In the first battle of Dimen, Huang Confucian Supreme had seen the horror of Emperor Yuanxie, and all the strong men of Defeng Ancient Dao were powerless to fight back, which made Huang Confucian Supreme feel very embarrassed.

But Huang Ru Supreme knows that the strength of Emperor Yuanxie is by no means a single force, or something that can be dealt with by a few supernatural beings.

Qingyangzi Fochen raised his shoulders and said loudly: "Qingyangzi also disagrees! The world is the world of the people of the world. Although the power of the evil emperor is the best in the world, it is difficult to convince the public with just one word."

"The power of the Evil Emperor is unparalleled in the world. Under his governance, the Nanwu Lin people, the demons, the demons, and the Japanese-blind people coexist harmoniously and live and work in peace and contentment. Treat them equally, avoid unnecessary disputes, and when the world is at peace, wouldn’t it be beautiful to create a prosperous world in which all clans prosper.” Chiba Legend stood on the stand of Tiandu and began to promote it.

Qing Yangzi looked at the legend of Qianye who looked exactly like Su Huanzhen, frowned, and whispered to Su Huanzhen: "Brother, when did you have an illegitimate child?"

"Brother, don't talk nonsense." Su Zhen shook his head helplessly.

Qianye Legend has a relationship with him, and they are very similar in all aspects, even the whirlpool eyebrows are exactly the same, more similar to him than Su Xuyuan, so misunderstandings are common!

Qingyangzi and the others knew that they just wanted to ease the atmosphere.

King's Landing Hei Di had a disapproving look on his face. As the current master of Youdu, his goal was to implement the "Scorched Earth Demon Universe Plan", to surrender to others, what a joke.

Ni Shenyang also had a cold expression. Although he likes peace, he is extremely repulsive to both human and demon races.

Yu Qingjue, Qi Xie and others also turned a deaf ear to the words of Qianye Legend.

Nihai Chongfan, Black Sea Prison, Shangtianjie, Tianyan Mocheng, Qiushan Baiyao Road and other forces expressed their approval of Yuanxie Huang.

Emperor Yuanxie smiled coldly and decided to kill the chicken to warn the monkey. He looked at Yan Da, Yan Da did not give in, and looked at Emperor Yuanxie, but he soon regretted it!

The moment he looked at Emperor Yuanxie's eyes, Yan Da only felt that the spiritual power like a vast star surged into his mind, he only felt that his soul was torn apart, his headache was splitting, and he couldn't help crying in pain.

Mida and Ji Wuxia were shocked. They and Yan Da were fellow practitioners, so naturally they couldn't just sit back and ignore them.

The two merged with Yan Da, and instantly turned into the demon Buddha Bo Xun, with the power of close to God, coercing the world, only to hear Bo Xun roar: "I want you to die!"

With a loud shout, thousands of miles of clouds collapsed, and the powerful momentum caused the surrounding great masters, very gentlemen, and the owner of the ice building to dodge in a hurry.

"Magic Buddha Bo Xun has transformed again, and his strength is better than before!"

"With such prestige, the Demon Buddha Bo Xun is really strong. If I fight against him, within three moves, I will definitely lose!"

"This is a near-god powerhouse, but the coercion makes people desperate, so terrifying!"

"The devil is presumptuous!"


Seeing the Thousand-Zhang Demon Buddha appear in the world, some of the heroes are amazed, some are deeply afraid, and some are stunned.

"The Light of Posen!"

Among the three poems of Demon Buddha Bo Xun, Yan Da was facing Yuan Xie Huang, and a little bright evil light emitted from his eyebrows, lasing down, as if he wanted to pierce the heavens and the earth.

Ni Shenyang, King's Landing Hei Di, the six kings, the military superintendent and others were all shocked when they saw this. Such mighty power would be unbearable.

On the other hand, Emperor Yuanxie kept Wei Ran unmoved, letting the evil light blaze, as if bathing in the spring breeze, unscathed.

"Bo Xun, that's all. If you don't enter the divine way, you will end up being ants, you are too weak!"

The Emperor Yuanxie stretched out his right hand and held it towards the Demon Buddha Bo Xun, directly with a pitch-black giant hand with condensed demonic energy, covering the sky and the sun, and pinching the thousand-zhang Demon Buddha in the palm of his hand.


As the palms folded, the Demon Buddha's golden body actually appeared cracks, spreading like a spider web.

Emperor Yuanxie looked at the horrified heroes around him, and said coldly, "This emperor called you here, not to ask for your opinions, but to convey my emperor's wishes."

Ignoring the eyes full of awe and hostility around him, after controlling the Demon Buddha, Emperor Yuanxie continued: "Your vision is too narrow, only limited to the current world and interests, have you ever thought that after thousands of years, you can't wait? Transcendence, imperial tyranny, and finally dust, are you willing?"

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

Are you willing?

Whether it is a human, a demon, an elves or a monster, they all have to die.

No matter whether you are a hero in the world, or a Buddha and a Confucian saint, if you can't transcend the calamity and become a god, you can only enjoy a life span of ten thousand years at most.

The people who came to participate in the Xiaohuang debate are all amazing and brilliant. Dao creators like Huangru Wushang have lived for thousands of years, but once the ten thousand-year limit comes, they are also doomed!

Cultivation is originally against the sky, and because of the rules set by the creator god, the misery is more severe for those who practice.

This is the rule of the world of misery, and it is a protection mechanism for misery. Too powerful individuals are not allowed to exist, so as not to disrupt the balance and cause misery to collapse!

Existences such as the God of Death and the Eight Qi Evil Gods belong to different numbers in heaven and earth, and there are only very few in suffering.


Break through the limitations of the world and achieve the status of gods. Throughout the ages, there are only a handful of people who can succeed!

Therefore, there are not a few people like Hades who hope that "Three Suns in the Same Sky" can gain eternal life.

Since King Yan killed Feng Cailing, he has been on the lookout for revenge on the righteous path. To be honest, a single Su is really not terrible.

What is terrifying is that Su Huanzhen has a group of super-strength bigwigs around him. If nothing else, a single page book that restores all the foundations is not something that the King of Hell can handle.

During this time, with the understanding of the misery, the six kings, King Yan, King Suan, King Chi, King Ju, King Heng, and Jun Haitang, all felt very bad.

Originally, the six kings thought that as long as they united, they could divide up the resources of the plight, but only now did they realize that the water of plight was far deeper than they had imagined. Super innate is a number, not to mention the struggle for hegemony, with their strength, even self-protection is very difficult!

Participating in the Xiaohuang debate this time, they are also eye-opening, and at the same time they are more aware of their insignificance!

And like the Commander-in-Chief, this kind of boss who came out of a small place, when he saw the current situation, he was immediately stunned!

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