
In a moment of distraction, Ji Wuxia was hit by the Demon Prince's evil flame, and he vomited blood and flew out.

"To be able to push Ningyuan to this level, this woman is really strong, it's a pity!" The strength of the devil prince, as a sub-body, is the most clear, and Ji Wuxia can defeat the two of them, if not for the distraction of the battlefield , I'm afraid the two of them will explain it here!

But now the situation has reversed in an instant.

"It seems that my luck is good!" The Demon Prince wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, stood up, and smiled evilly.

Although I don't know why Ji Wuxia was distracted at a critical moment, the Demon Prince knew that he won this battle, and sometimes luck is also a part of his strength.

0 asking for flowers...

The evil flame attacked his heart, and Ji Wuxia tried his best to suppress the evil flame in his body, knowing that he could no longer fight, Ji Wuxia forbeared the last breath of true energy, ran into the forest, and after rushing for dozens of miles, he fell to the ground powerless, and his consciousness gradually became dizzy.

"Thousands of waters and thousands of mountains are willing to wander, and in my dreams, I find me but don't know me.

There are so many forms of sentient beings, I’m afraid I’ll be lonely even if I borrow them!”

In the coma, Ji Wuxia was in a trance, as if she saw the figure that left a deep impression in her heart.


Then he felt that he was being picked up, and it was still the familiar temperature and body temperature. Ji Wuxia couldn't help but feel at ease, and fell asleep completely.

Looking at the comatose beauty in his arms, Lin Feng said with emotion: "I didn't expect to pick up a Ji Wuxia as soon as I came to the plight, and I really should go out and walk around."

While speaking, Lin Feng used his vitality to stabilize Ji's flawless injury, and at the same time looked at the Demon Prince and Chi Jing who were chasing from the right, and said coldly, "It was you who injured her."

The Demon Prince pressed his chest with one hand and bowed his head in a salute. He looked very gentlemanly, and said with a smile, "This woman is my prey. If this gentleman wants, he can beat him himself."

Lin Feng was very clear about the devil prince's fucking personality, and he was too lazy to reason with him.

As soon as his mind moved, the invisible coercion directly entered the seriously injured Demon Prince and Chi-eyed kneeling on the ground, and a "Bound Immortal Rope" exchanged for [-] million yuan instantly bound the two of them.


Thanks to Yuntianwang Drowning Mo Qingchi, Fenghuaxueyue, milltse, I read novels, boring people, the fragrance of white lotus is really true, iop456126 for the reward, flowers, monthly pass. .

Chapter [-] Hanging and Beating the Demon Prince


The scorching sun was in the sky, in a quiet cave, Ji Wuxia was lying on a huge and weak tiger skin.

I could vaguely hear the sound of the whip whipping the flesh and screaming.

Opening his eyes, Ji Wuxia found himself in a cave, and his injuries had fully recovered.

"Why am I here? And the wounds on my body have healed?"

Ji Wuxia was puzzled, recalling what happened before the coma, thoughtfully.

"Lin Feng, is that you?"

Feeling the breath left in the air, Ji Wuxia was sure in his heart, he cleaned up a little, and then "Seven Nine Zero" walked out of the cave with the "Tai Ruo Mountain Sword".

Walking to the entrance of the cave, the sun was shining brightly, Ji Wuxia was slightly uncomfortable with the strong light and paused for a while, and the screams in his ears became clearer.

The mountain wind whistled, blowing Ji Wuxia's hair fluttering, and Ji Wuxia searched for the sound, and saw that under an old tree on a lonely cliff not far away, the Demon Prince and Chi Jing who had fought with her before, were now downed. Hanging up, hanging under the tree and swaying in the wind, the screams came from the mouth of the devil.

As for why he screamed, it was because Lin Feng was standing on the edge of the cliff, holding a small leather whip in his hand and beating him.


"Ow~ it hurts, help, kill the demon!"

The burning pain on his face made the Demon Prince unable to help but scream miserably. Lin Feng turned a deaf ear and continued to slap the Demon Prince with a short whip.

Lin Feng has wanted to smoke this demon moth for a long time, and if he seizes the opportunity today, he will naturally have a good time.

The devil prince's heart is as empty as an abyss, and his feelings and human nature can be used to play. The devil prince never dreams, because dreams are projections of reality.

The Demon Prince is not afraid of death, but that doesn't mean he won't suffer!

After being beaten by Lin Feng for more than an hour, the Demon Prince was covered in bloody whip marks. He stared at the indifferent red eyes beside him. The Demon Prince shouted at Lin Feng, "You beat me, why are you only hitting me? It's not too unfair..."


The Demon Prince was beaten by Lin Feng before he could finish speaking, only to hear Lin Feng's ruffian say, "I should beat you, you deserve it."

"It really deserves it." Chi Jing seemed to be gloating at the misfortune, and continued to close his eyes after speaking, as if he didn't care about the current situation.

The Demon Prince really wants to break free from the shackles of the "Binding Immortal Rope" and roast Lin Feng alive!

But no matter how hard he struggled, it was to no avail.

The "Immortal Binding Rope" on the Demon Prince and Chi-Ji is the best immortal weapon that Lin Feng can exchange for a large price, and its power will be determined according to the difference in the user's ability.

With Lin Feng's current strength, even if Da Luo Jinxian is recruited, it will be difficult to escape for a while. The Demon Prince and Chi Jing have reached the initial stage of Jinxian at best. If they can break free, it will be amazing!

As for Chi-eyed, Lin Feng had no plans to hang up the other party. Chi-eye's nature is not bad, but he was with the wrong person.

"Is he mad at me?"

Ji Wuxia didn't walk out of the cave immediately, but stood at the entrance of the cave and peeked, with his hands covering his heart, his face was a little red, and he muttered to himself, "It's so handsome to even smoke people!"

Lin Feng had already noticed that Ji Wuxia was awake, turned to look at Ji Wuxia next to the cave, and said with a smile, "Wake up, I saved you again, shouldn't you say something?"

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