Seeing the arrival of Young Master Yuan, the father of Kuanhuan shouted angrily, "Yuan Wuji, I want you to guard the wonders of the mountains and seas for you, but now all the treasures inside have been looted, you can explain it!"

Excuse me, how do I know what's going on?

Young Master Yuan looked stunned, this situation was obviously beyond his expectations.

Yuan Gongzi, whose real name is Yuan Wuji, was famous for his "Thirteen Toes of the Spirit Tuo" and "The Floating Hand".

It's just that Yuan Wuji itself is squat, ugly and terrifying, and feels inferior because of his appearance. He has been living in the dark, and his heart is twisted and cynical, and he even cruelly kills for fun!

Later, the father who was exaggerated changed his appearance with "The Dafa of Heterogeneous Destiny", and transformed himself into the handsome and beautiful son, Zhan Lu Wufang!

With the support of Kuihuan's father, Yuan Gongzi quickly became rich and wealthy, and turned from a short, poor man to a tall, rich and handsome man.

But people's hearts can never be satisfied. On the surface, Young Master Yuan indulges in feasting, singing and dancing, but in his heart there is a desire to spy on the treasures of the wonders of mountains and seas.

Young Master Yuan is grateful to the father of exaggeration who changed his whole body, but he is more afraid and repelled. He knows that the father of exaggeration is using him, but why is he not using the father of exaggeration.

Now, Young Master Yuan knows that he is not the opponent of the exaggerated father, so he can only lower his stance.

Under the eaves, people had to bow their heads, facing the accusations of the exaggerated father, Yuan Gongzi could only swallow his voice: "I never leave my body, the other party did not use normal means to enter, but forcibly destroyed the wonders of mountains and seas. Outside the enchantment, the strength is not simple."

Speaking of this, Young Master Yuan is a little more dignified. The enchantment of the wonders of mountains and seas is extremely powerful. If there is no "key", it is difficult for even him to forcibly break in, but the other party can move the entire wonders of mountains and seas in such a short period of time. I believe Yuan Gongzi thinks it is incredible!

The father of Kuanhuan can't control so much, and shouted angrily: "I didn't come to listen to your nonsense. No matter what method you use, if you don't retrieve the treasure within a month, you will know the consequences yourself."

After Kuahuan's father roared, Hua Guang left, leaving only the gloomy Young Master Yuan standing on the empty mountain top, his fists clenched and his eyes cold.

For the father of exaggeration, Young Master Yuan's patience has reached the limit, but Young Master Yuan knows that it is extremely difficult to defeat the father of exaggeration by himself.

"No, I can't just sit back and wait for death. People who can forcibly break through and collect the wonders of mountains and seas must be unparalleled in strength. Even if they find them, it will be difficult to get them back. It's better than that..."

Young Master Yuan looked in the direction where the father of Kuanhuan disappeared, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and said coldly: "You forced me, no wonder I!"


On the top of a mountain with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

Lin Feng was using his divine sense to count the spoils in the inner space.

The wonders of mountains and seas can also be regarded as a treasure, not much less than the treasures in the golden lion ruins. Although the quality is not as good, the quantity is not enough.

There are a lot of magic weapons alone. Lin Feng put aside some of the special weapons, and used the rest to be absorbed by the "Scar of the Sky".

At this time, the "Heaven's Mark" is already a high-grade innate spiritual treasure, and its quality is extremely high. It is already very difficult to go further. These magical weapons can add up to one percent of the power at most, which is also considered considerable.

As for those treasures of heaven and earth, panacea, Lin Feng eats two as snacks when he is idle. He is not like a fool like the father of exaggeration. The treasures of heaven and earth are used to eat, otherwise, would it be left in the mold or wait for it? To be robbed?

As for the bizarre scriptures, Lin Feng has no time to watch it, and maybe he can watch it when he has time to pass the time.

There are not many other rare treasures that can arouse Lin Feng's interest.

There is no way, the stronger the strength, the less the help of foreign objects. For Lin Feng, these treasures are similar to toys, and their functions are limited. It is a good choice to reward them.


Defeng ancient road, Haozheng Supreme Hall.

The emperor is supreme, the chivalrous scholar has no trace, the phoenix is ​​ruthless, the law is selfless, the swordsman is boundless, a page book, Tianji, Qingyangzi, Xingsu Yiqi, Yulijing, Ye Xiaochai, mad sword in troubled times, etc. Gathered together, the atmosphere was silent and solemn.

Crazy Blade in Troubled Times has not seen Su Huanzhen in a long time, and said with some worry: "Su Huanzhen he..."

"Let him calm down by himself!" Qing Yangzi sighed.

Qing Yangzi knew that Feng Cailing's death really hit Su hard, so why not!

Qingyangzi did not expect that things would turn into what they are today. Although the underground door was broken, it seemed that the brainwashed people had been rescued, but at the same time, many murderous villains who were originally peaceful were released.

It is precisely because of this that Qing Yangzi feels guilty.

If they didn't attack the ground, perhaps Su and Fengcai Ling were still living a peaceful and happy life on the ground!

But there is no regret medicine in the world, and even if they do it again, they will not be able to watch the underground door nibble on the misery!

Despite the helplessness and guilt, Qing Yangzi did not sink in this, recalling the entire underground gate battle in his heart, thinking about the gains, losses and shortcomings!

Qingyangzi had never underestimated the power of Quzhou Yifandu, but when he was fighting, Qingyangzi discovered that Quzhou's combat power was far beyond his estimation. In the situation at that time, if the Emperor Yuanxie had not suddenly made a move, I'm afraid that they will all be defeated by "Fantasy Bubble", and if they are lucky, they can still be brainwashed by "No-self Sanskrit" and become human again!

Today, although the lack of boats has "fallen", the plight has not become peaceful, but more chaotic!

In particular, Yuanxiehuang and Lin Feng, who had unknown intentions, were like two mountains pressing on Qingyangzi's heart, making him breathless.

After losing the "Dharma Golden Light Pagoda", the mad sword in troubled times, Ye Xiaochai and the others have sobered up, and they have spoken out exactly what happened before and after their fight with Lin Feng.

It is not difficult to understand that Lin Feng from Zhongqing Yangzi has a very close relationship with Emperor Yuanxie. At the same time, the two seem to be involved with the Emperor Abandoned Heaven. The page book is also not sure of a breakthrough!

After the Battle of Dimen, Qingyangzi had seen the horror of Emperor Yuanxie, and that absolute power made him feel unprecedented pressure and despair!

The so-called conspiracy and tricks are completely vulnerable in the face of that terrifying force.

Although I don't understand why the other party didn't take the opportunity to attack them, it doesn't mean that Qingyangzi will think that the other party is not a threat.

On the contrary, at this time, Qingyangzi had already decided Yuanxie Huang and Lin Feng as the most powerful opponents, racking his brains to think about countermeasures, one by one plan flashed, and then he was quickly rejected by him, the more he thought about it, the more irritable he became. Near the devil!

On the other side, Huang Ru Wushang also had a gloomy expression. He had the highest qualifications here, and his strength was considered top-notch, but when he remembered that he had no power to fight back in front of Quzhou Yifandu and Emperor Yuanxie, he had kidney pain.

Huang Ru Wushang was originally a person who wanted more face. As a result, he took the doorman to push the tower, but he was finally lying down and was carried back. It was a face-slap.

He couldn't swallow this breath, and he was very unhappy in his heart, but when he thought of the strength that Yuan Xiehuang showed, what could he do, he was also very helpless!

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