's attack, and then strengthen the power to fight back. Although the two have similarities, their power is very different!

Qi Luosheng didn't explain it to Madam Ao, and said with a chuckle, "It's just a leisure activity, it can't kill people."

Seeing that Qiluosheng was unwilling to answer, Mrs. Ao was not asking questions, she was a smart woman, she knew that some things couldn't be answered, she nodded, and continued, "Young Master Qi really knows how to joke, it's too noisy here, it's better for Young Master Qi to follow along. How about I go to the front room and talk again?"

Mrs. Ao's voice was soft and elegant, not like a mother, but like a seventeen-year-old flower girl. Although people couldn't see his face through the veil, the hazy beauty was what made him feel. People can't help but yearn for it.

"It's better to be respectful than to obey, Mrs. Ao, please." Qiluosheng said politely.

As he moved, Qi Luosheng quietly walked side by side with Mrs. Ao, casually looking at the environment in Baijian Villa, the splendid buildings, pavilions and pavilions, small bridges and flowing water can be seen everywhere. The net worth is indeed rich enough.

After a while, the two came to a living room, and after they were seated, the servant immediately served the tea.

Madam Ao reprimanded the servants and said, "I can agree to what Young Master Qi said earlier about casting soldiers, but I have one condition."

"Oh! Madam Ao, but it doesn't matter." Qiluosheng chuckled, but he wanted to see what tricks this woman could play.

Mrs. Ao sighed: "My son, Aotian, is arrogant and arrogant, but when he does things, he shrinks his head and his tail. It's not as good as before, I originally wanted to wait for the birth of the peerless sword to help Tian'er create the foundation and revitalize Baijian Villa."

After Mrs. Ao paused for a while, she continued: "However, since Young Master Qi is going to use a peerless sword to recast the blade, Baijian Villa will help you. I just hope that Young Master Qi can accept Tian'er as his disciple and train him well."

"Mrs. Ao wants me to be Linglang's master!"

"Yes, Mr. Qi is humble and polite, and his mental and martial arts are also extraordinary. I wonder if the dog has this blessing?" Mrs. Ao nodded and said.

"I can't accept apprentices, but I like to wander around, I'm afraid I don't have much time to teach carefully."

Mrs. Ao smiled and said: "It's okay, it is a blessing that the dog has cultivated for several generations to be able to worship Qi Gongzi as a teacher. As long as Qi Gongzi takes some time to guide the dog, I will be satisfied!"

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