The sky is silent, the earth is silent, and the mortal dust is the last of the people.

Doomsday, atheism. "

Just listening to the evil talk and ghost singing, I saw that the playwright of Eternal Night was holding "Ghost Truth. Star Tribulation", driving a unicorn to drag the splendid sun-going carriage, like the sun god Apollo coming powerfully to the door of the earth.

"Well, it's Earth and Ming." Xing Su Yiqi looked at the visitor with a hint of alertness and caution in his eyes.

"Haha, how can this grand event be without my ghost unicorn master!"

The space fluctuated, and the ghost unicorn master held the "white bone fan" and slowly appeared.

"The map of Zeguo Jiangshan entering the war, the life of the people is Leqiao Su.

Ping Jun Mo asked about the matter of Fenghou, and once you succeed, your bones will die. "

The Guiqi Lord walked out of the space crack, followed by a young man with a long sword piercing his chest and an indifferent middle-aged swordsman.

When Xing Suyi saw this, he said coldly, "Master Guiqi, what is your intention to come here?"

"Don't be nervous, now we are on the same front." Lord Gui Qi shook his bone fan with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

Qingyangzi didn't care. For Qingyangzi, he only paid attention to the results, and didn't care about the process and methods!

Qingyangzi doesn't trust Di Ming and Gui Qi Lord, but he knows that at this moment, the other party will not do anything to hinder them, but will help them because they don't want the Dimen to grow!

If there is a common goal, there is room for cooperation. As for other things, we will talk about it when the underground door is opened, and it will not be too late to settle accounts after the fall.

The Guiqi Lord and Di Ming also have their own plans in their hearts, but the time has not come, and it is not suitable for countering in the nest.

When a few people are digging a pit in secret, they are also prepared to be pitted, and who can become the winner in the end depends on their own means!

Di Ming looked at the fierce battlefield, turned his head and said, "Qing Yangzi, the dizzy ones are not too late!"

"Di Ming came at the right time." Qing Yangzi pretended to be polite, and then continued: "Time is limited, make a quick decision, and invite the two of you to enter the game!"



Di Ming and Gui Qi Lord also know that there are many masters in Dimen, and if they delay, it will not be good for any of them, and they will join the battle at the same time.

The first wave of reinforcements was actually the two chiefs of the evil dao who came to the battlefield, a battle of territorial gate attack and defense, and officially entered the decisive moment...  

In the originally anxious battle situation, after Guiqi Lord and Di Ming joined, the scale of victory tilted instantly. Even though Wind Zhihen and Emperor Tathagata were both strong at the time, facing the six masters, they still gradually fell behind.

"Right now, let's start."

With the order of the emperor, the Confucianism is selfless. Jun Fengtian opens the secret formation of the Xianmen "Return of All Laws to the Ruins".

This formation is the secret art of Xianmen, and it can forcibly dispel the magic of the world, which is the key to cracking the "No-self Sanskrit"!

However, to perform this formation, it is necessary to compare the cultivation of the caster and the recipient. If the strength is not good, it will be counterattacked by the spell, and only after gaining the absolute upper hand, the Faru selfless and others dare to cast it on the one page book and others. this technique.

I saw Haoran's righteousness soaring into the sky, turning into a triangular enchantment to trap a page of a book, the wind mark, and the Emperor Tathagata in the center of the formation.

The enormous purifying power consumed the influence of "No-Self Sanskrit" on the three.

The dusty memories, as the cleaned magic power gradually recovers, the scenes of the past come to mind, the joys and sorrows, the love, hate, and hatred, and more importantly, the true feelings that cannot be thrown away in life!


A page of the book screamed in the sky, the golden relic on his head flew in all directions, the three thousand snows scattered 3.1 chaos, fluttering with the wind, his eyes were angry and calm.

"Black, white..."

Wind Zhihen covered his head with his hands, and surrounded his body with sword energy, with a painful expression on his face, the past of his lover and happiness appeared in his mind, and his eyes gradually became firm.

However, the situation of the Emperor Tathagata was unexpected. The golden body of the Buddhist sect began to be full of ghosts. The original compassion was gone, and the image of evil and violence suddenly appeared.

"Thousands of monks and ten thousand buddhas perished by blood, purging sins and punishments should be opened to the world.

Demons, monsters, monsters, monks, and monks, whispering and saying ghosts. "

The Tathagata turned into a ghost once again, and the "Rhinoceros Horn" and "Buddha Punishment Channa" attacked the page of the book and the wind marks at the same time. .

Chapter 4 Ground Battle [-]

"Kill it~"

"Protection gate, rush~"

Inside the underground gate, the three sects led the crowd to invade, and the martial arts practitioners who were baptized by the underground gate took up weapons to guard the underground gate.




The sound of the symphony of gold and iron is mixed with the heart-piercing screams. Although the three religions are to save people, on the battlefield, it is inevitable that the people from the ground door will fail to protect the current peace, and they will gradually take action. The casualties on both sides gradually increased, and eventually turned into a life-and-death battle!

On the other hand, in the battlefield, the original three Dimensities were baptized by the Xianmen secret formation "Return to the Ruins of Ten Thousand Laws" to restore their original mental memory.

However, without waiting for the Supreme Beings and others to be happy, the Emperor Tathagata who was not suppressed by the "No-Self Sanskrit" once again degenerated into a ghost Tathagata.

After the recovery of Ghost 15 Tathagata, the murderousness increased, and the two swords suddenly attacked the original comrades in arms.

"Buddha's evil karma, Buddha's guilt cut it, kill!"

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