Seeing that Mrs. Ao actually started to put on a tall hat for her son, Qiluosheng chuckled: "Mrs. Ao is too serious, why don't you call Linglang first, I also want to see if there is a suitable skill to teach."

Mrs. Ao held her hands in a salute, and said with a little joy: "Young Master Qi, wait here for a while, I'll go and call the dog."

After a while, Mrs. Ao came slowly, with an eleven- or twelve-year-old boy by her side. It should be Aotian!

Aotian is the proud son of heaven born with a golden spoon in his mouth. He is arrogant and arrogant. He is also a young master who wants wind and rain in Baijian Villa. Apart from his mother Mrs. Ao and his master Sword Demon, he No one looked down on him, but today, his mother told him that his enemy who killed his father was actually the master who taught him to practice martial arts!

His mother also told him that the sword demon was killed now, and the person who killed the sword demon would become his new master! The twists and turns of the story made this young master a little dizzy, but out of respect for his mother, Aotian still followed him obediently.

However, when he saw Qiluosheng sitting in the living room, some of the dissatisfaction in Aotian's heart dissipated. His handsome appearance and elegant temperament could easily solve the strength of the sword demon. All of this was so perfect. The image of Qiluosheng is the image of the master that Aotian yearns for. .

 149 Chuan Gong [For Tickets]

Aotian is only eleven years old this year, with a thin body, about [-] meters tall, with a bright face and an inexplicable arrogance between his eyebrows.

At this moment, Ao Tian, ​​who was dressed in fancy clothes, followed Madam Ao to the living room, and a pair of sly big eyes looked curiously at the appearance of the future master in the living room.

White hair and blue eyes, beautiful as jade, and snow-white all over, revealing an elegant and calm, independent charm, holding a fiery red alien beast in his arms, staring at them with a smile.

"I think this is Young Master Ling, he is indeed a talent." Qi Luosheng sat on the seat, his voice was as gentle as the breeze, and said to Mrs. Ao and her son who entered the living room.

"Young Master Qi is wonderful, the dog is stubborn, please ask Master Qi to take care of him after "Three Seven Three"!" Mrs. Ao gave Qi Luosheng a salute, and then said to Xiao Aotian: "Tian'er, this is your future The master Qiluo gave birth to Young Master Qi, and you are not ready to pour tea for Young Master Qi."

Hearing the words, Ao Tian took the fragrant tea prepared by the maid next to him, kneeled on the ground respectfully, and said, "Disciple Ao Tian, ​​pay respect to Master, please use tea." Ao Tian held the tea with both hands above his head. , staring at Qiluosheng a little nervously, and Mo Qingchi in his arms.

On the way here, Mrs. Ao has told Aotian about Qiluosheng and Huo Qilin, and explained that he must be humble and polite, and strive to show the best side in front of Qiluosheng.

Qi Luosheng took the teacup, took a sip, and said calmly: "Okay, from today onwards, you are the eldest disciple under the master, and there are not many rules in this sect. But don't, the disciples of this sect are not allowed to oppress the good and good at will, or act indiscriminately, otherwise the teacher will not be forgiven lightly, you can understand."

Aotian nodded seriously and said: "Yes, the disciple must follow the teacher's teaching!"

"Well, get up! These are the two martial arts that I got for my teacher. You can study them first. If there is anything you don't understand, you can come and ask me. When you are successful in your practice, I will teach you other martial arts. ." Qi Luosheng took out two secret books from the space and gave them to Aotian, said.

"Little Wuxianggong", "Lingbo Weibu"?Aotian looked at the names of the two secret books and was a little stunned. What kind of martial arts is this?Never heard of it at all!I thought to myself: "This cheap master is not perfunctory!"

"The "Lingbo Microsteps" is a light-gong footwork method, based on the Eighty-eighty-Sixty-Four hexagrams of the Book of Changes. This "Lingbo Micro Steps" is based on the practice of inner strength, and the footsteps travel through the sixty-four hexagrams for a week, and the inner breath naturally turns around for a week, so every time he walks, the inner strength will gain a little bit. "

After explaining the characteristics of the two martial arts, Qi Luosheng said to Ao Tian, ​​whose eyes were shining, "Well, if you are willing to learn it, if you don't want to, I will switch to other martial arts."

"Yes, yes, thank you, Master! Thank you, Master." Aotian heard that these two martial arts are so amazing, so he is willing to change, thinking in his heart, if this new master gets angry, he will replace it with two ordinary martial arts. , didn't he lose a lot!At the moment, the little head kept clicking like a chicken pecking rice, and the two little hands hugged the secret book tightly, as if for fear that someone would snatch him.  …

Even Mrs. Ao, who doesn't practice martial arts on the side, heard that "Little Wu Xiang Gong" has the effect of permanent appearance, and couldn't help but light up in front of her eyes. The beauty is easy to grow old, and there are a few women who can withstand the eternal youth. The temptation, not to mention that Mrs. Ao was originally a beautiful woman, so she was more concerned about her appearance.

Seeing Madam Ao's heartbeat, thinking that one sheep is also chasing, and two sheep are also chasing, Qiluosheng simply said to Madam Ao: "If Madam Ao is interested, you can also practice with Tian'er."

"Is this true?" Madam Ao asked in disbelief.

You must know that many sects regard martial arts secrets as treasures, and they will not be easily passed on. Even the martial arts family is passed on from men to women, and even their own flesh and blood must be kept in their hands, but Qiluosheng will easily pass on such magical secrets, proud Madam is really confused.

"Do I need to lie to you?" Qi Luosheng said with a smile.

Seeing that Qiluosheng didn't seem to be joking, Mrs. Ao gave Qiluosheng a gift and postponed: "Thank you, Young Master Qi, it's just that this thing is too precious, and I'm ashamed of it."

She really didn't understand why a person who was completely stranger to 3.6 students would be so kind to herself?Unless he has some intentions, and the only thing he can make him attempt now is...

Thinking of this, Madam Ao's pretty face blushed slightly, and at the same time she began to be vigilant against Qi Luosheng.

"Mrs. Ao, don't be too careful. I have already mastered these secrets, and they are of no use to me. As long as you are willing to write a few copies at any time, Madam Ao can practice with peace of mind." Qi Luosheng saw the expression in Madam Ao's eyes. Vigilant color, can not help but smile.

Do you look like the bad guy?Now she is still so vigilant about herself, which makes Qiluosheng speechless for a while.

"This...Thank you for your kindness, Young Master Qi, the slave family is ashamed!" Mrs. Ao said here, her pretty face under the veil drooped down a little shyly, and at the same time she gave Qi Luosheng a shy look. .


After all, Xiao Aotian is a teenager, and he can't hide things in his heart, so he asked Qiluosheng: "Master, what kind of martial arts are these "Little Wuxiang Gong" and "Lingbo Weibu"? I have never heard of it before. If it is not the ultimate martial arts, I don't want to waste time on this..." Perhaps it was already a habit, and Aotian unconsciously carried a hint of arrogance when he spoke.

"Tian'er, don't be rude!" Mrs. Ao hurriedly stopped, and at the same time secretly blamed herself for being too doting on Aotian on weekdays, so that Aotian developed a proud and arrogant character! Qiluosheng's strength , Mrs. Ao has seen it with her own eyes, even the fierce and famous sword demon is vulnerable in front of him, such a strong man, the martial arts included must be extraordinary! With such an attitude of Aotian, Mrs. Ao is really worried Will cause Qiluosheng unhappy!

"Ha!" Qiluosheng smiled indifferently and said, "It's okay, both "Little Wuxianggong" and "Lingbo Weibu" are unique martial arts of the hidden Taoist sect, and "Little Wuxianggong" is the heart of inner strength. Dharma is powerful, its main feature is that it is invisible and has no trace to be found. As long as you have this skill, you will know other martial arts moves. Relying on its incomparable power, you can imitate other people's unique skills and even be better than the original. And it has a permanent appearance. The effect is a magical skill that gathers the essence of Taoist martial arts."

"The "Lingbo Microsteps" is a light-gong footwork method, based on the Eighty-eighty-Sixty-Four hexagrams of the Book of Changes. This "Lingbo Micro Steps" is based on the practice of inner strength, and the footsteps travel through the sixty-four hexagrams for a week, and the inner breath naturally turns around for a week, so every time he walks, the inner strength will gain a little bit. "

150 World Sealing Knife【Subscribe】

Ask Queqiao what love is in the world, and teach Queqiao people to save the pain of love!

In the [-]th year of the great cause, in the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month, the snow was flying, and the sky and the earth were the same color in an instant. The wind and snow filled the whole world, and everywhere was white. The roofs and treetops were covered with pure white snow, crystal clear and translucent, and everything was covered in silver. Wrapped look.

Time flies, time flies, three years have passed in a blink of an eye.

During this period, in addition to running around for the recasting of the gods, Baijian Villa also expanded rapidly with the support of Qiluosheng, and established the position of the overlord in the West Wulin.

But this is only the identity of Baijian Villa on the bright side. In the dark, Baijian Villa has joined the new force created by Qiluosheng: the world is sealed!

The World Sealing Sabre is an organization established by Qiluosheng three years ago (slightly modified according to the prototype of the World Sealing Sabre in Distressed Realm). Absolute", and "One God Sword".

Qianwei is the black-clothed guard, and is the lowest level of staff. He will pass the assessment every year. The one who competes in martial arts can compete with Liuwuhou. The winner can be promoted to one of the six people. There are six people, and the fourth stream is the four famous celebrities in spring, summer, autumn and winter, that is, Yinyiwei.

Sanzong is the three martial arts masters of Tiandiren, responsible for the martial arts education of all personnel.

The Second Jue is the right and left guardian directly under Qiluosheng.

Yi Shen Dao is the esteemed lord of the world's sealed swords - Jiangshan Kuaishou. Qi Luosheng.

The shelf is set up, but the world's sword is a newly established organization after all. Now, except for "Qianwei", "Liuhou", and Qiluosheng, the "one god sword" and the mysterious deputy master! The rest "Four Streams", "Three Sects", and "Er Jue" are all vacant, and a suitable candidate has not yet been found.

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