The gradual change of red and white, the separation of life and death, a proud sword swayed, the heaven and earth closed, only to hear the sword's body dripping and falling to the ground.


The next day, I worshipped the Sword Furnace of Sword Mountain Villa.

The scorching hot air was surging, a knife (Tear of the Black Moon), a halberd (or a halberd) and two rare divine weapons stood in the lava in the center of the sword pool, scorched by the flames of the earth's core, and the sword pool was surrounded by countless inserts. The remnants of the peerless sword, these "peerless swords" are slightly closer to the center of the sword pool. They have been turned into molten iron by the high temperature of the underground lava, and slowly flowed into the center of the sword pool, becoming the nourishment for the two divine soldiers.

· · Flowers · · ·

The scorching flames distorted even the air, and the surrounding swordsmiths were all watching the divine soldiers from a distance, daring not to get close.

"Well, at this rate, in just seven days, two divine weapons will be born."

Feeling that the time is almost up, the chief caster, Tong Mei, shouted in the direction of the two divine weapons from a distance: "Lord Mo Qingchi, when we arrive at Mao, please also ask Lord Mo Qingchi to inject Qilin True Fire to temper it. Divine Soldier."


With the loud shout of Tongmei, the originally calm lava suddenly changed and rolled endlessly. The huge body of the fire unicorn Mo Qingchi slowly emerged from the lava, and the molten iron lava dripped from her body. , splashing countless sparks, the power of peerless beasts is overwhelming.Even though they have seen it many times, every time Mo Qingchi comes out, the swordsmiths will still feel suffocating fear!


Mo Qingchi floated above the lava, like a child with the air of getting up, he turned his head to face the swordsmiths such as Tongmei, and said in a milky voice, "I see! Back off you scumbags, otherwise they will be cooked, don't blame Ang for not reminding you."


Hearing Mo Qingchi's dissatisfied tone, the swordsmiths turned into birds and beasts and quickly retreated. Mo Qingchi's words were not joking! At the beginning, there were a few unlucky people who didn't know whether to live or die, and they got too close because of curiosity. They didn't want to follow Mo Qingchi's Qilin real fire, which was roasted into coke.

Seeing that the swordsmiths had all run away, Mo Qingchi stimulated the real Qilin energy in his body to absorb the energy of the fire element of heaven and earth. He saw Mo Qingchi's belly bulging and the beast flames all over his body soaring, and then a purple-red real Qilin fire came out of his mouth. squirting.

The Qilin True Fire is the natal supernatural power that Mo Qingchi obtained after cultivating to the Innate True Yuan realm. Its quality is not much different than the Sun True Fire of the Three-legged Golden Crow. It is not difficult to cook the sea in heaven.


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The peerless sword and the sword of defeat are said to be cast by a strange stone left by Nuwa after mending the sky. This strange stone is called "Black Cold", the iron in the stone, and it is the coldest thing in the world! The power of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth can also absorb the skills of others and use it for one's own use, and it has the ability to integrate the world's great irons.

However, these two fierce swords that could have shined before they were cast, were returned to the furnace by Qi Luosheng and transformed into today's Tears of the Black Moon and the Heavenly Halberd!

Plus the Jiangshan Yandao transformed by the Snow Drinking Sword, and the Mojian transformed by the Huo Linjian!

It can be said that the plot of Fengyun has been completely destroyed by Qiluosheng. No one knows how it will evolve in the future! But these Qiluosheng don't care. Power is so capricious!

As for the fate of Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, and Duanlang after losing their supporting weapons, Qiluosheng doesn't care at all, whether it is life or death, it is their own destiny! Qiluosheng's plan, they love it!


Boom! Boom!

The magic weapon was about to be completed, and the sky showed a strange sign. As Mo Qingchi took back the real fire of the unicorn, two sky-shattering edges in the sword pond rose into the sky, one was sharp and threatening, the other was majestic and domineering, breaking through the sky and reaching the sky.

call out!call out!call out!

At this moment, all the weapons in the entire Shenzhou seemed to be affected by some kind of induction, and they flew up one by one automatically, then inserted into the ground, and bent in the direction of Baijian Mountain Villa.


The backyard of China Pavilion.

Wuming was teaching the fifteen-year-old Jianchen to practice swordsmanship. A slightly childish figure jumped and flipped on the field to practice the "Inexplicable Sword Technique".

"The essence of inexplicable swordsmanship is to focus on the word inexplicable, use the mind to control the sword, use the heart to control the sword, the sword moves with the heart, the body moves with the heart, the sword moves with the heart, the sword moves and forget me, without me, without others, everything is nothing. When you draw out your sword, let your sword follow your heart, not let your sword follow your swordsmanship."

When Wuming explained "Inexplicable Swordsmanship", Jianchen did not stop practicing swords. As Wuming explained Jianchen's swordsmanship, he became more and more fluent and free. .

Jian Chen's talent in kendo is excellent, and his character is also first-class. Wuming is very satisfied with this disciple.

"Unexplainable grief!"

Jian Wu followed, Jian Chen swung out a sword, and the sword qi burst out, but only a few feet away, the sword qi dissipated and became invisible.

Surely it still doesn't work!

Although Jian Chen is young, he has practiced the "Inexplicable Sword Technique" to the point where he is familiar with it, but this trick, "Inexplicable Grief", has never been able to comprehend.

"Master, I'm sorry, my disciple has never been able to practice this trick well, it's a shame for you to master!" After practicing the sword, Jian Chenlai said in front of Wuming, a little ashamed.

Wuming smiled indifferently, patted Jianchen on the shoulder and said, "You have done a good job now, you have mastered the fifth level of the inexplicable swordsmanship, but you have a short time to learn martial arts and lack of internal strength and experience. The real power of the inexplicable swordsmanship has come into play. Your current cultivation base can barely be regarded as a first-class master in the arena. You have such a cultivation base at the age of fifteen, which is enough to be called a celestial posture. You don’t need to belittle yourself. "

"Thank you, Master, for your teaching." Jian Chen saluted with his sword in his arms.

call out!

At this moment, the hero sword in Jian Chen's hand suddenly came out of his hand and flew to Wuming with a "humming" sound.

At the same time, accompanied by chaotic sounds, many weapons flew out from the Zhonghua Pavilion, hilts, swords, steel, and spears, entrenched in mid-air, facing the west direction, and then slanting into the ground, presenting an incredible scene.

Those extremely hard swords are actually... bent! !

That is bowing down and bowing down! !

That is surrendering! !

All the swords, spears, swords, and halberds are actually facing the west, shaking their heads to worship and bow their heads! !

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