This black iron sword was originally cast as the carrier of the "Peerless Sword", but it does not have the most essential "sword element". In terms of quality, although it is not as good as the "Huo Lin Sword" and "Sek Kong Sword" Divine Soldier, but it can also be regarded as a top-grade sword.

Starting with the black sword, Fan Qinghui felt that its weight was not light. This black iron sword weighed no less than fifty kilograms. Unless it was born with divine power, ordinary second- and third-rate warriors could not use it at all, and only first-class warriors could wield it freely.

Seeing Fan Qinghui accepting the black iron sword, Wei Zhenzhen smiled and said, "Tomorrow noon will be the time to hold the 'Famous Instrument Viewing Discussion Meeting', and I also invite the master to attend on time. The slave family has other important things, so I will leave first. !"

Fan Qinghui put the sword post back in the box, smiled and cupped his hands: "In that case, the owner of the museum will do it on his own."

Wei Zhenzhen nodded and then slowly exited the room.

When Wei Zhenzhen was far away, Fan Qinghui said to the concubine Xuan, who was next to her, "Fei Xuan, what do you think of this "World Sealing Sword"."

Shi Feixuan thought for a while and said: "Judging from the actions of 'The World Sealing Sabre', it should be a decent organization! Along the way, the surrounding people have praised the 'World Sealing Sabre' and highly praised it! In addition, the power is huge , there are many talents, and the "Bo Qing Guan" it operates is all over the world, making money every day. The power, people's will, financial resources, and intelligence are all outstanding. In just three years of establishment, it has surpassed most of the old forces. It can be seen that " The master of the world's sealing sword can be extraordinary, and his ambition must be not small..."

Fan Qinghui sighed: "That's right, according to the information, the venerable lord of 'Bounding Swords in the World' - Qiluosheng, has a mysterious origin and was born suddenly three years ago. Existence is the same! This person's strength is unfathomable. Since his debut, he has fought hundreds of battles, and he has not lost any of them! He is also upright and fair, and he leads the whole "world seal sword", secretly helping the weak and helping the weak, and being respected by the people in the martial arts. "Fan Qinghui seemed to be admiring Qiluosheng, but there was a faint worry in his tone.

Shi Feixuan, who has followed her since childhood, knew Fan Qinghui very well, and immediately said in doubt: "Master, you seem to be a little wary of Qi Luosheng, the lord of the 'Bounding Sword of the World', because there is something wrong with him. ?"

Fan Qinghui shook his head slightly and said, "It's not because he did a bad job! On the contrary, it's because he did everything too well!"

"Master, are you worried..."

Before Shi Feixuan finished speaking, she was interrupted by Fan Qinghui waving her hand, gently touching the wooden box with the sword post on the table, Fan Qinghui said: "Let's not mention this for the time being, tomorrow will be the "Famous Instruments Viewing Discussion Meeting" , there must be many martial arts masters participating, and when the time comes, there will be a battle between dragons and tigers, and rest early!"

"Yes, Master."


The next morning.

A bright light from the east opened the curtain of the night, and the exciting day finally came.

When the morning sun rises from under the eastern horizon, the entire "Baijian Villa" is already full of hustle and bustle, people are everywhere, and the busy people are already preparing for the noon feast.

The gods were born, and all the heroes came together. As the host, the "Bai Jian Villa" naturally would not be neglected. Although the "Famous Instrument Viewing Discussion Conference" officially started in the afternoon, those martial arts practitioners who were itching to bear the "Worship" early Sword Villa' was surrounded by water.

Thousands of black-clothed guards from the "World Sealing Knife" are standing by, guarding the major gates to prevent anyone from breaking in.

Time slowly slipped away in the excitement that everyone was looking forward to, and soon, the sun had turned to the southeast, and at this time, the first person who came to participate in the "Famous Instrument Viewing Seminar" appeared.

This is a strange combination of two men and two women. The leader is an old man with long beards. The old man is wearing a Taoist robe. Although he looks old, his powerful aura is far beyond what people can match. There is a black flower on his forehead. The lotus exists, and the black lotus flashes from time to time, and the strange black light makes people terrified.Next to the old man was a big man who looked like Maitreya Buddha, and a girl of fourteen or fifteen years old was beside them.

The guard in black who was in charge of registration at the door saw someone coming, and asked politely, "...¨Who is your Excellency? Is there a sword post?"

The fat big man laughed and said: "I am the third pig emperor, this is my eldest brother's first evil emperor, and the two of them are my nieces. I heard that as long as you are a congenital warrior, you can participate in the "Famous Weapon" for free. Viewpoint meeting', I don't know if it is or not?"

"It turns out that the first evil emperor and the third pig emperor are coming here. Please come in."

As for the top powerhouses in the martial arts, Qiluosheng had already informed the following people. At this time, when he heard the name of the first evil emperor, Mrs. Ao hurriedly came over and said politely to the pig emperor and others, Qiluosheng and the It is impossible for Ying Wushang to come out to receive VIPs casually, and there are not many people who can let them receive VIPs in person. If they don’t come out, the burden of receiving VIPs naturally falls on Mrs. Ao’s shoulders. Qiluosheng and Ying are harmless, and only she is enough to (get Zhao's) this weight.

Baijian Mountain Villa, Zhenwu Hall, Qiluosheng in white clothes was drinking with Zou Wushang, when they suddenly heard that the first person to come was actually the first evil emperor, both of them had a playful smile on their faces. .

"Even the dead mansion of the first evil emperor is here! It seems that this "Famous Instrument Viewing Discussion Conference" will be very lively!" Qi Luosheng said with a smile.

Zun Wushang opened his mouth and said: "The first evil emperor's strength is not bad, and it is on a par with the "Heavenly Sword" Wuming, but it is not difficult to deal with, I am afraid that the thousand-year-old monster like Emperor Shitian will also be brought out! Now you have differentiated into My Demon Soul and I have dropped to the early stage of Innate True Yuan, and we are not the opponents of that old fellow."

"Ha!" Qiluosheng smiled lightly and said: "Don't worry! Let's not say whether the old god stick Di Shitian will come, even if he comes, what if he comes, the big deal is "the three souls are united", plus "black" Moon, or Heaven, two divine weapons, I don't believe that I can't kill him."

161 heroes come together [for collection]

With the passage of time, more and more people came to participate in the "Famous Instruments Viewing Seminar", fame and fortune moved people's hearts, and not many people could turn a blind eye to the legendary magic weapon.

Ordinary knights in all corners of the world went their own way, and those who were qualified directly entered the "Baijian Mountain Villa" and waited for the start of the "Famous Instruments Viewing Seminar".

And those famous and decent people who received sword posts can't be so sloppy, don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face, the current "Bai Jian Villa" is not the kind of small character who can step on both feet, even if it is seen in "the world" In the face of "Beng Dao", these sects will also symbolically express their sincerity.

"The World Association, the gang leader, come to congratulate, and send a piece of strange iron in the Western Regions, a pair of white jade unicorns."


With the voice of the master of ceremonies, the eyes of the heroes in the "Baijian Villa" all turned to the tyrants in an instant. In the next few months, several gangs such as the Blue and White Gang were destroyed. The power has expanded rapidly. There are few powers in the rivers and lakes that are more single-minded against the World Association.

Xiongba is dressed in a yellow robe and is domineering and domineering. Behind him are his three proud disciples, Qin Shuang, Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng. Although the three are young, they are also handsome and handsome. Nie Feng is in the image of a handsome son, striding high, looking at the people around him without a trace in the corner of his eyes, but Bu Jingyun has a paralyzed face, and follows Xiongba with a gloomy look, as if everyone around him owes him money. Occasionally, a haze flashed in his eyes, and he wondered how to stop him without a trace.

"The gang leader, it's a rare visitor. There is still some time before the "Famous Instrument Viewing Discussion Conference", please go to the inner hall to rest for a while."

Mrs. Ao walked over with a smile and said, although Xiongba only sent Tianchi twelve evil spirits to besiege Qiluosheng not long ago, but today they all don't mention this matter, they look kind, I don't know, I thought "The World Sealing Sword" and "The World Association" had a good relationship!

"The Dugu clan, the clan master, come to congratulate you, send thousands of gold taels, ten luminous pearls, and three famous paintings."

"Luoyang Yuwen clan, the clan owner, come to congratulate you, give a piece of gold silk armor, and two pairs of jade Ruyi."

"Lingnan Song Dynasty clan, clan owner, come to congratulate, give a famous knife, a thousand-year-old cold jade."

"Taiyuan Li clan, clan owner, come to congratulate, send two horses of sweat and blood, and one jade Guanyin."

Following the voice of the master of ceremonies, the masters of the four major sects stepped into the "Baijian Mountain Villa" together. The four of them were all masters of one party.

"Wulin mythology, Wuming senior brought his disciple Jian Chen, came to congratulate, and gave an ancient sword."

The voice of the master of ceremonies trembled because of excitement. Wuming's fame in the martial arts is no less than that of the superstars of later generations. The nameless boy became famous, and the sword challenged the world and smashed the ten thousand factions. What kind of arrogance!


Hearing the words "Wulin Myth", the eyes of the heroes instantly shifted from the four major lords to Wuming. Obviously, in the hearts of these martial arts people, Wuming's status is much higher than that of the four major lords in officialdom. After cheating death and retreating, all the heroes did not expect to see the true face of this "Wulin Myth", and now they are all looking at the nameless style of "Heavenly Sword" carefully.

Wuming looks only in his thirties, with some mournful beards, wearing a light blue robe, with a look of sympathy in his eyes. In the nature, the whole body exudes a "Tao" breath.

At this moment, all the swordsmen's long swords were instantly unsheathed by five inches, and they kept shaking. In the realm of the Heavenly Sword, all swords admired and worshipped them like gods.

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