Judging from the current situation, even if the three sects came out in full force, they would not necessarily be able to compete with the Yuanxie Emperor, not to mention that the Yuanxie Emperor was not just one person.

No matter how you look at them, their chances of winning are not big, annoying! .

Chapter [-] Life Trainee

Daozhen Fumo Cliff.

"Is this the result you want, a joke." The blood on the corner of Junlin Hei Di's mouth was still dry, but he was still domineering, despising the heroes: "A group of rabble, no matter how much you come, it will be... rubbish."

"Hmph, who can't brag, please wipe the blood clean and talk big!" Tan Xiqi's words were sharp, but the injuries on his body always reminded him that he was a very terrifying and powerful enemy, and he should not be careless.

After a bloody battle, both Youjie and Zhongyuan Zhengdao were killed and injured, and Jizhan was even more eager to take revenge, and died tragically under the sword of openness and pleasure. The eruption of the power of the flood and the joy of relaxation collided to the death.

As for the Nether Realm, Empress Jie Jie and Shao Shang Lai also died in the hands of Mo Qingchi and Yuan Wuxiang.

After the war, the already severely wounded Tishoutian was wounded, and he was barely able to fight.

After Yuan Wuxiang killed Jie Jhin Ghost, he fought back on the verge of death, and was also heavily wounded.

At present, only Tan Xiqi, Mo Qingchi, Wang Xiaoran and Jian Feidao still have some fighting strength.

The two sides confronted each other, sighing, Mo Qingchi, and Wang Xiaoran attacking the Black Emperor of King's Landing.

Yuan Wuxiang and Kuan Shoutian tried their best to resist the ghost race, fate, chance and some strange races. As time passed, their injuries became heavier and they were already in danger.

On the other side, the Black Emperor of Junlin relied on his strength and physique to overwhelm people with his power.

Mo Qingchi, Wang Xiaoran, Tan Xiqi and the others were hurt in the dark, and they were too weak, so they could only deal with it from the sidelines, and did not dare to face their regrets!

"Annoying ants, you tried your best!"

Facing the continuous attack of the three-way masters, Hei Di saw the flaws in the battle, and immediately absorbed his qi. He used Mo Heitian to block the attacks of Tan Xiqi and Mo Qingchi, and attacked the weakest Wang Xiaoran with strong moves.


Wang Xiaoran was locked by the black emperor of King's Landing, and there was no way to avoid it. The only way to do it was to forcefully accept the move.

"Big brother!"

Seeing that Wang Xiaoran was severely injured and fell to the ground, he sighed in anger, and with a loud shout, he finally got up again.

"The only sigh in the sky with sword energy. "!"

I saw Tan Xiqi's "Heaven, Earth and Sky Sword" danced in the air, and the sword seal moved. Suddenly, the sky and the earth were swords.

The fierce and incomparable lightsaber swayed freely, densely like a net, roaring towards the black sky.

"Qing Mo. Zhengu Mingfeng!"

Mo Qingchi is in the same Yunji style, and the sword wind blows like a phoenix soaring for nine days.

"Destroy all demons!"

In the face of thousands of sword qi, King's Landing Hei Emperor raised his palm to the sky, took Xuan Huang Hao qi, and turned around, the majestic devil qi swept through the battle, the black thunder storm collided with the sword qi extremely, the devil Hei Tian Wei Ran did not move, Mo Qingchi and Tan Xiqi vomited blood at the same time!

"You can hold on until now, you are considered a person, but unfortunately in front of this emperor, you can only become the bones under my feet, die!"

The King's Landing Hei Di was firmly in control of the victory, made a rhetoric, and immediately chased after the victory.

"Forge of Cloud Demon!"

The Black Emperor of King's Landing slapped the sky, and the black energy penetrated the sky, forming a strange vortex in mid-air. The huge Demon Heitian palms hung on both sides of the vortex, exuding bloody light, terrifyingly powerful.

"It's not good, it's a trick to demonize the world." Seeing this, Mo Qingchi was anxious to get the clear air of the world and accumulate strength.

And Sang Xiqi flew up and tried his best to entangle with Demon Heitian, dragging his footsteps, but in the face of a huge golem with an unparalleled defense and unparalleled defense, Sang Xiqi was unable to build his merits, was shocked by the demonic energy, and fell to the ground. , bend the knee and vomit blood.


"I didn't expect to see you for so many years, the strength of the Black Emperor of King's Landing is stronger than before, and there is no intention to fight again! Holy Division, retreat!"

A mouthful of blood spurted out, sighing that he didn't have time to wipe it, reminded Mo Qingchi, and immediately prepared to flash with Wang Xiaoran.


Mo Qingchi groaned, knowing that he couldn't do anything, and made a decisive move.

"I want to go, Dark Sky Slaughter!"

The King's Landing Hei Emperor died of several generals, how could he just let it go, the huge Demon Heitian's palms slammed out with the power of the sky, and suddenly the sky was covered with darkness, and the endless magic power filled the world.

"Zhengchen Mi, Gu Feng Phi, how many people in the present and ancient times? Howling in the sky for thousands of miles, and then fighting... the world is against the world."

When I first heard the proud poem number, I saw a shot that broke the sky and rushed to the sky.


It is a very good move, and the world is turbulent in an instant.




Mo Qingchi sighed in surprise, there was no hometown, Kuan Shoutian and the others all vomited vermilion in the aftermath of the shock.

Even the Demon Heitian of King's Landing Hei Di was suddenly disillusioned and couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of old blood.

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