Fan Qinghui was dressed in a white monk's robe and dressed as a nun. She was in her sixtieth year, but her face looked like a woman in her twenties or thirties. This Buddhist robe added an extraordinary temperament. Shi Xianzi, people can't help but give birth to a kind of filth in their hearts, they can only worship from a distance, and dare not feel disrespectful.

And the [-]-year-old concubine Xuan, standing in a slender figure, wearing a white gauze to cover her beautiful face, wearing a light blue gown blowing in the wind, indescribably elegant, overlooking the clear stream, calmly, The elegant Sekong sword hung on her back, adding a third of her heroic aura, making her appear more ethereal and weak.

"Master, there is a 'Bo Qing Guan' in front. It's getting late now, why don't we take a night's rest, and rush to Baijian Mountain Villa to attend the 'Famous Instrument Viewing Seminar' tomorrow morning!" At this time, Shi Feixuan, not yet Become that otherworldly teacher fairy, with clear eyes full of innocence.

"Yeah! It's okay, just take a look at the latest news." Fan Qinghui said softly, and then walked towards the inn with Shi Feixuan.

"Bo Qing Guan" is an industry under the banner of Fengdao in the world. In the land of West Wulin, all major towns have the semicolon of "Bo Qing Guan". "Bo Qing Guan" has several major features, one of which is "Wulin Public Pavilion" , Every day, the public booth in "Bo Qing Guan" will post some latest news of martial arts, or the most important news than 1.4.

Coupled with the endless novelty programs, it has surpassed the "Yuelai Inn" and has become a leader in the inn industry. Every day, daily gold is one of the most important sources of income in the world!

It was almost dusk, and the "Bo Qing Guan" was quiet and elegant. Dozens of famous martial arts knights were drinking and chatting, talking about the progress of the upcoming "Famous Instrument Viewing Conference", and who was most likely to get the Peerless God Soldier.

As soon as Fan Qinghui, master and apprentice entered the "Bo Qing Museum", their extraordinary and celestial appearance quickly attracted the attention of everyone in the museum.


Thank you for the flowers of "Ghost Emperor", "Twelve", and "Dragon Dance", thank you for your great support, and about the update, we decided to update it at 23:[-]. .

158 Health Pavilion Master 【Subscription】

The sky is full of colorful clouds, the evening breeze is light, and stepping on the afterglow of the setting sun, two beautiful women with immortal appearances, out of the dust, slowly walked in from the door and walked into the "Bo Qing Pavilion". It is the two masters and apprentices of Fan Qinghui.

Fan Qinghui, as the former saint of "Cihang Jingzhai" (although it is a backup), was also popular for a while. At that time, countless heroes and heroes were fascinated by it. Among the many suitors, the closest to success was famous all over the world. The owner of the "Song Clan" [Tian Dao] Song Que, but eventually parted ways due to different ideas, but Song Que still never forgets Fan Qinghui!

The beauty of Fanqing Hui when she was young was unbelievable. Even if she watched, she still didn't believe that there was such a person in the mortal world. This aspect of Shi Feixuan was quite her true heritage. Although she was young, she also had a hint of elusiveness. .

Seeing the arrival of two refined fairies, one big and one small, all the diners in the "Bo Qing Guan" were all bright.

A young swordsman in his twenties looked at Master Fan Qinghui who walked in, and murmured obsessively: "It's so beautiful. If I could marry him and be a wife, I would be willing to live ten years less."


Hearing the young man's words, the middle-aged man who was drinking at the same table with him slapped the young swordsman's head with a slap, and said disdainfully, "Bah, stop dreaming, you stinky boy!"

"Uncle Qin, why did you hit me on the head again, what if you hit me stupidly!" The young swordsman rubbed the back of his head dissatisfiedly, and said angrily.

"Stinky boy, if it wasn't for your dead father's face, I wouldn't care about you! Do you know who those two are? If you offend them, even your own father can't save you!"

"No! Are they that powerful? Could it be that they belong to the Demon Sect..."

"Shut up, all in all, don't ask about their affairs, don't care about them, don't think about them, and you'll just detour for Lao Tzu when you see them!" The middle-aged man known as Uncle Qin said with a sigh, obviously seeing that Because of the identity of Fan Qinghui, he didn't want to have too much communication with them.


The "Public Pavilion" is a new thing in the martial arts. It stands in the lobby of the "Bo Qing Pavilion". It mainly announces some recent martial arts events or anecdotes. Because the news is extremely accurate and fast, it is favored by the majority of martial arts people ( There are also many parties who are very dissatisfied).

Recently, the news released by the "Open Pavilion" is all related to the upcoming magic soldier.

Today's content is only three:

Lore Order: Last night [Northern Region Gun King] Huo Lie, [Broken Swordsman] Hong Tao, [Flying Sword] Li Xiaoran, three innate warriors led more than a dozen of their highly skilled subordinates to roam the "Baijian Mountain Villa" at night. To take the magic weapon by force, the Lord of "Bounding the Sword" failed to persuade him, and the two sides started a war.During the fierce battle, [Broken Swordsman] Hong Tao, [Northern Spear King] Huo Lie and others were all beheaded on the spot, only [Flying Sword] Li Xiaoran was seriously injured and fled. Sword] Li Xiaoran's first-level person can get a thousand taels of gold, a sword post of "Bai Jian Villa" and a piece of innate martial arts.

Prohibition of martial arts: In the past few days, there have been continuous firefights by martial arts people in the city, which have affected the people. "The World Seals the Sword" hereby issues a ban on martial arts. The ban on martial arts is limited to ten days. During this period, private martial arts are strictly prohibited in Jingzhou City. .Violators of the prohibition of martial arts, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, the light ones will be expelled from the city, and the serious ones will be killed on the spot!

Famous Instruments Viewing Forum: "Baijian Mountain Villa" will come out, and "Fengxia Dao" hereby set up a famous instrument view discussion meeting. Anyone who has obtained the "Baijian Mountain Villa" sword post, or the martial artist in the innate realm, can enter. In addition to the Vipassana view on divine soldiers in "Wai Jian Mountain Villa", those who pay a thousand taels of gold can also participate.In addition, those who trespass on the "Baijian Villa" are at their own risk.


Arriving in front of the public pavilion in the "Bo Qing Pavilion", Shi Feixuan carefully looked at the contents above, frowned slightly, and then said to Fan Qinghui: "Master, this magic weapon has caused so many troubles even before it was born. If something happened, I'm afraid I don't know how much bloodshed it will lead to!" Although she was only a little girl in her teens, Shi Feixuan's tone contained a sense of sympathy.

Fan Qinghui said: "The peerless divine soldier who can make thousands of soldiers bow their heads in the world, it is inevitable that all masters will gather together. Since ancient times, it is human nature to fight for fame and fortune, and emotional attachment is the cause of distress. Only by letting go of emotional attachment, to be at ease.”

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

"It's the master, the disciple has been taught!" Shi Feixuan said respectfully.

At this moment, a young woman in pale yellow clothes came, bowed to Fan Qinghui Yingying, and said, "The little girl has seen the Zhai Master and the teacher."

This woman looks beautiful and dignified. Although she is not as extraordinary as Fan Qinghui, she is also gentle and pleasant, making it easier for people to feel close.

Fan Qinghui wondered, "Who is your Excellency?"

"Little girl Wei Zhenzhen is the owner of the 'Bad Love Pavilion'. The master of Fanzhai and Shi Xianzi immortals are in the dust, which really makes this place shine."

Concubine Xuan nodded lightly.

Fan Qinghui returned a salute and said, "It turned out to be the owner of the guard house, and the poor nun is polite."


"Zhaizhu is very polite!" Wei Zhenzhen waved her hand and invited: "This is not the place to talk, please have a chat with Shixianzi and Shixian into the wing room with the slave's house."

Shi Feixuan did not answer, and looked at Fan Qinghui, who was obviously following the advice of her tutor.

Fan Qinghui thought for a while, and then politely said: "So, the poor nun will be disturbed!"


Wei Zhenzhen is now eighteen years old, and it is the most beautiful time in her life.

Two years ago, when Qiluosheng went to "Yangzhou" to accept Shuanglong as his apprentice, he also bought Wei Zhenzhen along the way. That's right, he bought Wei Zhenzhen from her family with one hundred taels of silver. .

Although it was sold!But Wei Zhenzhen was not sad at that time, and even had a trace of happiness in her heart.

In this era, the status of ordinary women is very low, and they can buy and sell at will with a few taels of silver.

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