"Meaning, what does it mean?" Ji Wuxia's face turned slightly red...

The devil prince who was hanged upside down pouted: "How else can I express it, of course I want you to promise me... ah~"

Lin Feng whipped the Demon Prince around a few times with a backhand whip.

"Hiting is kissing, scolding is love, you hit me so hard, it seems that you love me very much!" The Demon Prince's stubbornness did not change, and a poisonous tongue could make people angry.

When Lin Feng heard this, he really wanted to stab this bastard to death.


The red eyes on the side couldn't help rolling his eyes, looking disgusted.

Lin Feng put away the whip, waved his hand, and threw the Demon Prince and Chi Jing on the edge of the cliff.

"Forget it, I originally wanted to curse the world master to teach you a lesson on your behalf, but now I'm out of the mood!" Indifferently shrugged, Lin Feng used the "traversal system" to open the plane of "Three Beats of White Bone Spirit", and then wounded him. The Demon Prince and the Red Eye were thrown into it.

"Three Beats of White Bone Spirit" is also a small world opened up by Buddhism. When Lin Feng incarnated as a demon prince, he destroyed "Journey to the West" and "Journey to the West", which is regarded as a feud (cause and effect) with 0.5 Buddhists. How to say the scourge of the demon prince He is also Lin Feng's brother-in-law. He has a little bit of incense, and Lin Feng doesn't want to kill the Demon Prince with his own hands.

Therefore, the Demon Prince was thrown into the plane of "Three Beats of White Bone Spirit". As for whether the Demon Prince can survive, it depends on his own creation!

If the Demon Prince was honest and behaved in an honest manner, he should be able to live the rest of his life in peace, but with Lin Feng's understanding of the Demon Prince, this guy is definitely a typical example of endless life and endless death.

Most of them can't be idle, and they will be discovered by Buddhism, I believe it will be very interesting. .

Chapter [-]: There is a fish in the north, and it turns into a peng

After banishing the scourge of the Demon Prince, Lin Feng clapped his hands at will, and with a wave of his hands, he retracted the "Immortal Binding Rope" back into the inner space.

Ji Wuxia stepped forward and asked, "Lin Feng, why did you come to this predicament?"

"The situation in the monster market has been calmed down. I have nothing to do when I have time, so I will come to the miserable realm. How about you, why did you fight with the devil prince?" Lin Feng arrived when Ji Wuxia started with the devil prince. , At that time, seeing that Ji Wuxia had the upper hand, he didn't make a move, but he didn't want Ji Wuxia to be severely injured by the Demon Prince because of the interference of the Mida spell!

So it is logical to stage a hero to save the beauty!

Ji Wuxia didn't think deeply, and said bluntly: "I came to find my source. Recently, inexplicable calls have been ringing in my ears. I believe it has something to do with my background. As for the devil prince, I don't think he is pleasing to the eye, so I do it. now!"

Not pleasing to the eye, well, that's a very good reason, very powerful!

Lin Feng smiled slyly, and was not surprised.

The devil prince does things differently from ordinary people, hates gods and ghosts, and is despised by Ji Wuxia.

As for Ji Wuxia's life experience, of course Lin 10 Feng knew it very well, but he was not ready to let Ji Wuxia meet Yan Da and Mi Da so quickly.

At the same time, it quietly cut off the connection between Ji Wuxia, evil body, and intellectual body.

Since ancient times, deep feelings cannot be retained, only routines can win people's hearts.

Ji Wuxia is such a beautiful young lady, of course Lin Feng will not let the two second-hand goods go into the pit, and is going to find time for Ji Wuxia to do more ideological work and talk about life ideals.

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Well, anyway, I have nothing to do recently, how about I accompany you to find your life experience?"

"Okay!" Ji Wuxia agreed very readily. She already had a good impression of Lin Feng, and naturally she would not reject Lin Feng's "kindness".

So the two of them went on their way happily!

Tianfo's hometown, deep que.

Mi Da, who was thousands of miles away from his teammates, suddenly sensed that the connection between Nuya and Nuya was suddenly and completely disconnected, and couldn't help but wonder: "Well, why is the connection with Nuya completely cut off? What happened to Nuya? Is it the matter?"

As a fellow practitioner, whether it was from the perspective of love or interests, Mida didn't want Nvya to have an accident, but now she couldn't sense Nvya's position at all, which made Mida have a bad premonition in her heart.

With a calm mind, Mida ordered the surrounding subordinates: "Forgetting the World, No Precepts Mercy Hang, Chi Hui Ci Hang, Xuan Ding Nu Hang, Gana Vajra, if you see hatred, you lead the three hundred disciples of the Desire Realm to go to the Central Plains immediately. Looking for Nuya, no matter what method you use, you must bring her back."

The direction of the Central Plains is where Mida finally sensed the appearance of Nuya. Although the current situation is chaotic and it is dangerous for these people to go out, as long as Nuya can be found, these sacrifices are worth it.

"As ordered!!"

Forgetting the fate of the dust, the husband saw Chou and others taking orders, and immediately went down to select people and set off for the Central Plains.

While the Desire Realm was actively looking for Nuya in the Central Plains, Lin Feng and Ji Wuxia came to the Northern Territory.

The land of suffering is extremely vast, and the location of Ji Wuxia cannot be sensed. To find Ji Wuxia in the Desire Realm is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack.

From the West Wulin to the Northern Territory, the two experienced many things along the way, and Lin Feng did it intentionally, and the relationship between the two heated up rapidly, only the last step.

It was a sunny day and the sky was clear.

Lin Feng and Ji Wuxia came to Beihai in the Northern Territory. At this time, from noon to noon, although the two of them had strong skills and could absorb the spirits of heaven and earth to meet the needs of the body, Lin Feng was still delicious.

Those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black. After staying with Lin Feng for a long time, Ji Wuxia has also become an out-and-out foodie. Fortunately, the two of them have extremely strong physical fitness, and no matter how much they eat, they will not gain weight.

As a pair of foodies, of course, they rely on the mountains to eat the mountains, rely on the water to drink water, come to the Beihai, and naturally eat seafood!

Lin Feng stood on the beach, took out the grill from the inner space, put on the grilled charcoal made of a hundred-year-old fruit tree, and faced the North Sea without flaws, condensing the energy, and slammed the vast sea with a palm.


With a loud explosion, a water column several dozen meters high was blown up, and countless "North Sea specialties" were blown up in one fell swoop. With a flip of his hand, Ji Wuxia took hundreds of kilograms of seafood into the frozen giant plate as ingredients for noon.

Lin Feng grabbed a sea fish weighing more than ten kilograms, and was about to disembowel it when he suddenly sensed a strange breath and turned to look into the North Sea.

"Boom~ Hula La~"

At this moment, there was a dull loud noise in the North Sea, and the heaven and the earth shook instantly, setting off a huge wave.

"It seems that a big guy has been disturbed!"

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