Mo Qingchi is fearless, arrogant and calm, good will be promoted, evil will be eliminated, the sword is unprovoked, the ink and wash energy on the "Mingyi Zhengsheng" gathers, and he spins and slashes, shattering the evil miasma.


Mo Qiansui cried out in pain, his body was penetrated by the sword energy, and several blood mists were sprayed out, but Mo Qiantui was injured and did not die, and then sacrificed to a different method.

"Evil Night Murderer!"

The strange black air swept over, and Mo Qingchi was in it, and it was difficult to see things.

"Gentleman style!"

I saw Mo Qingchi's Confucianism, like a dragon, jumped up in shock, his hands quickly formed sword marks, and he turned around. In an instant, the wind overwhelmed the sacred atmosphere, and he concentrated his strength. .

Mo Qiansui was unstoppable, and was swept away by the mighty wind, disappearing at once, and ending up with no bones left!

at the same time.

The countermeasure between Tianji and Kuangshenyu has reached a critical juncture.


I saw that in the sky, the word "Dao" Xuan Bing suddenly fell apart, the blood smashed the sky, and penetrated the sky. When the sky was extremely shocked, the Sword of Delight and Delight was forced to kill, a lore, and a sword to seal the throat!


The demons rose and disappeared, the sky was stained with blood, the celestial extremity failed to kill the demons, and the corpse fell from the sky.



Seeing the fall of the celestial pole, the limit of the earth, the sword and the non-dao are all grief-stricken, distracted overnight, severely injured by the emperor of the black emperor and the ghost of Jie Jin, vomiting blood.  …

At this time, both sides were injured and killed, and the situation did not turn around. The tragic and tragic atmosphere lingered in the hearts of everyone.


Mountain and sea wonders.

Legend has it that the world of spirits, known as the source of all spirits, is the devil's world under the leadership of the demon king, led by several of the main war factions, in the ancient plain of Bifang Mountain, to fight the devil to the death.

The beacon fire that lasted for [-] days burned the battlefield into scorched earth, blood flowed into rivers, bones piled up into mountains, and both spirits and demons suffered heavy casualties.

At the moment when the leaders of the Tianzhi clan, the forbidden city Poppy and the devil fell at the same time, the sky was pouring down, and the heavy rain was like the tears of the gods, extinguishing the war, and also the remains of the spirit and the devil, together with all the magic soldiers. The magic weapon and rare treasures were buried together in the flood, and the master of the imperial edict and Que Jiuzhong were also lost, leaving only the ying of the gods.

Years later, the father of Kuanhuan buried countless immortals and magic treasures in the ancient original of Bifang Mountain, established the wonders of mountains and seas, and then built five secret caves with the secrets he possessed.

Inside the spectacle of mountains and seas, the spirit of immortality is quiet. Today, an uninvited person ignored the barrier and stepped into the center of Bifang Mountain.

Lin Feng looked at the vast sea of ​​clouds and smiled.

"The things here belong to me!"

After declaring sovereignty, Lin Feng waved his hand, the thunder suddenly changed, the sea of ​​clouds gave way, like splitting time and space, mountains and seas appeared!

The city of wonders, in the drastic changes of heaven and earth, appears majestically!

In the misty mist, the seven palaces, twelve halls, twenty-fourth floor, thirty-six pavilions, and various palaces and pavilions come into view.

No politeness, Lin Feng waved his hand again, and in a blink of an eye, the entire mountain and sea spectacle was put into the inner space with supreme magical power, leaving only a blank space.

There are many treasures in the wonders of mountains and seas 4.4, "Shuyu Pavilion" collects the world's most extraordinary scriptures and secrets, which are rare in the world!

From the "Dengxianlu" of Cultivation and Emergence, down to the "Black Dead Book" of sneaking into Huangquan, all of them are appreciated.Even the "Minghong Cang Zhang", which is rumored to have been destroyed by the war, has three original pages preserved here (it contains some records of the sinner of the single front, the source of the dark blood, and the Yunzhu Six Consistency Method).As well as "Lingtu Thirteen Toes" (the original record of the floating hand, the secret book written by Yuan Wuji), "Shi Ling Bao Jian" and other rare books.

"Fengganlou" collects immortal stones and magical medicines, such as vein renewing stone, six leaves of heart-shifting, lingzhi, reversing reincarnation Dan, and sulphur flame terpene, which is the treasure house of Qihuang art.

Other attics also store rare treasures such as Chalcedony, Panlong Noctilucent Gallbladder, Ninety-five Box, Source of Dawn, Sun, Moon and Star Tri-light Mirror, Seamless Tencel, Invisible Iron, Ultra-light Spirit Bead and so on. , is a rare bumper harvest!

And just after Lin Feng collected the wonders of the mountains and seas, the father of the fat house, the father of the absurdity, and the master Yuan Gongzi, who were exquisite in all aspects, both felt a shock, and hurried to the wonders of the mountains and seas...

Chapter [-]: Young Master Yuan

After collecting the wonders of the mountains and seas, Lin Feng floated away and waved his sleeves without leaving a cloud.

Not long after Lin Feng left, the father of the fat mansion boasting a flickering green light appeared in Bi Fangshan.

The father of exaggeration is neither human nor beast, neither immortal nor demon. He is a mysterious creature above all things, sitting on countless treasures.

Many years ago, Yu Linling was forced to marry Yu Linling, but she was calculated by Yu Linling and killed by life trainees. Feng," Emperor Bow Twelve Rainbows, and "Tiger Tail Spring Ice".

However, the father of Kuanhuan was formerly known as Hao Xing Tanlong, with a very special fate. He fell into the abyss of refining fire and did not die. Later, he manifested as a soul, and secretly planned for many years to start a new plan and revenge.

But I don't want the revenge plan to start, and my treasure will be taken by others first!

Whether it is bearable or unbearable, looking at the wonders of the mountains and seas in a white land, the father of exaggeration gritted his teeth: "A hateful thief, such an empty treasure, no matter you escape to the ends of the earth, you will pay the price~"

The sound waves shook the sky, the ground shook and the mountains shook, setting off boundless dust waves rolling endlessly.

The angry father of exaggeration was in a rage, and he didn't even consider how powerful the person who can break through the many restrictions and collect the entire wonders of the mountains and seas!

"A kite suddenly rises, and the frivolity meets the wind.

Let it go high into Qingyun Road, and the traction is nothing but a rope. "

With 15 elegant poems, a mysterious light group flew in, and turned into a graceful and elegant man before appearing in front of the exaggerated father.

"Wonders of mountains and seas, how could it be..." Seeing the wonders of mountains and seas with countless treasures turned into white ground, Young Master Yuan, who was a step late, also showed a look of shock and annoyance.

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