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Outside Baijian Villa.

Zhu Yuyan was furious in her heart. She originally wanted to take her direct disciple Pei Wei to the "Baijian Mountain Villa" to participate in the "Famous Instrument Viewing Seminar", but she unexpectedly encountered a little bitch from "Cihang Jingzhai" (Fan Qinghui) halfway through. , The battle between "Holy Gate" and "Cihang Jingzhai" has a long history, and there is no record of when it started!But the hatred left over from generation to generation is getting deeper and deeper, and today, it has reached the point of endless death.

When the enemy met, they were extremely jealous. As soon as the two met, they were like thunder and fire, and they started to fight out of control.

Seeing Fan Qinghui dodging another blow, I wish Yuyan more murderous intentions, and vows to give some color to this holy girl who likes to pretend to be arrogant!

It's a pity that although Zhu Yuyan's thinking is simple, it is actually not that easy. Fan Qinghui's strength is comparable to hers, and Jianyi has reached a state of consonance. Unless Zhu Yuyan is at the cost of losing both sides, it is impossible for 12 to Fan Qinghui took it.


The two palms each other in the air, and the airflow suddenly rushed. Under the force of the recoil, the two figures flew back again.

Fan Qinghui stopped on a dead branch, and said solemnly: "Zhu Yuyan, for the sake of the righteous path of martial arts and the world, today, I will act for the heavens and kill you, the demon girl."

After Zhu Yuyan heard it, he smiled disdainfully: "Oh, hehe! Fan Qinghui, where are you not being so pretentious, just because you want to kill me, you should go back to 'Cihang Jingzhai' and practice for a hundred years!"

"Humph! Let's try it out then!" Fan Qinghui danced the whisk and swept over to Zhu Yuyan.

On the other side, the veiled concubine Xuan and the barefooted 婠婠 fought together.

Shi Feixuan is the saintess of Cihang Jingzhai. She is fourteen years old, but she is the first and most talented person in the history of Cihang Jingzhai. She has reached the same state of mind as her teacher Fan Qinghui, but she lacks skills. The skills of the two women are similar to those of the descendants of the Yingui School, the two women are outstanding in both mental and martial arts.

Tian Mo Gong can be hard or soft, ever-changing, and can do whatever you want. It is a graceful and unpredictable killing. It teaches people that it is impossible to guard against it. ' In the flying 'Devil's Belt', it disappears and disappears from time to time, it is very strange, like the fangs of a poisonous snake.

Different from the weird and ruthless "Tianmo Dafa", Shi Feixuan's "Cihang Sword Canon" is more agile and ethereal, Shi Feixuan's plain clothes are fluttering, like Fairy Lingbo, the "Sek Kong Sword" in her hand is like wearing Hua Butterfly, the cold light of the "Demon Blade" flickered, fierce and fierce, but she couldn't help Shi Feixuan for a while.

"Sword Master Heaven and Earth!"

Shi Feixuan blocked the "Tian Demon Blade", picked up the machine and pulled back several feet, and at the same time put her left hand on the "Sekong Sword" with her left hand, and the true energy was poured into the "Sekong Sword". Immediately, he counterattacked and attacked, with a mighty sword qi, killing him.

"Dance of Heaven!"

Seeing that Shi Feixuan made a great move, she was not to be outdone, her hands danced with the "Demon Blades", and the cold light spun rapidly, like turning into a tornado of blades, actually attacking.


The swords collided, the sparks were brilliant, the two flew back at the same time, and the turbulent energy in the center collided and expanded, and finally formed a sword-blade storm that rushed out to the surroundings, flowers, plants, trees, and rocks flying.

Teacher to teacher, apprentice to apprentice.

It was another fierce fight. The four women confronted each other and adjusted their breaths. Their eyes were intertwined, and invisible sparks appeared in the air.

Shi Feixuan's face was cold, and she shouted coldly, "Demon girl, die!"

Unhappy Jiao hummed: "Humph! It depends on you to die first, or your master to die first!"

Unhappy Jiao hummed: "Humph! It depends on you to die first, or your master to die first!"

"Feixuan, you don't need to say much with the demons of the Demon Gate, let's do it, the sword spirit is in the universe." Fan Qinghui snorted coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes, full of Yuan Gong, using the whisk as a sword, a majestic sword qi slashed towards Zhu Yuyan.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed, the demons will burn!" Zhu Yuyan turned his hands into claws, smashed the "Devil's True Qi" in his body, and formed a fireball half a zhang in front of him, and then slammed into the attacking sword energy.

Shi Feixuan and Yan Yan also shot at the same time, each showing their unique skills.

Just as the four women's extreme moves were about to collide, a long sword fell from the sky and plunged straight into the center of the battle group.


The long knife slammed into the ground with a bang, and the powerful airflow exploded, actually disappearing all the moves of the four women.

When the dust settled, I saw a gorgeous long knife standing in the field. The blade was long and narrow, the blade was perfectly curved, the shape was simple and elegant, and the blade was flickering with cold light. It was a rare weapon.



Fan Qinghui and Zhu Yuyan's four daughters were all secretly guarding themselves, and they could easily dispel the combined force of the four.

"Peng Tuan is [-], and his waist is ten thousand, and Yangzhou cranes are used to riding on their backs.

The matter is related, the scenery is waning, and the gold is not rich, the heroic man.

A world of love.

White is also an eye.

Green is also the eye. "

As the last word fell, I do not know when, there was another person on the handle of the knife, it seemed to appear out of thin air, and 003 seemed to be on it all the time, white clothes like snow, heroic, indescribably elegant and calm, not Qiluo Who is life.

Qiluosheng stepped on the snow and fell, and when he turned around, the "Jiangshan Yandao" had already flown into the scabbard.

Fan Qinghui, Zhu Yuyan and others looked at Qiluosheng, and there was a hint of approval in their eyes. Whether it was appearance, martial arts, or bearing, they were all so outstanding and impeccable, quite a picture of a gentleman as warm as jade, son. Unparalleled style.

The four women are all thoughtful people. Although they met for the first time, they quickly figured out Qiluosheng's origin.

Fan Qinghui raised the dust in his hand, clasped his fists in a salute and said, "It's just for some old things, poor nanny Fan Qinghui, I've seen Young Master Qi!"

Shi Fei Xuan also clasped his fists and salutes: "In the next Shi Fei Xuan, I have seen Young Master Qi!"

The Yin Queen Zhu Yuyan said coldly: "This Yin Kui Sect Yin Queen Zhu Yuyan has met Mr. Qi."

The witch, Qiluo, looked at Qiluosheng with a smile, her smart eyes rolled, she walked towards Qiluosheng with a smile, and said as she walked, "The slave's name is Qiluo, she is a poor and weak woman, who was caught by this veiled man just now. Big sister bullied, handsome brother, you have to be the master of the slave family!".

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