At that time, Wei Zhenzhen's natal family owed money to others, and her father regarded money as his fate and bought her out.

She is very content to have a handsome young man who is as gentle as jade and willing to pay a "high price" for her!


Thank you for the "I don't want to say" 588vip reward, the "Twelve" monthly pass, and the support of all book friends. I will try more tomorrow and strive for two more updates. .

159 Eternal Years Wandering 【Subscription】

For a foot of snow, it has been silent for a hundred years, the long corridor is like a deep well, resounding the original question, the white hair, the pale face fluttering, the eyes are facing a sword of ink like a lacquer night, a bloody color winds under the sword, flowing Song of the years.

"The years do not recall the fleeting years, and the frost lies in the dust and sleeps alone; a breath for a hundred years is like a dream, but I am wandering and lingering in the sky."

In the evening breeze reflecting the snow, in the other garden of Baijian Villa, the phantom of the Holy Spirit sat on the ground without injury, and the snow fell in his deep eyes, as if he had merged into the world of ice and snow.

Qi Luosheng, who was sitting opposite him, took a sip of green wine and said, "'Tears of the Black Moon' and 'Or Tianji' are about to be born, and there are more and more annoying bugs!"

"Really? I think you seem to be enjoying it! The [plot] of this plane has completely collapsed because of our arrival! What are your plans next?" Snow-white long hair, asked casually.

13 Qi Luosheng raised the corner of his mouth lightly and said with a smile: "Isn't that bad? Following the [plot] step by step, although it will be a lot smoother, it is too boring and loses the fun of exploring the unknown. I still like my own way."

Wu Wushang lightly brushed his hair, and said helplessly: "You are still so self-willed, as your incarnation, I have the responsibility to remind the subject that the villain mostly dies of boredom (if you don't die, you won't die)!"

"Ha!" Qiluosheng chuckled and waved his hand: "Alright! I'm taking a decent route now, and I don't plan to turn it black yet. That's the end of today's conversation. Those bugs in the corner. I'll leave it to you!" He waved his hand to cancel the "soundproof barrier" around the courtyard, Qiluosheng got up and left, disappearing into the courtyard in the blink of an eye.

"Cut, it really makes people awake!" He threw the white hair between his fingers behind his head, laying on the snow without injury, turning his hands to pull, several crystal clear snowflakes instantly floated on his palm. .

"The prosperous and splendid, after all, the clouds and mists pass by, the wind blows, and the flowers fall between the fingers!" Zhe Wushang made a soft groan, like a sigh, like Xiao Xiao! His eyes froze, and a three-point killing intent appeared in the snowy night. At the flick of his fingers, several weak and falling snow, which instantly became indestructible, penetrated through layers of walls and shot into the body of the intruder.

The snowflakes with yin and cold energy went straight into the heart, and the five first-class masters who lurked and broke into the "Baijian Mountain Villa" had no idea what was going on. They turned into lifelike ice sculptures, then burst into pieces, and the endless wind and snow flew, drowned their wreckage in an instant, came silently, and went silently! .


Jingzhou City.

In "Bo Qing Guan", there are eleven rooms named: God, Heaven, Earth, Spirit, Split, Rest, Ning, Qing, Birth, Destruction, and Waste.Among them, the waste word room never receives guests (for Qiluosheng's exclusive use).

In the Tianzi room, the sound of the violin revolved around, singing softly, and Wei Zhenzhen nimbly plucked the strings with her fingertips, and a string of beaded and jade sounds poured out, turbulent and unobstructed.

Red dust is ridiculous, infatuation is the most boring, and everything is fine.

This life is not over, but my heart is no longer disturbed, I just want to exchange for half a lifetime of happiness.

When you wake up, laugh at people, forget everything in your dreams, and sigh that it is too dark.

The next life is unpredictable, love and hate are written off, and I only wish to be happy until I grow old.

No matter how cold the wind is, I don’t want to run away, no matter how beautiful the flowers are, let me sway.

No matter how cold the wind is, I don’t want to run away, no matter how beautiful the flowers are, let me sway.

The higher the sky, the smaller the heart, no matter how many cause and effect there are, I get drunk alone.

I cry today and laugh tomorrow, I don't ask anyone to understand, I am proud.

Songs and dances are dancing, the long night is long without realizing it, and I will find happiness...

The slender fingers stroked the strings gracefully, spotlessly clean, and the fingers were like hitting a golden rock, and there was no sound from the rush.The sound of the piano is not stained with the slightest turbidity, the clear autumn pool, the bright moon, the mountain waves, and the quiet valley respond, expressing the lingering, free and easy and helpless feelings in the song to the fullest, making people unable to help Reminiscing about the past, giving birth to a sense of enlightenment.

Wei Zhenzhen, who concentrates on playing the piano and singing, has a unique sense of beauty. It is different from the ethereal beauty of Shi Feixuan and Fan Qinghui, which makes mortals feel ashamed. Wei Zhenzhen's beauty is the beauty of quietness. Seeing her makes one's heart calm down unconsciously. .

Fan Qinghui, concubine Xuan, master and apprentice sat by the table, listening quietly, and experiencing the charm of the qin songs.

After half a sound, Wei Zhenzhenyu pressed the strings lightly, and the sound of the piano stopped, but Fan Qinghui and Shi Feixuan were still in the middle of the song. There was silence in the house for a long time. Fan Qinghui came back to his senses, remembering the past, and feeling a little emotional. He praised: "The master of the guard house has such attainments on the piano at a young age, and the song "The Laughter of the Red Dust" has fulfilled the pursuit of people of my generation, which is really extraordinary!"

Wei Zhenzhen said with a smile: "The master of the fasting is wrong, and the slave family is poor, so why bother."

Shi Feixuan's beautiful eyes were also shining, and she said with some admiration: "Sister Wei, this song has a beautiful melody and touching heart, and the lyrics are plain and novel. I have never heard it before. Did you make it yourself?"

Wei Zhenzhen said: "The slave family doesn't have that ability, it's just picking up people's teeth! The qin music and lyrics are taught by the lord Qiluosheng."

Fan Qinghui said in surprise: "[Sacred Sword] Qiluosheng? It is rumored that Qiluosheng, the venerable master of your sect, is famous in the world of knives, arrows, and qin 410, but he has never been able to see it. , it is truly amazing.”

Hearing Fan Qinghui complimenting Qiluosheng, Wei Zhenzhen was even happier than hearing her praise, and she smiled like a flower, adding a third of spring color to the house.


Just outside the door came a knock.

Wei Zhenzhen restrained her smile and said softly, "Come in."

With a creak, the door opened, and a gray-clothed servant in his twenties pushed the door and entered, holding a large wooden box more than four feet long in his hand, placed it on the table respectfully, and then clasped his fists and said, "Guan Lord, according to your instructions, your subordinates have brought things."

Wei Zhenzhen didn't treat the other party differently because she was a subordinate, she still said gently and softly, "I'm sorry, there is nothing else to do here, you go down first."

The servant bowed and said, "Yes, this subordinate retire." After saying this, he respectfully left the room.

Fan Qinghui looked at the departing servant thoughtfully. This man has a long breath. He is obviously a master of the family, at least he can be ranked first, but now he is willing to be an ordinary servant in the "Bo Qing Guan". , Peeking at the leopard in the tube, it can be seen that the power of the "World Sealing Saber" is extraordinary. .

160 The Evil Emperor Arrives 【Subscription】

Wei Zhenzhen opened the wooden box, and what was in the box was a black broad sword. This sword was all black, four feet long and about a palm wide. It was the remnant of the "Peerless Sword" in the sword pool.

Fan Qinghui and Shi Feixuan were both smart people. After seeing this sword, they immediately guessed three points.

Wei Zhenzhen took out the black broadsword and handed it to Fan Qinghui and said, "This sword is the sword post of 'Baijian Mountain Villa', and the holder of the sword post can bring three people into the 'Baijian Mountain Villa' to participate in the "Famous Instrument Viewing Seminar" ’, and also ask the Lord of the Fast to accept it with a smile.”

"The owner of the pavilion is kind, but the poor nun is disrespectful!" Fan Qinghui did not make any false excuses, and after bowing his hands calmly, he took the black sword.

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