In the tea pavilion.

It's true, a page of books, the Supreme Emperor, Qingyangzi, Tianji, Jun Fengtian, Yun Huizi and other righteous people have gathered here in advance.

A few days ago, they received a message from the special envoy of Tiandu, and learned that Emperor Yuanxie wanted to hold a "Xiaohuang debate" in Liuli Wonderland. Although they didn't know what Emperor Yuanxie wanted, they all knew that Emperor Yuanxie must have a big move!

The righteous path is a group of hard bones, and they did not retreat because of the strength of Yuanxiehuang. After some discussions, they decided to wait and see what happened.

Now there is still a trace of sadness between Su Huan 153's real eyebrows, obviously not out of the shadow of Feng Cailing's death, but for the overall situation of the misery, Su Huan really has to cheer up.

As the time approached noon, the situation suddenly changed.

Powerful aura quickly gathered from all directions to the Glazed Wonderland.

"Heaven and earth don't speak, calamity incarnates; killing and destroying the world, my life goes against the gods." From the northwest, a long roar of a dragon resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the god-defying Yang stepped on the dragon's head, his eyebrows were cold and his eyes were cold.

"Thousands of demons come to Ye, and thousands of autumns will never end; the wind will shock the seat, and there will be endless calamities." In the southwest, the cloud of demons surged, and a blood-bone troll flew through the air. drop.

"My feet stepped out of the fire, my hands clenched the destruction, my name is Luohu." In the south, Wujun Luohu stepped on the beacon fire, holding the "Jidu", wearing black and gold armor, striding meteors, passing by The location (bfdg), the war spreads and life is devastated!

"Eternal night is the light that reflects eternal life, baptizes all people, and glorifies the temple." In the west, Di Ming holds the "Scepter of Ghost Truth" and drives a sun-challenged carriage dragged by unicorns, breaking through the air.

"When you sleep in an immortal and have a good dream, let it be cold and cold. Xuanyuan affairs, ancient and modern talk, wind and rivers and mountains. Intoxicated with a white head, Shu Huai becomes a grand view. When you wake up, you are also in the world; your dreams are also in the world." Blonde, Jinyi, Golden fan, in the long golden rain, people feel that the very king is floating.

Nihai Chongfan. Tianyu, Tianyan Demon City. Demon Emperor, Jijing. Military Supervisor, Kaitian Six Kings, Qixie, Yuqingjue, Xihuang Buddha Realm. Shizhijialan, Tianjiang. Shepherd, etc. The leaders of the big forces and the more powerful loose cultivators are coming one after another!

Many of these people are deadly enemies. After meeting, the smell of gunpowder is strong, and the atmosphere is tense.

As long as a fuse needs to be ignited, the entire glazed wonderland will be reduced to ruins in the flames of war in an instant!

Those who came early are not impulsive, and know how to restrain themselves so as not to benefit others.

When he saw the arrival of the King of Hell, Su Huan really couldn't hold back, but considering the importance of this "Xiao Huang debate", Su Huan really had to hold back.

The people who came stood on one side and kept a distance to prevent someone from suddenly making a bad move.

"The end of the law destroys the Dao of Heaven, and Bo Xun kills the Tathagata!" The body of a thousand-zhang Demon Buddha, with three heads and six arms, the majesty of the giant demon holding the heaven and the earth in mourning, bringing destruction to the common people.

Qingyangzi watched the demon Buddha transformed into three bodies of Mida, Yan Da, and Nuya, and muttered to himself: "I didn't expect that even the demon Buddha of the Desire Realm came. It seems that the matter is more serious than expected!"

"Magic Buddha. Bo Xun!" One page book and Demon Buddha Bo Xun are also old enemies. After seeing Mida, Yan Da, and Nuya, their faces turned cold. If it wasn't the right time, I'm afraid they have already done it!

The Buddhist, Taoist, Confucian, and Xianmen newspaper groups are the most powerful among the various forces.

Youdu, Shouyu, Desire Realm, Nihai Chongfan, Tiandu, Tianjiang and other heroes are all bullshit characters.

Chess Evil, Yu Qingjue and other scattered cultivators gathered in one place.

The heroes gather together, meet the extreme!

Yan Da looked around coldly, looked at Luohu, the capital of the devil, and said coldly: "Emperor Yuanxie invited us to come, why didn't he see him?"

"When it's time to come, the Evil Emperor will naturally come, are you in a hurry to reincarnate?" Luo Huan's eyes were provocative, obviously wanting to have a "friendly match" with Yan Da.

Yan Da was violent and couldn't stand the provocation, so he was furious: "Mr. Wu, Luo Hu, others are afraid of you, but my Yan Da is not afraid, and I come when I want to fight."

The momentum of the two sides suddenly increased, and the entire Glazed Wonderland was suddenly shaken. The people around did not discourage it, but showed anticipation.


A loud shout descended from the sky, accompanied by supreme coercion, even if it was a page of the book, the top powerhouses such as Huangru, Tianji, Ni Shenyang, etc., could not help but feel the pressure!

The heroes all looked at the sky, and saw the turbulent clouds surging in the sky, and in the center of the calamity, a peerless magic shadow floated down, the air became extremely dignified, and the world was quiet.

Emperor Yuanxie didn't care about the tense atmosphere around him, he fell to the ground lightly, and looked at a page of the book indifferently. Yan Da, the great master, Di Ming, Shizuojun and others: "This "Xiaohuang debate", the main purpose is to assess the situation of the plight , any grievances between you can be resolved by yourself after the dispute is dissolved! "

"The "Xiaohuang Debate", that is "theory", "war", or "debate", in the middle of Guanqiao, heaven and earth are far away" Huangru Supreme Representative Defeng Ancient Dao took the lead in expressing his opinion.

Hearing the words, Emperor Yuanxie said loudly: "Whether it is a "discussion" or a "war" depends on the outcome of today's talks! "

Su Huanzhen asked, "What exactly do you want to talk about with the invitation of the evil emperor today?

"The people present at the meeting today have decisive influence on the martial arts of today. This emperor only needs a peaceful policy to resolve possible disputes in the future!" Emperor Yuanxie said loudly.

The surrounding heroes heard the words, some pondered, some sneered, and some pondered the feasibility, and so on!

Qi Xie Zonghengzi asked: "Dare to ask the evil emperor, how do you plan your so-called peace?"

"Simple, as a group of heroes return to the capital of heaven, the emperor can give you some autonomy, the world will be connected, and the misery will live together peacefully from now on. This is the emperor's suggestion and conclusion!" Emperor Yuanxie explained his thoughts forcefully.

Yan Da was the first to jump out and roared: "I want us to surrender, joke, Emperor Yuanxie, do you really think that you are invincible in the world? Or do you have the confidence to be the enemy of the world?"


Welcome everyone to read the new book "Extracting the Heavens", the first issue is at the starting point, the group number: 582.016.038, please take care of it!!.

Chapter 3: The Emperor's Debate [-]

Above the glazed wonderland, the Xiaohuang debate, the atmosphere is urgent, and there is a sense of mountain rain coming.

With the words that Emperor Yuanxie wanted to rule the world, the heroes suddenly became restless.

The people who came to participate in the Xiaohuang debate were either overlords or top powerhouses. They were in high positions and looked down on the world. To people, it is tantamount to a fantasy.

The grumpy Yan Da jumped out first: "I want us to surrender, joke, Emperor Yuanxie, do you really think that you are invincible in the world? Or do you have the confidence to be the enemy of the world?"

Relying on the indestructible golden body, Yan Da has a very high self-esteem and is fearless, and there are not a few people who are dissatisfied with this. If he can use the hands of the heroes to get rid of the Emperor Yuanxie, it will be a good thing for the world of desire!

Not to mention Yan Da, even Su Huanzhen, Huangru Supreme and others have the heart to let Yuanxie Huangjiao fall here.

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