
The "Scar of the Sky" in Lin Feng's hand trembled, and with the power of the Holy Demon Lin Feng, the halberd body was swirling with strong winds, and a "Maha Infinite" mobilized the power of the heaven and earth, turning it into a black tornado storm breaking through the sky... ...


After the wind, fire and lightning strikes, the airflow explodes, and the three-point tribulation lightning is weakened, Lin Feng allows the remaining tribulation lightning to bombard.

The dark red robbery thunder slammed into Lin Feng's body, frantically eroding and burning Lin Feng's body. If it were an ordinary super-innate martial artist, I'm afraid the aftermath of the scattered waves would be unbearable. Marks, it can be seen how powerful the tribulation thunder is.

Lin Feng was enveloped by the dark red robbery thunder, feeling the scorching aura, black and white air appeared on his body, swimming on Lin Feng like a yin and yang fish, and gradually assimilated the robbery thunder.

The power of robbery was absorbed into every cell of Lin Feng, itchy and energetic, full of vitality, feeling the continuous strengthening of physique, a smile appeared on Lin Feng's face.

It is this feeling, constantly becoming stronger and breaking through, which makes people addicted.

It takes time for Lin Feng to absorb the tribulation thunder, and it also takes time for Tianlei to prepare the tribulation thunder. After absorbing the third tribulation thunder, Lin Feng's eyes glowed at the tribulation clouds in the sky.

I saw that the robbery cloud slowly turned into red gold, and a sharp and sharp aura became more and more sharp. Lin Feng had never seen this kind of robbery, and he didn't know if it was a feature of Thunderbolt World.

The Red Gold Tribulation Thunder is different from ordinary thunder and lightning. It does not take an ordinary path. It does not have the "township" shape of ordinary thunder and lightning, but is shot straight down like a sharp spear.

The red gold tribulation thunder broke through the air, the speed was three points faster than the previous tribulation thunder, but the volume was several times smaller, only the size of a sea bowl, extremely condensed 0.9, as if it could penetrate the world.

"Creation of the gods. The above formula. The ban on burning the sky!"

Lin Feng Yun used god-level martial arts to transform the power of the holy demon into extreme sun and sky fire.


The thunder halberd was facing each other, and it actually made a golden sound, which was comparable to the "Scar of the Sky", which was comparable to the innate spiritual treasure. The scattered tribulation thunder was sucked into the body and refined.

The aura of the Holy Demon was running extremely fast, and the three colors of black, gold and white circulated on Lin Feng's body.

"The Qi of Ruijin, coupled with the previous Chi Lei, seems to be more and more interesting!"


New book "Extracting the Heavens", group: 582.016.038. .

Chapter 3 Divine Tribulation [-]

The tribulation thunder was continuous and poured out into the sky. The Kui Shui Yin Lei, Jiamu Gang Lei, and Ji Tu Chen Lei descended one after another. In addition to the previous Ding Huo Xue Lei, Chijin Rhino Lei, and the first two tribulation thunders, Lin Feng had already Resisted the Seventh Heavenly Tribulation.

At this time, the top of the Nine Heavens has changed beyond recognition. The landform that was like a fairyland is now only a piece of scorched earth.

And above the high sky, Lin Feng's body flashed with electric arcs, with faint blue smoke, and the hand holding the "Scar of the Sky" trembled slightly, and immediately exchanged for a "Nine-Turn Golden Pill" to consume.

Lin Feng's physique combines the "Sacred Demon Primordial Embryo" and the "Void Bloodline", and with the practice of "Nine Turns Mysterious Art" to the eighth turn, he has achieved the body of an ancestral witch.

Even so, Lin Feng resisted the seventh-layered catastrophe and consumed most of the energy in his body, which shows how powerful the catastrophe is.

"Well, Jieyun has changed again, this is... Zixiao Shenlei! How big is it to play!"

Lin Feng looked at the sky, and saw that above the nine heavens, the robbery cloud emerged a deep purple color, and there was an incomparably terrifying coercion. The creatures within a radius of two thousand miles, whether they were ordinary people, birds and beasts, or super-innate powerhouses. , they all felt that it was difficult to breathe under Tianwei 15, and some cowardly people and birds and beasts were even shocked and died on the spot!

The purple robbery cloud layer began to violently toss, like an eye covering the sky, and in the center of the giant eye, the robbery cloud with the power of destroying the world became thicker and thicker, and a purple thunderbolt resounded throughout the entire land of misery.

Lin Feng knew that the Eighth Heavenly Tribulation was coming soon!

At this moment, Lin Feng also felt the threat of his life, and he could no longer keep his strength. At such a terrible juncture, he still concealed his strength, that is, to die.

Cloud Sea Immortal Gate.

Yun Huizi looked up at the sky, looking at the Divine Thunder of Zixiao brewing in the sky, a dignified and fearful expression appeared on his face.

Xianmen has a profound background and knows the history of suffering the most. Yun Huizi once saw the description of Zixiao Divine Thunder Tribulation in Jiutian Xuanzun's collection, which is a taboo in the legend!

According to book records, Zixiao Shenlei has only appeared once in the past, and that time it destroyed a continent comparable to Shenzhou, which can be called a catastrophe.

Yun Huizi could feel the terrifying power in that tribulation thunder, and even if he integrated the power of Xianmen, it would be difficult to resist one percent of it.

"Such a terrifying calamity, Lin Feng, is this your true strength?"

Yun Huizi clenched the whisk tightly and looked nervous and dignified, not only Yun Huizi, but also up and down Xianmen, including Yunjing, who carried Yunhai Xianmen, also felt the terrifying pressure, desperately galloping away from Jieyun, even Yun Huizi can't control it either!

The colors of one gold and one blue flashed in Lin Feng's eyes, the bloodlines were fully activated, and the full state was turned on. Eight pairs of half-black and half-white wings burst out from behind, and the momentum quickly climbed to the peak.

At this time, the eighth stage of tribulation thunder has already been brewing and formed, bursting out from the eyes of the sky. In addition to its powerful destructive power, Zixiao Shenlei also includes an extremely terrifying power of soul impact. If it is only a strong physique, The primordial spirit is fragile, and it is likely to end in a disintegrating end!

The incarnation of the ghost unicorn master felt that. Very Jun used his space ability to rush to the top of the Nine Heavens a hundred miles away, and wanted to take advantage of Lin Feng to transcend the calamity and be cruel.

However, when you came to a high mountain and felt the coercion emanating from Lin Feng from a distance, he began to hesitate!

This powerful sense of oppression, even when he abandoned the Heavenly Emperor and destroyed the world, he never felt it.

You are very sure that Lin Feng at this time is definitely stronger than the Emperor Abandoned Heaven who uses the "Holy Devil Primordial Embryo" as the carrier of the lower realm.

This is beyond the power of ordinary gods, and it is no longer within the scope of his response.

"Damn it, I didn't expect Lin Feng to hide it so deeply. If it weren't for this divine calamity, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to discover his true strength at all!"

You are envious and jealous, but also terrified. When you think of the fact that you went to ambush such a terrifying monster, you feel a chill behind your back.

Thinking back on the situation at that time, you can only feel that you are like a clown who is overpowering himself.

This feeling makes you feel powerless and angry at the same time!

For the most extraordinary gentleman among inspirational people, any existence stronger than him should be destroyed.

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