There are a lot of people who have and very much thoughts, but they did not attack the first time, but were waiting for the opportunity, waiting for Lin Feng to reveal a fatal flaw.

At this time, Lin Feng's attention was mostly focused on the robbery, and his perception of the outside world was reduced to a very low level. He did not find that there were many malicious eyes within a hundred miles of the top of the Nine Heavens had locked him. , just wait for the stab in the back at the critical moment!

It is impossible for these people to hurt Lin Feng under normal circumstances. After all, the strength is there, but if they use the robbery, there is a chance to make the impossible possible!

In addition to some people who are going to attack the back, there are also some people who are concerned about Lin Feng watching the top of the Nine Heavens nervously.

Ji Wuxia, King Wu Wu, the woman who loves disaster, Rong, Po Rushuang and other women all prayed silently, not because they didn't want to help, but because they knew that if they went, it would only increase the burden on Lin Feng!

The power of the Holy Demon spreads all over the body, Lin Feng runs the "Nine Turns Mysterious Art" to perform the nine turns of the golden body, and at the same time, the "Na Zhen Divine Art" absorbs the spiritual energy of thousands of miles, gathers in the "Scar of the Sky", and then unfolds the art of creating the gods.

"Creation of the gods. Extreme style. The universe will be destroyed!"

"Creation of the Gods" is the strongest move of the martial arts of destroying.

A dazzling stream of light flashed from the "Scar of the Sky" halberd, and immediately turned into a giant halberd.

The power of the holy demon in the body kept pouring into the "Scar of the Sky". This halberd was the strongest blow ever hit by Lin Feng, and even he didn't know how powerful it would be 907!

If it is facing the distressed state of China, Lin Feng is confident that he can smash China to pieces.

If it is placed in a world like Super Seminary, one blow can even directly turn the entire galaxy into nothingness!

The thousand-zhang giant halberd slashed the sky angrily, cut through the void, and slashed heavily on the Zixiao Divine Thunder, and the two world-destroying forces collided at high altitude.


Unprecedented explosion, the whole world was pale, an unparalleled wave of terror, spread out in a circular shock wave, displacing all objects encountered, at this moment, the top of the Nine Heavens collapsed, turning into powder at a speed visible to the naked eye, In the blink of an eye, he completely disappeared from the misery.

A black figure from a hundred miles away looked at the scene that destroyed the world and muttered to himself: "This kind of power, even the Evil God of Yachi can't match it! Maybe we can use him to get rid of the evil god's control, but... …”

On another mountain peak, Zhejun looked at the figure gradually emerging in the sky, and said angrily: "It's not dead like this, it's a monster."


Thanks to Xiejun Xiuyan, **, Eternal Emperor Zun, General Lei Bier, God of Swords? Qi Luosheng, Jian Fei Dao, Gu Yi Mo Luo, **, Wu Wu Emperor Zun and other book friends for their rewards, monthly tickets, flowers .

In addition, you are welcome to read the new book "Extracting the Heavens", the first release is at the beginning - point, you can also group: 582.016.038, the latest update, understand the plot, and discuss with each other. .

Chapter [-] Ascension?

Nine is the limit of the number, and the calamity is also the limit of nine.

After resisting the Eighth Heavenly Tribulation, Lin Feng was about to show his final test.

If you can't pass it, the accumulation of a lifetime will disappear, and it will never end!

At this time, the top-grade body protection immortal armor on Lin Feng's body was overwhelmed and completely scrapped, but the "Scar of the Sky" in his hand became more and more dazzling.

Survival of the fittest, fortune and misfortune depend on each other. After the baptism of thunder, not only Lin Feng's physique and primordial spirit have changed, but even the quality of "Scar of the Sky" has also been significantly improved. The impurities have been purified by the thunder and become more pure and powerful!

Taking advantage of the brewing time of the ninth robbery, Lin Feng completely refined the medicinal power of the "Nine Transformation Golden Pill" in his body, and his injuries recovered quickly.

Under the oppression of the ninth heavenly robbery, Lin Feng was highly concentrated, raising his vitality and getting ready.

And in the dark, several pairs of cold eyes have locked on Lin Feng under the robbery cloud, each of them destroys Jiyuan, ready to fall into the trap!


Just as the last catastrophe was about to break out, people from different fields, but at the same time, sent out the strongest move to Lin Feng.

"Heaven and man are two specials, returning to one extinction!"

"Tanhua is now, the life of a cicada is impermanent!"

"Hell Crying, All Souls Die to Heaven!"

"Yuyu Eight Characters Judgment. The world returns to the heart!"


Sword qi, knife gang, spear brilliance, and palm vigor shot across the thousand mountains, and the target was Lin Feng who was in the calamity.

The timing of these sneak attacks was extremely clever, and almost when their attack was about to hit Lin Feng, the last catastrophe suddenly fell.

"These bastards really know how to pick the time. When Lao Tzu survives the catastrophe, these bastards will definitely be killed."

In normal times, these sudden attacks could be easily resolved for Lin Feng, but now they have become the last straw that broke the camel's back, making Lin Feng more stressed.

The last robbery thunder was stronger than the sum of the previous robbery thunders. At the same time as the seven attacks approached, the Zixia Divine Thunder, like a purple dragon, broke through the void, transcended the boundaries of time and space, and bombarded Lin Feng fiercely.


The violent explosion and the dazzling light spread, and everything in the world seems to be frozen at this moment!

The people in the Divine Realm suddenly felt deaf, unable to hear any sound, and some people were blinded by the flashing light.

Great sound and hope, heaven and earth are sinking!

I don't know when, the robbery clouds above the nine heavens began to slowly disperse, the sky gradually returned to its original blue, and the warm sunlight dispelled the haze, illuminating the earth, bringing hope and new life.

The catastrophe that seemed like the end of the day has finally passed, and the tenacious people in the predicament have once again survived strong, but some of them suffered from the unwarranted disaster, so they slept forever, and went to the bardo realm in confusion!

Even more tragic, the soul is scattered, and there is no chance for reincarnation!

In the distance, the top of a mountain.

The very gentleman, who incarnated as a ghost unicorn, held a bone fan, and his eyes under the mask stared at the shocking scene in front of him.

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