The scene was simply beyond words to describe. The famous martial arts practitioners who followed were all stunned, their faces were full of astonishment and disbelief, and they were full of shock.

"Wan soldiers bow their heads, worship and surrender!!"

"God, what's going on, why is my weapon bending and surrendering at this moment, what the hell is going on..."

"What is there in that direction that can make Wanbing bow down?"

Jian Chen had never seen such a strange situation, and asked Wuming beside him, "Master, what's going on?"

"Wan Bing worships from afar, this is a sign that a magical soldier is about to be born. Moreover, it is an extremely powerful and domineering divine soldier." Wuming looked at the scene of Wan Bing bowing his head, and said solemnly.

"What, this vision, is it a sign that the divine weapon is about to be born?"

A martial artist opened his mouth wide, his eyes almost fell to the ground on the spot, and his face was full of incredible expressions.

This divine soldier is so awesome, and he made such a big commotion before he was born. If he was born, it would not be against the sky!

Hearing Wuming's words, some martial artists showed ecstatic expressions on their faces.

"God soldier, once you get it, it's not a step to the sky, you can directly use the magic weapon to open up your own power, dominate one side, or even dominate the world, and reach the peak of life."

Many martial arts people are caught in YY, and their eyes show a longing look.

Unlike these people, Wuming frowned and did not speak. He had a hunch that the appearance of this magic weapon might bring a bloody storm to the martial arts. If it fell into the hands of ambitious people, I don’t know how many kills, slaughter, and thought about 0.0. Therefore, Wuming had already made a decision in his heart.

Jingle Jingle! !

After Wan Bing had bowed to him, he immediately saw those weapons lying weakly on the ground.

A famous martial artist all subconsciously took back their weapons.

His gaze towards the west became extremely fiery.

The same situation happened all over Shenzhou, Tianxiahui, Wushuangcheng, Cihang Jingzhai, Yinkui School, Four Great Gates, Da Sui Palace...

For a time, the major forces were dispatched one after another to investigate the origin of the matter and pointed the finger at the West.


Thanks to "The Prodigal Son", "So Boring", "Twelve", "Stars" and others for their flowers and support. .

155 Fengyun Gathering 【Subscription】

Outside Wushuang City, an ordinary bamboo house.

An old man with extraordinary bearing, he wears a white robe with long beard, white hair casually drapes behind his shoulders, his hands are casually behind his back, and his body exudes a fierce sword intent, which makes people look at it at a glance. Go to know that he is a martial arts expert, a master of kendo.

At this time, Juggernaut stood at the door, and the room behind him had been tidy up, but his eyes were directed towards the gathering place in the distance, and an astonishing light flashed in his eyes.

From his experience, he could almost see at a glance what this amazing vision represented.

"I didn't expect to encounter such a peerless magic weapon. If you can get this magic weapon, you may have a chance to compete for that first-line opportunity." Sword Saint is detached from things and doesn't care about things outside his body, but he doesn't wait for people. The time is running out! If there is no breakthrough in recent years, what awaits him is the end of this life!

Death, Juggernaut is not afraid, but if he fails to reach the top of Kendo, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

Juggernaut's eyes flashed with a firm look for a moment, and for the divine soldier who was about to be born, there was an inevitable thought, and he stepped towards the west.


The world will be the first floor in the world.

In the main hall, if you look up, you can see a gilded couplet on the stone pillars of the main hall, "How can a golden lin be a thing in the pool, a dragon will change when it meets the wind and cloud."

This is the first god in the rivers and lakes, and the mud Bodhisattva is the number of half his life counted by the tyrant.

As for whether it is true or not, there is no way to verify it, but since he took Fengyun as his apprentice, I don’t know if it is a heart effect. Anyway, Xiongba feels refreshed, doing things smoothly, and the power in his hands is also expanding day by day. , which made Xiongba more believe in the criticisms of the Ni Bodhisattva, and believed that he was the man of destiny who ruled the world.

However, the vision that appeared today has aroused the vigilance of Xiongba. The magical soldier was born, and all soldiers bowed their heads. This legendary vision appeared one day in front of him, even the wily Xiongba was shocked.

Xiongba doesn't know what this magical weapon that is about to be born looks like and what power it has, but Xiongba knows that he must never let this magical weapon fall into the hands of others, otherwise it will definitely become the leader of his hegemony. hinder.

Xiongba stood on the high platform, staring at the west, clenching his hands behind his back, his domineering side leaking.

"Such a peerless magic weapon, in the world, only my tyrant deserves it."


Jingzhou City.

A large number of martial artists, after learning that the vision turned out to be a vision that appeared only when the legendary Peerless Divine Soldier was born, revealed their longing and anticipation in their eyes.

This is an opportunity to step up.

"The location where the vision flashed seems to be in the direction of Baijian Villa. I have long heard that Baijian Villa is good at refining weapons, but I didn't expect to be able to cast such a peerless weapon. It's incredible!"

Some martial artists flashed strange expressions on their faces and muttered to themselves.

"Baijian Mountain Villa is only a few dozen miles away from here, and it can be reached in an hour with a quick drive, but Baijian Mountain Villa has a strong force and is a strong man in the West Wulin, and there is a new rising world Fengdao behind it as a backer, not Anyone can afford it. However, for the sake of the peerless magic soldier, no matter how dangerous it is, we must break into him, and whoever wants to go with me can take care of each other along the way." Hit the road together.

In the face of the temptation of the peerless magic soldier, even if the sword is sealed in the world, he will not hesitate.


Almost at the same time, the powers of the rivers and lakes, and the masters of the royal family were dispatched one after another, and the entire West Wulin was instantly shaken.

As the source of the gathering of wind and clouds, Baijian Villa is another look.

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