"Three hours? I'm afraid they won't be able to support even one hour!" The Red King showed disdain, and his eyes flashed with infinite fighting intent and murderous intent.

King Hades and King Ju also nodded in agreement. In their opinion, if Great Wisdom had not repeatedly emphasized avoiding killing, these foreign invaders would have been cleaned up by them long ago!

Although King Xian took the name "Xian", he was actually very peace-loving. Looking at the murderous King Chi and King Yan, he persuaded him: "Great Wisdom has been emphasizing that unnecessary killings should be avoided, haven't you heard? "

"If there is great wisdom, we will naturally follow it, otherwise the invaders will not be allowed to live until now!" Hades said indignantly.


Quzhou Yifan Du Bao Xiang solemnly: "The goal of the underground gate is to save the world. I don't want to make too many killings, but if necessary, I will not hesitate to show the anger of Vedo." Quzhou Yifandu said. After a meal here, he continued: "This time the four of you are here, because there are other arrangements."

"Huh? What is the command of Great Wisdom, we will go through fire and water, and we will do whatever!"

Quezhou Yifandu's eyes flashed: "You don't have to participate in this battle."

"Why is this?" Gui Fang Chi Ming was upright and belligerent, and when he heard that he could not participate in the war, he felt a little unhappy.

"I have arranged another task for you." Quezhou Yifandu said indifferently.

King Xian was worried about the safety of Great Wisdom and said, "If the other party enters the Hall of Light, Great Wisdom, you..."

Quezhou Yifandu said to himself: "It doesn't matter, they are not enough of a threat to me, you just need to do what I have explained."

"Then what do you want us to do?" King Ju asked.

Quezhou Yifandu looked in the direction of the moonlight in the lotus pond, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly: "I want you to deal with a very special existence."

The top of the Nine Heavens is a special area, plus the formation arranged by Lin Feng, without Lin Feng's leadership, it is difficult for even super innate masters to enter.

At this time, Yu Qinghuan, Tian Bu Gu was all in the world of Zhu Xian, and the sky above the Nine Heavens was empty, with only spiritual flowers and plants, and the eyes were full of spring.

A ray of light flashed, and Lin Feng and Ji Wuxia appeared among the flowers and plants.

Lin Feng stroked Ji Wuxia's hair and took out a golden round token: "Wuxia, I'm going to retreat for a period of time recently. This is the key to unlock the teleportation array. If you are bored, you can also travel to the misery."

"How long are you going to retreat?" Ji Wuxia took the token and asked reluctantly.

Lin Feng said bluntly: "This time, the main purpose is to absorb 'Gu Yao' and 'Black Moon' to temper the body. According to my estimation, it will take at least half a year."

"Half a year?"

Ji Wuxia let out a sigh of relief when he heard the words. There is no time for cultivation, and it is common for him to retreat for hundreds of years at every turn, but only half a year is not a long time in Ji Wuxia's eyes.

Under normal circumstances, even if Lin Feng absorbs "Gu Yao" and "Black Moon", it is impossible to practice "Nine Rank Xuan Gong" to eighth rank in half a year, but if he adds the ability of "Time Gem", it is more than enough. !

About to retreat, Lin Feng and Ji Wuxia went crazy all night.

On the second day, Ji Wuxia left the top of the Nine Heavens and traveled alone in misery to find his own life experience. Lin Feng did not object to this, and revoked the barrier that cut off Ji Wuxia's breath.

After all, there needs to be a break between Ji Wuxia and the Demon Buddha!

After Ji Wuxia left, Lin Feng had no other thoughts. In order to absorb "Black Moon" and "Gu Yao" as soon as possible, Lin Feng also deliberately summoned "Devil Soul" Yuan Xie Huang and "Holy Soul" back without a boat and sailed back, with two bodies and three souls. One, into a state of completeness.

It has also been several months since the two bodies and three souls were separated, and they practiced for the battle. After re-merging, Lin Feng's strength has reached the late stage of Taiyi Jinxian!

It takes a lot of time to cultivate to the later stage. Usually, Taiyi Jinxian has to enter the later stage from the early stage. Under normal circumstances, it would take thousands of years at least, but Lin Feng only improved to this realm in a few months, 330 progress The speed is terrifying.

In addition to Lin Feng's extremely high talent, the main reason is that Lin Feng can exchange a large number of spiritual stone pills through the "Mysterious System".

Even if you are poor and rich in martial arts, even if you cultivate immortals and gods, the same is true. If you don’t have enough resources, even if your talent is strong, your achievements will be limited!

The departure of Emperor Yuanxie and Quzhou Yifandu inevitably had an impact on the difficult situation.

In order to avoid unnecessary chaos in the Heavenly Capital and the Earth Gate, Yuanxie Huang and Quezhou Yifandu declared themselves to be closed before they left, but troubles cannot be avoided!

Heaven is all right, with Luo Hu in town, Tianyan Mocheng, Baiyao Road, Xie Zundao, Sun-Blind Clan and other forces supporting them, no one dares to make trouble in a short period of time.

The terrestrial gate is different, because they continue to oppress the living space of other forces, so that people are "pushing towers" almost every day.

Although there is a one-page book on the door of the earth, the Buddha of Heaven, the Emperor Tathagata, the King of Hell and others are sitting in town, but as the scope becomes wider, there are more and more "Guangji Pagodas", and it is also more difficult to guard!

In addition, there is no shortage of boats and sails, and Su Jin, who has been washed away from memory, really can't hold back the power of the flood in his body!

Although Su Huanzhen's memory has been partially changed, her IQ has always been online. Although she was only envious of mandarin ducks and not immortals in the days of Hefengcailing, Su Huanzhen is a person who "has a heart for the world" and has no idea about Dimen. Agreed, so I began to secretly plan, preparing to overthrow the inhumane rule of the underground gate....

Chapter 3: The Decisive Battle of the Earth Gate [-]

Ground door middle range.

The battle is in full swing, one page book, Emperor Tathagata, Wind Zhishen Dimen three are besieged by Defeng, ancient Taoist emperor, Confucian supreme, chivalrous Confucian without trace, Fengru ruthless, and Faru selfless.

The palm qi in the center of the battlefield is like a wave, the sword qi rushes into the sky, the strong move turns the world overturned, the sun and the moon sink, and the scattered aftermath is enough to make the bones of the Xuntian masters disappear!

Qing Yangzi looked at the few people who were fighting so hard, with a solemn look in his eyes: "A page of the book, the wind mark, the Emperor Tathagata are all the top powerhouses in the world, if this is the case, you want to avoid harming the opponent's life. If we take them down under the circumstances, we really have no chance of winning!"

Constellation Yiqi waved to the "Guangji Pagoda" in front of him, and said "four or three zeros": "Qingyangzi, we don't have much time, and the Taoist formation can't last for long. It's time to launch an attack!"

"No hurry, I'll be waiting for a while." Although Qing Yangzi was anxious in his heart, his face was still calm, as if he was confident.

Constellation Yiqi wondered: "What are you waiting for?"

Qing Yangzi waved his feather fan, looked at the battlefield woven with sword energy and Buddha's light, and said, "As I said before, our combat strength is insufficient. Therefore, we need to wait for the first wave of reinforcements."


Constellation Yiqi was thoughtful, and at this moment, a strange light appeared in the sky, and after the sound of a horse roaring, there was an evil poetry number.

"Fengdu Road, martyrdom, heroic burial of desolate bones.

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