At this moment, all the swordsmen's long swords were instantly unsheathed by five inches, and they kept shaking. In the realm of the Heavenly Sword, all swords admired and worshipped them like gods.

A swordsman named Qi Feng said excitedly: "This is the nameless 'Wulin Myth'! This kind of temperament is really rare in the world, and it is a worthwhile trip to see the true face of the 'Wulin Myth' today! I don't know if I can see the "Juggernaut", if I can see his style, I will have no regrets in this life!"

"Peerless City, Sword Saint arrives..."

"No!" As soon as Qi Feng finished speaking, the emcee's excited voice sounded again. I saw a white figure approaching quickly from the gate, but in the blink of an eye, an old man with thin white hair was carrying Standing in front of Wuming with both hands, it was the Sword Saint Dugu Sword.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

Different from the introverted sword intent of the nameless, the sword saint's sword intent is flamboyant, and the powerful sword intent exuding from Li Qi's body, as well as the strength of the body-protecting sword energy that surrounds him, is even more terrifying.

Juggernaut felt the nameless Heavenly Sword artistic conception, and exclaimed: "Unknown, I haven't seen you for more than ten years, I didn't expect you to have reached the legendary Heavenly Sword Realm, it seems that even if the old man fights with you again, he will definitely lose. !" The swordsman was a little bald, and after more than ten years of hard training, he thought he would be able to defeat his opponent, but in the end, the gap not only did not narrow, but became bigger and bigger, even if he was proud and proud as a swordsman, he would inevitably be sentimental at this time. !

Wuming said plainly: "The sword is dead in my heart, so I don't care about winning or losing! Now I live an ordinary life, but I am enjoying myself."


"Heh!" The Sword Saint smiled inexplicably, and said, "I never imagined that the famed and invincible nameless person would see through the world and be content with the indifference. That being the case, why do you have to re-emerge in the rivers and lakes and lie in this muddy water?"

"Alas!" Wuming sighed and said: "Wan soldiers bowing their heads is a sign of the birth of a peerless divine soldier. If such a divine soldier falls into the hands of a person with a wrong mind, it will definitely set off a bloody storm on the rivers and lakes, so..."

The swordsman said coldly: "So you came to capture the magic weapon."

"Yes." Wuming said bluntly.

At this moment, a gloomy coercion rolled towards the two of them in the hall. The first evil emperor stepped forward, a flash of war flashed in his eyes, and said coldly: "Invincible in the world? In front of my first evil emperor, who would dare to say that? Invincible!"


"Juggernaut? Nameless? First Evil Sovereign? I didn't expect these three characters who had been hidden from the world to come out, plus an unfathomable master of the "World Sealing Sword" and the master of the four major clans, want to It seems that it is not easy to successfully capture the magic weapon!"

Xiongba looked at Juggernaut and Wuming with both hands on their backs, and thought to himself.

With the intervention of the first evil emperor, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became strange, and many people secretly alerted themselves, lest the three seniors start a war and bring disaster to the fish pond.


Thanks to "Prodigal Son", "Thunderbolt", "Labrador", and others for their flowers and rewards. .

 162 Fairy, demon girl [Subscribe]

"A hundred generations are prosperous in one day, who is not a passer-by;

Qianqiu Mingyue blows horns cold, flowers are the masters. "

Just when everyone was arguing, Qi Luosheng came out of the apse and walked straight to Wuming, Sword Saint, and the First Evil Emperor.

At this time, Qi Luosheng was holding a snow-pulled fan, his white clothes were like snow, and the three thousand silver threads were shining like a silver waterfall. Luo Sheng's temperament is calm and elegant, as gentle as jade! Compared with the nameless indifference, the swordsman's sharp edge, and the evil domineering of the first evil emperor, Qi Luosheng is more like a turbid son, elegant and unrestrained. , has its own style.

The members of "Bounding the World" who were waiting around the hall, saw Qi Luosheng come to the hall, they all knelt on one knee and shouted loudly.

"Shenzhou deploys martial arts, the world seals the sword! Welcome to the lord."

"What? He is the venerable lord of "The Sword of the World" - Qiluosheng, he looks so young!"

"Wow! I finally saw the idol, he is even more handsome than the picture! So excited, ah... I fainted!"

"Bai Yi sells wine, Jiangshan is fast-handed, it is rumored that the venerable master of "The World's Sealing Sabre" - Qi Luosheng, is a wizard of the Dao of Swords, under the "Beautiful Blade Jiangshan", no one has been spared so far. When I see it today, it is really extraordinary!"

"Uncle Pig, look, that person is [Magical Sword] Qiluosheng! He looks so good!"


Qiluosheng stood in the field, apologized, and smiled: "I'm sorry, there are so many things in the village just now, and I couldn't meet them in time. Please forgive me for the rudeness!"

His voice was as gentle as the breeze, and the tense atmosphere just now slowly dissipated. Everyone looked sideways at him. Those heroes were all speculating on what Qiluosheng could do, while those female relatives looked at Qiluo with gleaming eyes. Sheng, I don't know what I'm thinking, all of them are flushed, and their hearts are like a deer,

Xiongba narrowed his eyes and said in his heart, "This Qiluosheng was able to walk into Wuming and the others without any pressure, and his strength is higher than expected, no wonder the twelve evil spirits of Tianchi would be planted in his hands silently. , it seems that this son will definitely become the biggest obstacle to my domination of the world, and we must find a way to remove it.〃.”

Wuming saw that Qiluosheng calmly walked between the three of them, a glint of light flashed in his eyes, and he said approvingly: "You are the venerable Lord of the Sealed Sword of the World - Qiluosheng, you have this cultivation level at a young age, and sure enough The afterlife is terrifying!"

Qiluosheng smiled indifferently and said politely: "Senior Wuming has won awards. Compared with Senior Wuming, Senior Evil Emperor and Senior Juggernaut, what is the point of the junior's subtle skills." At this time, Qiluosheng was completely pretending to be tender. According to the time of survival, Qiluosheng's real age, except for Di Shitian, Shenjiang, and God who are immortal, he is the oldest present at the moment, and the Sword Saint and the First Evil Sovereign are even worse than him. generation!

Qi Luosheng's eyes swept across the hall one by one. Among the swordsman, Wuming, the first evil emperor, Xiongba, Song Que, Yu Wenhuaji, Li Yuan, Dugufeng and others, Wuming and the first evil emperor are the strongest. There are already cultivation bases in the early stage of Innate Astral Qi, followed by Juggernaut, Xiongba and Song Que, who belong to the late stage of Innate True Qi. , there are still a few masters in the early stage of innate infuriating qi.

As for Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, Jian Chen, Dugu Feng, Dugu Meng, and the second dream, the younger generation characters have not yet fully grown up, and at best they have barely reached the first-class level.

Just as Qiluosheng was looking at the crowd around him, the first evil emperor suddenly smiled strangely: "You are the 'sacred sword' Qiluosheng, haha, very good, the old man, the first evil emperor, I want to try your "sacred sword" Whether the name of "Knife" is worthy of the name, let's show the knife!"

"Oh, I'm going, this is trying to make trouble!" Qi Luosheng complained in his heart, Qi Luosheng still has some understanding of the first evil emperor. From the original play, the first evil emperor is eccentric by nature. And his strength is very strong. When he is born, he must be the first in everything. The first surname is the first in the family. He is also the first eldest son in the family. fighter in .In terms of martial arts, when you learn martial arts at the age of six, you no longer need a master after one year; the sword is better than the sword king, the sword is better than the sword king, and the first place is well deserved!

Although the first evil emperor is high enough, it is limited to this plane. If Qiluosheng just entered the plane of "Datang Fengyun", the first evil emperor may still have hope of defeating Qiluosheng, but Qiluosheng may still be able to defeat Qiluosheng. After Sheng absorbed part of the "Dragon Vessel", even the first evil emperor could only be beaten. Even if Qi Luosheng separated his twin souls now, his strength has dropped by half, but he still has the combat power of the early days of the innate true essence. In addition to the advanced martial arts obtained from "Reincarnation Space", as long as Qi Luosheng is willing, it is no problem to push everyone in the hall horizontally.

It is not difficult for Qiluosheng to defeat the first evil emperor, but he doesn't want to reveal his full strength prematurely, so he declined: ". ¨Senior evil emperor has such elegance, and the junior should accompany him. It's really inconvenient for the "Lunning Meeting" to be held soon, I also ask my seniors to forgive me, why don't we wait for the "Famous Instruments Viewing Discussion Meeting" to end and then fight again."

"Yeah!" The First Evil Emperor pondered for a while, then said after thinking for a while: "Okay." Although the First Evil Emperor behaves in a strange way, he is not an arrogant and unreasonable person. Knowing that there are many guests today, Qiluosheng has no time to do it. , without being overly pressing.

Seeing the First Evil Emperor and others restrained their aura, Feng Chuixue, one of the "six princes", immediately came to Qiluosheng's ear and whispered a few words (Zhao Qian's), and Qiluosheng nodded after listening. He shook his head and clasped his fists to the heroes in the hall: "I'm sorry everyone, Qimou still has some important things to deal with, so I will leave first, everyone please feel free."


Outside of "Baijian Villa", the master of "Cihang Jingzhai", Fan Qinghui, and the "Yinkui School" Yin queen-Zhu Yuyan met unexpectedly.

Zhu Yuyan's apricot eyes flickered with cold light, and the "Devil Dafa" was transported to the top, forming a weightless field under the magic field.

The cold light of the demon silk in his hand flickered, erratically and strangely, and they fought endlessly with Fan Qinghui's floating dust. Both of them were in the middle stage of Innate True Qi, and their strengths were comparable. Heart and soul, two body moves, such as graceful dance, reveal a different kind of beauty, but under this beautiful appearance, it is a deadly murder!

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