"Crossing the calamity and becoming a god, the ancient legend, I didn't expect to see it today, but I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse!"

The catastrophe brought out by Lin Feng attracted the attention of the entire Divine State.

"Tribulation thunder? It's just in time."

Lin Feng completely absorbed "Black Moon" and "Gu Yao", which still exceeded the limit of Taiyi Jinxian. However, although this tricky method can quickly increase his cultivation, it is not comparable to the strength that he has been tempered step by step. Now that the tribulation thunder appears, it is just the opportunity to temper the physique.


The calamity in the sky has accumulated to an extreme, the first robbery thunder suddenly fell, and the golden lightning with the thickness of the bucket was like a ferocious python, with the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, terrifying the soul.

"This kind of tribulation thunder, even a super innate master can't take it!"

"It is worthy of becoming a god, but just watching from a distance makes me feel a lot of coercion. It can lead to such a terrifying catastrophe. The strength of people who cross the robbery is not simple!"

"Did that guy Lin Feng break through again? Damn it, if he succeeds in transcending the calamity, he will have the day when I will come out!"


The people watching have different thoughts, some are emotional, some are gloating, and some are secretly calculating.

On the top of the Nine Heavens, Lin Feng took out the "Scar of the Sky" and transformed it into the shape of Fang Tianhua halberd. One person and one halberd stood on the ground, directly facing the roaring thunder.


The new book "Extracting the Heavens", group: 58, about the update of the demon emperor, it is 01:038 in the morning, let me say it weakly, there is only one update (shivering). .

Chapter 2 Divine Tribulation [-]


The robbery thunder fell from the sky, the sky exploded, and Lin Feng attacked with one halberd.


The lightning engulfed Lin Feng's figure in an instant, and in mid-air, a lightning ball quickly expanded, and in a blink of an eye, it formed a golden sphere that was dozens of meters in size.

However, after the thunderball expanded to [-] meters, the calamity in the sky stopped, the thunderball shrank rapidly, and the majestic lightning dissipated. And then quickly engulfed again.

"The power is good, but unfortunately it is not enough."

Seemingly offended by Lin Feng's contemptuous tone, the thunder above the sky was furious and became even more violent, the sky was completely darkened, and only when the thunder light appeared, could the fleeting brilliance be seen.

People in distress all felt their scalps go numb on "Six Three Seven". Ordinary people knew that it was the anger of the sky, and knelt down and prayed.

The calamity clouds in the sky turned sharply, like a leak from the sky, and the power of thunder and lightning gathered and entangled in a mighty manner.

Lin Feng lay back, facing the sky, a flash of lightning flashed in his eyes, and then his entire eyes turned golden.

After absorbing "Gu Yao" and "Black Moon" to break through the cultivation base, even if there is no catastrophe, Lin Feng still needs to spend time to temper.

Cultivation is inherently walking against the sky, and almost all practitioners feed on the spirits of heaven and earth, and fight for life against the sky, which is not tolerated by heaven and earth.

The sun god sets restrictions on suffering, except for some innate gods, whether people, demons, monsters, or monsters in suffering are difficult to cultivate into gods, and there are very few people who have been able to transcend calamity and become gods.

And Lin Feng's original cultivation base was converted to a miserable state, and it was already considered a god-level. Now that he breaks through again, the calamity he has endured is several times that of the ordinary calamity.


A huge thunder sounded, and after about three minutes of brewing, two golden lightnings spun and cut through the sky.

Lin Feng held the "Scar of the Sky", and the speed of lightning was slowed down countless times in his eyes.

"The power has increased a lot!"

A thought flashed in Lin Feng's mind just now, and the two golden lightnings containing terrifying energy had already slammed in front of him. Lin Feng turned around sharply, and the "Scar of the Sky" in his hand swung round, with the power of shattering the void.

Just listening to the sound of "Boom", two forces that did not belong to the human world collided fiercely, and a powerful thunder arc shock wave swayed all around.

Where the thunderbolt passed, the void exploded, and the aftermath hit the top of the nine heavens. Whether it was the spirit grass, the red fruit, or the rock platform, it was shattered inch by inch, beyond recognition, Lin Feng had no time to take it into account. the power of thunder.

At this time, the robbery clouds in the sky did not diminish, but became more dense, like the coercion of the end of the world, making all the people in the world tremble, making people feel how insignificant they are between heaven and earth.

After receiving two tribulation thunders, Lin Feng's physique improved, but at the same time, he also consumed the power of half-sacred demons. The aura of suffering is already rich for ordinary people, but for Lin Feng, who is an advanced Daluo Jinxian, it can only be maintained. daily consumption.

If the misery is likened to a lake, and ordinary practitioners are like a fish in water, then Lin Feng is the dragon trapped shoal.

But the system is in hand, these are not problems, exchange two elixir from the system and throw it into the mouth, and the previous consumption will be restored in an instant.

It is not the first time that Lin Feng has done this kind of thing, but this time the calamity faced by him is much stronger than the last time.

In order to deal with the catastrophe and possible variables, Lin Feng will always remain at his peak.

Heavenly robbery is considered a supplement to Lin Feng, but when it is tempered by the robbery, it is also accompanied by great risks. The power of thunder is very violent. If Lin Feng's physique has not advanced to the level of Ancestral Witch, he will not rashly absorb it. As an ordinary practitioner, if the body can't bear it first, it is very likely that the body will explode and die.

"Hahaha, be happy, come again!"

 Feeling that the body has improved significantly after absorbing the tribulation thunder, Lin Feng is arrogant and asks the sky to fight.


Seemingly provoked by Lin Feng's provocation, the originally pitch-black robbery clouds surging, blood-red color appeared, scarlet-red thunderbolts burst, and the world heated up instantly!

"Oh, there's a new trick?!"

Lin Feng said it easily, but he felt more vigilant in his heart. The first level of the robbery was stronger than the first level, and now he also felt a little pressure.

The manic fire cloud surged, and then a dark red sky thunder burst out from the cloud layer and slashed down at Lin Feng below.

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