The "Underworld Emperor's Spear" and "Underworld Emperor Shanfeng" were created by the "Underworld Emperor's Iron", which was transformed into the "Heart of Evil God" by Emperor Tianyao. It is easy to be affected by it, and even control the mind.

But for Lin Feng, it was a piece of cake and there was no pressure.

Speaking of which, Emperor Tianyao was originally the patron saint of light who guarded the "Donghuang Xuanzhou", one of the four overseas continents of Shenzhou.

This is the spirit of the three lights gathered by the essence of the sun and the moon. The cultivation base is close to the gods, and it has reached the ranks of immortals!

Because the conspirators poisoned the people of Donghuang Xuanzhou, Zhutian inhaled all the poison into his body in order to protect the people, but the conspirators demonized Zhutian with the "Ultimate Underworld Emperor", and finally Zhutian shot the poison out of his body to protect the people. Zhuangtian has three hearts, lost his memory and became demonized, became the emperor of the underworld, and fell into a devil overnight.

The demon-like God of Heaven was not tolerated by the heavens and the earth, and was punished by the gods of the six heavens. He was punished by the "tool of three lights", which indirectly caused the East Huang Xuanzhou to shatter into seven islands.

After this change, Emperor Tianyao vowed to be the enemy of all the gods and gods, and called him the Emperor of the Underworld, causing a wave of disasters of the Emperor of the Underworld.

Later, he was defeated by Jiutian Xuanzun with the trick of "borrowing a sword from the sky", and was rescued by the Eight Qi Evil Gods.

Counting the time, the evil kings should still be hiding in the sky now.

Lin Feng looked into the distance and muttered to himself: "Zhoutian, Yaqi Evil God! The next goal, let's start from unsealing the dragon head!"

The figure flashed, and when he reappeared, he had returned to Yiqing Jiangshan Tower.

At this time, the Holy Infant Lord Yan Wushang had arrived, and used the "Blade of Consciousness" to kill the evil spirit, but the old man of Tianjian was also affected by some, and he is still in a coma.


the other side.

Monster market, the army is assembled and ready to go.

King Jianwu was dressed in a military uniform, with a valiant appearance. He wore the "Original Pair of Rings" in his left hand and the "Or Heavenly Halberd" in his right. His white armor shone dazzlingly in the sun.

Behind him, the holy devil twins stood side by side, with the same handsome face, dressed in black and white, and the flames of war flashed in their eyes, as if they were about to burn the world.

Ten thousand armies lined up below, with a chilling air, stirring the situation.

In addition to killing the local army of the Broken Island and the Monster Market, some of these troops were prisoners of war who were defeated by the five kings who attacked the Monster City, adding up to a total of [-] troops!

Seeing that the army was assembled, Mo Xiertu bowed to King Jianwu: "King, the army has been assembled, please instruct the king."

King Jianwu looked at the army that was sent down, nodded with satisfaction, the "primitive pair of rings" in his left hand rubbed slightly, and then said aloud: "All the armies set off and follow me to fight the Nine Wheels Heaven."


Hunting Yu Tianmai.

The rainbows fill the sky, dazzling like a galaxy, and a little bit of brilliance is the soul of a sleeping hero.

Mysterious and sacred, it is another forbidden place in Shouyu - the big mirror!

Instructed by Lin Feng, Ni Shenyang used the "Spirit Forbidden Essence" to expel the "Devil Seed" in his body, and his mind was much calmer.

For the next period of time, Ni Shenyang was busy expelling the "demon seeds" for his clan, and although he sensed this, he did not act.

Because the "power of blood and darkness" is already sufficient at this time, there is no need to make more killings. More importantly, what Di Ming is focusing on now is Lin Feng and Yuan Xiehuang, and he is also considering how to transform a page of books. Best among adults.

Because of Lin 327 Feng's interference, the situation is now in chaos, and Di Ming's original plans have all been disrupted.

After disarming the "Devil Seed" of Shouyu's lineage, Ni Shenyang began to gather his fighting power, so he came here.

Seeing that the topography of the Great Mirror remained unchanged, Ni Shenyang sighed with emotion: "I haven't been here for a long time!"

After saying that, he opened his hands, and the "Spirit Forbidden Yuan" was smashed, and an endless stream of soul essence was poured into the big mirror.

"An ancient god of the prehistoric, with wings covering the nine heavens, transforming and cultivating all things, and hunting and creating things.

Although the holy body is mortal, the Holy Spirit is immortal, the sky is always shining, and the blood of our family is passed on. "

Following the elf incantation, the anti-god Yang added to destroy the "Even Forbidden Yuan", Yuan Gong penetrated the sky rainbow, Qi Hua Sheng Yao, in the galaxy, three shocking breaths slowly awakened!

Ni Shenyang looked at the three beams of light that looked like stars: "Xue Jue, Zi Fei, Jinglei Zun, you all slept with me at first, and now it's the time when Shouyu is hiring people, I have used the forbidden energy to wake you up, waiting for you. When he is fully awakened, it is the moment when Shouyu and Youjie will fight!"

Although there is no "Devil Seed", Ni Shenyang still hates the unscrupulous behavior of humans and demons to destroy nature. Now Die Xiaoyue is still breastfeeding, but no one does spiritual work for Ni Shenyang.

Therefore, Ni Shenyang still insisted on his plan to exterminate humans and demons, but because of Lin Feng's strength, Zhan Shi aimed at the Nether Realm. .

Chapter [-]: The Emperor's Debate


The breeze is coming, the bright moon is high-rise.

The gigantic city stands in the sky, and there are thousands of Tibetan soldiers in it. They are all brave and skilled soldiers.

In the back garden, splendid cherry blossoms are flying all over the sky, and I saw a little loli in pink and jade, wearing a red dress holding a sickle taller than hers and swaying like the wind, and the strong wind drove the flowers to fall. drift.

This little loli is about [-] meters tall, with red hair and double ponytails, two pointed red horns protruding from the top of her head, and her white and tender feet are stepping on a pair of small black high heels. In between, the blood-red scythe exudes a sharp sword light, spins and steps, and taps the petals with the toes.

And the petals touched by the blood sickle were frozen in an instant, some were turned into ashes, and some were shaken into nothingness. Mang whistling, even super innate masters would not dare to parry easily!

"Chenxi, let's practice here today!" Yuanxie Huang sat on the other side of the garden, put down the teacup, and beckoned to Chenxi, the daughter of the god who had grown taller.

During this time, the forces of Tiandu, Tianyan Mocheng and others were all recuperating and recuperating. No one from the other forces dared to take the initiative to ask for trouble, but it was a peaceful day.

After helping Yaojie defeat Zhanyunjie, Emperor Yuanxie sat guarding the capital all the time, instructing Chenxi's martial arts and techniques in his spare time.

Chen Xi has inherited the essence of the god of death. As of now, the energy under his control has surpassed that of ordinary near-god powerhouses. In terms of weapons, I don’t know if he is influenced by the god of death. He prefers to use a sickle as a weapon. Practice, but there is no such thing, if it is not for lack of combat experience, just relying on swordsmanship, you can also run rampant.

Hearing the words of Emperor Yuanxie, Chen Xi stopped, turned the blood sickle back into the space he had opened up, stepped on the small high heels and jumped to the front of Emperor Yuanxie, with his hands on his back, his body leaned forward, showing his innocence Innocent smile: "Jiuyin, what do you think of Chen'er's self-created "Four Elephants and Blood Scythe"?"

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