"The gun is good, but the man is not."

Facing Xie Tianzi's sharp shot, Lin Feng didn't move, he flicked his fingers, and the wind was light and cloudless.


A little bright light suddenly appeared on the tip of the finger, and it collided with the tip of the spear. A powerful anti-shock force came from the "Spear of the Underworld Emperor", and the tiger's mouth cracked, and it was almost impossible to hold the "Spear of the Underworld Emperor". !

Just as Xie Tianzi was retreating again and again, Emperor Yuliang and Ying Xiao I attacked at the same time.

"The Demon Seal Exterminates the Martial Arts!"

The dark clouds rushed away, the purple thunder and lightning flashed, the sky was terrifying, I saw Yingxiao I first showed the power of "Dark Sword Single Front", which matched the power of "Destroy My Sword Realm", one sword pointed to the sky, and the magic sword turned into thousands , Weeping ghosts and gods, accompanied by boundless beacon fires, shot towards Lin Feng.

"The Eight Characters of Imperial Martial Arts. The Emperor's Expulsion Touring the Realm!"

Between the cold eyebrows of Emperor Yuliang, the "Bazi Jue of Yuwu" appeared for the first time, with a powerful trend, like a dragon going out of the customs, directly hitting the door of Lin Feng's heart...  

"The move is good, but the strength still needs to be strengthened, the end of the day." Lin Feng said softly, turned his hands, and manifested a long black sword.


The three sides collided, as if the sky was torn apart by thunder, and the entire snow peak collapsed in a third of the thunder and fire, and the flying stones and snow were like a torrent bursting the bank.


Amidst the haze, Lin Feng and Emperor Yuliang should laugh at me. The evil emperor fought in one place, his figures intertwined at an extremely fast speed, the spear and sword energy swept the four fields, destroying the world, and the sound of gold and iron symphony could not be heard.


The sharp edge against the sword light, should laugh at my inferiority, vomiting blood and regressing.

After Beng Fei laughed at me, Lin Feng turned his body and slammed his palm to the ground, and the ground suddenly burst, and the energy spread to form a shock wave that swayed in all directions.

Emperor Yuliang and Emperor Xie Tiyuan waved their spears to resist, but they were both shaken back several dozen feet, with a trace of blood dripping from the corners of their mouths.

"It's really terrifying power, Emperor Yuliang, I don't play, you have caused the trouble yourself, and you will solve it yourself." The evil emperor then smiled at Lin Feng: "This boss has a lot of injustice and a debt, and Yuliang Huang and I are in fact. I’m not familiar with you either, if you continue to fight, I’ll say goodbye first!”

After speaking, the evil emperor is ready to run away.

"Don't think that if you are mentally handicapped, I will let you go. Today, let's bury you together!"

Lin Feng said indifferently, and then suddenly raised a level of skill, and the world was condensed in an instant, Canfeng was uncomfortable with divine power, and suddenly burst apart, Xie Tianzi, Yuliang Emperor, and Yingxiao, I only felt an indescribable sense of oppression from Lin Feng. It came from the body, as if the whole world was shrouded in its shadow 3.0.

The giant mountain cracked thousands of feet and split into two parts. The three people of Yuliang Emperor fell rapidly, and soon people and hearts fell to the bottom of the valley. They bent their knees and vomited blood. Although they were unwilling, their bodies trembled involuntarily.


Lightning flashed in the sky, criss-crossing lightning lit up the sky, and countless rocks fell like a torrential rain. Yuliang Emperor, Xie Tianzi, Yingxiao and I looked extremely embarrassed, bloodstained on their bodies, and looked up at Lin Feng who was standing in the void.

"Is this his true power?" Emperor Yuliang was terrified and jealous. Unwillingness and fear drove Emperor Yuliang almost crazy.

Xie Tianzi looked down and muttered to himself: "No, I am the villain boss, how can the villain boss die as soon as he appears."

"This kind of desperate power is really desirable."

The power displayed by Lin Feng made the three of them feel very powerless, as if life and death were only between each other's thoughts!

Chapter One Hundred and Twelve

Thunder and lightning flashed, landslides and ground cracks, and the huge mountain peaks that towered thousands of feet fell apart under the pressure of Lin Feng's divine power, and broke apart from it.

Beneath the deep valley, rocks were scattered like rain, Yuliang Emperor, Xie Tianzi, Yingxiao and I gritted their teeth, blood left the corners of their mouths, and looked up at Lin Feng who was standing in the void, despising the common people.

Unwillingness, jealousy, fear, yearning, and anger are mixed.

"The solitary emperor is the dragon among people, how can he fall here! The solitary emperor will never admit defeat, and he will never admit defeat!"

Yuliang Emperor was extremely resentful in his heart, and he smashed the foundation, and all the dragon energy erupted in his body. At the same time, he smashed the totem of his heart with one claw, and blood flowed down, but Yuliang Emperor didn't care, and whispered: "God of Mingming, according to The agreement between you and me, grant me strength!"

Evil power erupted, Yuliang Huang's state was better than before, he angered the "General's Order", and the strong and powerful Jiyuan blessing.

"Yu Yu Ba Zi Jue. The world returns to the heart!"

In order to fight for a chance of survival, Emperor Yuliang had no reservations, and the incomplete "Nine Nine Denglong Body" destroyed the power to the limit, turned the strongest blow, an invincible shot, and carried the Xuan 15 supernatural evil energy back to the sky.

At the same time, Xie Tianzi and Yingxiao I fought back with all their strength, the Underworld Emperor's spear and sword merged, and the evil spirit was awe-inspiring.

"You guys, try your best!"

Opening and closing his eyes coldly, Lin Feng waved "Doomsday Heaven Ge" with his backhand. In an instant, thunder roared, and ghosts cried and panicked.

Silently, Emperor Yuliang, Son of Evil, Yingxiao, the three of us together move like snow meets the scorching sun, melting and invisible.

The wind was blowing, and the world was silent.




The bright red blood spurted from the neck, making the pleasant sound of the breeze passing over the leaves, the emperor of Yuliang, the evil emperor, should laugh at me and cover the cracked throat at the same time, all kinds of emperors in this life, the emperors who were invincible, the evil spirits appeared in my mind. The swordsman, the one who loses in this life, will fall to the dust in the end, and his dying eyes will look up at the sky, only to know that the peak is unattainable!

When Lin Feng waved his hand, the three bodies were converted into exchange points by the system, turning into a little light, and after a while they disappeared, leaving only one piece of equipment. According to the principle of not wasting it, Lin Feng charges it, which can somewhat enhance the power of "Scar of the Sky".

As for Emperor Yuliang's golden outfit, Lin Feng couldn't take it seriously, but he could send it to his subordinates.

In the blink of an eye, the Yuliang Emperor left in the deep valley should laugh at me and the evil emperor's clothes being buried in the rubble!

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