
Tianji's left shoulder was cut with a long wound by the "Magic Shanfeng", and the blood was red on the robe. The moment it landed, it was corroded by the demonic energy, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.


"The origins of Dao and Demons are incompatible. Even if Tianji dies today, Youdu will have to pay the price.

With determination in his heart, Tianji disregarded his own injury and used all his strength to destroy his true essence, bursting out with his Yuan Gong, and the deep cold sword energy rushed into the sky, and then suddenly jumped into the air, and the power of Xuanbing gradually condensed into a giant." Dao" word!

"Oh, the trick of burning jade and stone, since you want to die, then I will fulfill you, and the blood will penetrate the demon and destroy the rainbow!"

The sword of openness and pleasure was like a thunderbolt, and the blood-colored sword qi shot straight into the sky, colliding with the falling Pang Ran Dao characters.

On the other side of the battlefield.

Gold and silver double show, the limit, Wang Xiaoran also fell into a hard fight. On the verge of life and death, two sword qi were launched from far away, breaking the original situation.

"Well, master."

Ember Jie looked at the palm cut by the sword energy with a cold expression on his face.

Yuan Wuxiang, Kuan Shoutian and others once retreated from one place, and the two sides were at a stalemate for a short time, only to hear two poems resounding through the Fumo Cliff in Daozhen.

"Swallowing the vast expanse, spit out neon lights, swords and enemies, and amazed in the chest. Sigh, people are crazy in the sky and the sky."

"Speak Jiuchen, wave your sleeves and the wind and clouds are exhausted, the mountains and rivers are sinking, follow Yixing, hold your hands and the universe will be fixed, the pale yellow is light."


Thank you Phoenix, Inadvertently Inserting Willows, Hate Wufeng, zero1000ab, Destiny Xuanniao, Void Emperor Zun, sf3488f, God of Swords? Qi Gongsheng, Gui Qizhu, kevin7412 and other book friends for their monthly tickets, flowers, thank you for your support!!

Chapter [-] Wonders of the Mountains and Seas

"Swallowing the vast expanse, spit out neon lights, swords and enemies, and amazed in the chest. Sigh, people are crazy in the sky and the sky."

"Speak Jiuchen, wave your sleeves and the wind and clouds are exhausted, the mountains and rivers are sinking, follow Yixing, hold your hands and the universe will be fixed, the pale yellow is light."

The sharp light is striking, killing Hanshan, and at the moment of the decisive battle between Dao and Demon, Haoran Jianmang clears the way, and two great swordsmen come from the sky.

The elegant, noble and evil Sang Xiqi looked at Wang Xiaoran, who was vomiting blood, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

Tan Xiqi's real name is Yi Xuanmiao, and he is the righteous brother of Wang Xiaoran. He has been paying attention to Daozhen Fumoya, hoping to save his righteous brother Wang Xiaoran from the world.

When Wan Sakai was a fellow practitioner, there was a conflict between the Three Sects and the Yi Sect due to different concepts of etiquette and law.

Yi Xuanmiao knew that the three sects were incompatible, and firmly opposed it, but Wang Xiaoran didn't know whether it was too naive or a hole in his head. The three sons are sent to the three religions as hostages!

After pitting his son's Wang Xiaoran, he was busy with "Nine Zero Three" to create the "Sixiangsuoyuan Key" against Youdu, and his wife "Yan Chenxi", who was seriously ill, regretted her death. For this reason, Yi Xuanmiao and Wang Xiao However, there was a big quarrel. Seeing that the righteous brother Wang Xiaoran was stubborn and naive, he handed his life and even the entire sect into the hands of the three sects with evil intentions. Departing to good friend Mo Qingchi.

Later, as expected by Xuan Miao, in the battle to seal the Youdu, the righteous brother who did not listen to the persuasion was ruthlessly betrayed by the three sects, and was sealed in the Youdu by the three sects. Three religions slaughter!

Yi Xuanmiao was lucky enough to escape because of the protection of Mo Qingchi, but he held a grudge against the three sects, and at the same time did not forget to try his best to rescue his righteous brother.

My righteous brother abused me thousands of times, and I treat my righteous brother like my first love!

This is absolutely true love!

In order to decipher "Fengmoyan" and rescue Wang Xiaoran, he sighed the "Dao Jian Xiang Forgetfulness" and "Zhi Dao Wuwu" cast by Xiqi, and designed a series of meticulous layouts, preparing to destroy the "Xuan Xuan" under the Fumo Cliff in Dao Town step by step. Ice Seal".

Unexpectedly, the "Xuan Bing Seal" was accidentally shattered by the aftermath of the fight between Yuan Xiehuang and Quezhou Yifandu. Years of hard work were in vain, which made Tan Xiqi vomit blood.

Fortunately, Wang Xiaoran left the secluded world safely, which made the big stone in Tan Xiqi's heart finally fall.

"Xuan Miao, it's really you!"

After many years, brothers meet again, and Wang Xiaoran is filled with emotion. If he had not been so naive at the beginning, but had followed Yi Xuanmiao's words, the ending might have been very different!

It's a pity that there is no if in this world, Wang Xiaoran paid a heavy price for his choice!

Faced with sigh and wonder now, Wang Xiaoran has both the joy of reunion, guilt and self-blame in his heart!

"Brother, just come out, and then leave it to me!" On the battlefield, making a long story short, Tan Xiqi turned to look at Abilie, and said coldly, "You hurt my righteous brother, you can apologize with death!"

"Such a big tone, Ghost Moon Fire! Kill!"

Abilie waved a huge sickle like a crescent moon, stepped on the evil fire, and rushed forward.

"Swords are natural. Yinhe is shining!"

Sigh, Qi Qi's physique is special, the instant "Heaven, Earth and Sky Sword" raises his sword to the sky, the sword qi weaves ten thousand stars, and the dazzling Milky Way appears.

The meritorious deeds were completed, the step of the step was as fast as a shooting star, the two swords intersected, and the stormy sea was suddenly set off, the evil fire burst, and the sand was flying. The two stood with their backs facing each other. look.

"It's impossible... ah~"

Before the words were finished, the evil head flew into the air, blood spurted out from the broken neck, the headless corpse fell down, and it has become a dead soul under the sword!

"Abilie, damn it!"

Seeing the tragic death of their companions, Shao Shang Lai, Empress Jie Jin and others were all furious.

On the other side, Mo Qingchi faced the Demon Bone. Demon Qiansui, and the quick sword attacked in succession. One move was stronger than the other.


Bianmo Qingchi was pressing step by step, Mo Qiangu didn't even have a chance to use his housekeeping ability "Ghost Covering Eyes", so he had no choice but to use "Sparrow Feather Blade" to fight against him.

"Qing Mo·Bai Gui Zhi Xia!"

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