"Shenzhou deploys martial arts, and the world seals the sword."

Following the high shouts, a thousand black-clothed guards rushed to the periphery of Baijian Villa from far to near.

The black-clothed guards have a neat and consistent pace, and the lineup is solemn, like an army marching as fast as the wind and swept away like fire.

· · Flowers · · · ·

In an instant, Xiao Shao's aura permeated the surroundings, and with a solemn aura, all the martial arts people around were secretly shocked.

"It's the black-clothed guard who seals the sword in the world." Many martial artists recognized the identity of the black-clothed guard.

In Xi Wulin, you don't have to know who the emperor is, but you can't help but know that the world seals the sword. The founder of this new sect, Qiluosheng, has both humanities and martial arts. The world seal sword, from its establishment to its dominance, took only three short years, and is regarded as a legend by countless people.

Just when the heroes were overwhelmed by the momentum of the black-clothed guards, a sudden sound of Qinglangshi came to everyone's ears.


"The prisoner's heart is dreaming and listening to the side of the spring, and I hear back that the stream is miserable, a hundred years of life are almost a breath, and the eternal autumn wind is drifting to see."

A quiet figure walked along with the blizzard, with black velvet fur, a vermilion black sword hanging from his waist, and three thousand silver threads fluttering along the back of his head with the wind and snow. The Holy Body” is transformed into the incorruptible (which can be understood as the incarnation of the protagonist outside the body).

"Sacred Demon Primordial Embryo" is a special life form created by the Emperor Abandoning Heaven. It has two bodies (holy body, demon body) and three souls (self, holy soul, and demon soul)!The effect of the double body is that two bodies can appear to fight at the same time; one body can also fight, if injured, immediately switch to the uninjured body to fight; ignore the spatial distance between the two bodies to transmit power, and the primordial spirit shifts Wait, it is an extremely perfect immortal body.

Qi Luosheng's "Sacred Demon Primordial Embryo" was severely damaged in the "Final Battle", so that until a year ago, the "Sacred Soul" of the three souls woke up from dormancy and turned into the current Eternal Years Wandering. - Uninjured.

As the "Sacred Soul Holy Body", Wu Wushang has the strength of the five layers of "Ontology" (the middle stage of the Innate True Essence), and has his own self-awareness. Under the condition of ensuring the interests of the "Ontology", he will be based on his own. Act on liking.


Thanks to "**" for the monthly pass, "I don't want to say", "The Prodigal Son", "Twelve" and others for their flowers. .

157 Bo Qingguan [Subscribe]

"Meet the Deputy Lord."

When the black-clothed guards saw the uninjured walking towards Xue, they immediately knelt down and shouted loudly.

"Get up!" Zun Wushang said indifferently, and then said to the martial arts people around him: "Your purpose, your lord already knows, seven days later the magic weapon will be born, and then the world's sealing sword will hold the "Famous Tool View Discussion" Yes”, those who meet the following three conditions, any one of them, are eligible to enter Baijian Mountain Villa to view the divine soldiers.”

In the crowd, a swordsman in his fifties who looked quite prestigious stepped forward, clasped his fists and asked, "I don't know what the conditions are, but please show your respect."

Wu Wushang glanced at this person indifferently, waved his hand, and a sword qi escaped from his hand, and then scribbled three lines of writing on the wall behind him.

 "Five-five-three" One of them is to get the sword post given by Baijian Villa.

Second, offer a thousand taels of gold.

Third, the innate realm martial artist.

"What, a thousand taels of gold, why don't you grab it!"

"What a fierce sword energy. I didn't expect that the world's swordsman, besides the God of Swords - Qi Luosheng, also has such a master. It seems that you need to repay the Lord."

"Only experts in the innate realm are qualified! What about us people?"

"Excuse me, how can I get the sword post of Baijian Villa?"

After reading the handwriting engraved by Zou Wushang, the group of heroes exploded in an instant, some were indignant at the high price of "tickets" of thousand taels of gold, some asked how to obtain the sword post, and some were amazed at Zou Wushang's strength.

"The top figures or powers in the arena, the world's sword will be given to the sword post. In addition, during the casting of the magic weapon, it is inconvenient to receive foreign guests! After seven days, those who meet the conditions can enter and witness the birth of the magic weapon." At this point, Wu Wushang turned around and waved his sleeves, and said coldly to the guards in black: "During this period, if anyone forcibly invades Baijian Villa, they will be killed."

"Kill or kill."

"Kill or kill."

Thousands of black-clothed guards were full of murderous aura, shouting in unison, and as far as the sound could be heard, all the heroes changed their colors.


Intimidated by the momentum of the black-clothed guards, some martial artists began to regain their senses, not the fanaticism of Fu Fangcai. Although the magic weapon is precious, it is necessary to have a life to get it!

These three conditions are very difficult for most people to meet. One thousand taels of gold (equivalent to one million today) must be robbed, er no, how long does it take to rob the rich and help the poor, just for the sake of viewing Talking about a magic weapon, not many people are willing to give up, and they don’t have the financial resources! People in the rivers and lakes are not as smart as ordinary people imagine, and most of them are at risk. Not too possible.

The innate realm is even more difficult! There are more than one million people practicing martial arts in the entire Shenzhou land, but there are only hundreds of warriors who can become the innate realm.

The innate realm is even more difficult! There are more than one million people practicing martial arts in the entire Shenzhou land, but there are only hundreds of warriors who can become the innate realm.

Compared with the above two points, it is not easy to obtain the sword post of the world's seal sword. As the top force of Xi Wulin, there is no equal value, so why should it be given a sword post.

The conditions set by the world's sealing knife are very high, and their actions are also very strong, but these martial arts people dare not speak out, so they have to leave silently.

Dispersed by the black-clothed guards who sealed the sword in the world, these martial arts people are unwilling, but they are helpless. Those who can live for a long time on the rivers and lakes are all human beings. No one will choose to hit the stone with an egg, that is courting death!

After these people left, the conditions for participating in the "Famous Instruments Guan Lun Meeting" and participating in the "Famous Instruments Guan Lun Meeting" spread quickly.

In the next few days, those who wanted to participate in the "Famous Instruments Viewpoint Discussion Meeting" all thought of ways, without innate realm, and without thousands of taels of gold. The gold and silver treasures of large families were stolen overnight, and some people played the game of black and black, killing and being killed, robbing and being robbed, every day.

Of course, there are also many people on the rivers and lakes who do not believe in evil, go to the Sword Villa at night, and want to steal the magic weapon, but most of them died under the sword of the black-clothed guard before they found the sword pool, and a few of them were stronger. Even if he broke into Jianchi, he would be burned to ashes by Mo Qingchi, the guardian of the divine soldier.


Jingzhou City.

It is inevitable that the peerless divine soldier who is about to be born will fall into the hands of treacherous evil.

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