At the same time as the women looked at Qiluosheng, Qiluosheng looked at the women without a trace.

Zhu Yuyan and Fan Qinghui look like young girls with youthful radiance. Time has left no traces on them. They are beautiful and graceful. They are associated with old women in their [-]s and [-]s.

Wei Wei and Shi Feixuan are still a pair of little loli. If Shi Feixuan is a little fairy who came into the world, then Wei Wei is a elf with light makeup and bright lips, white clothes that follow the wind and red jade feet. , with shining black pupils and long hair, people can't help but feel distressed and want to gently hold her in his arms.

"The slave family's name is Wei, she is a poor and weak woman. She was bullied by this veiled sister just now. Brother handsome, you must be the master of the slave family!"

She walked over, looking so pitiful, like a little sister next door who was wronged, Qi Luosheng secretly thought in her heart, if she didn't know the details, there was really no way to connect her with the murderous demon disciple. There is no pressure to win an Oscar for this acting.

Qi Luosheng raised his head and smiled and glanced at this beautiful, moving and charming little elf. When he first watched "The Legend of Double Dragons of the Tang Dynasty", Qi Luosheng was still an ordinary teenager. At that time, he fell in love with this elf. A girl who dares to love and hate, has a changeable personality, and is like an elf.

A woman's heart is a needle in the bottom of the sea. Qi Luosheng doesn't know what she is thinking about this elusive little witch who talks, laughs and kills, but out of confidence in her own strength, Qi Luosheng is not afraid.

Qi Luosheng said to the four daughters: "All the visitors are guests, whether it's 'Cihang Jingzhai' or 'Magic Gate'..."

She didn't seem to be afraid of Qiluosheng at all, so she naturally walked up to him, took Qiluosheng's hand and shook it, dissatisfied, "Brother handsome, it's the 'Holy Gate'!"

The Queen of Yin Zhu Yuyan shouted: "You must not be rude, and come back soon." The Queen of Yin is still quite afraid of Qiluosheng who doesn't know the depth. In the "Yinkui School" information, Qiluosheng is a decent person. Since his debut, he has been a hero and beheaded many evildoers. In the eyes of Yin Hou, Qi Luosheng has no good feelings for a sect like the "Yin Kui School", and it is even less likely that he will be moved by a few words.

Fearing that his lover would be damaged, Zhu Yuyan immediately said to Qiluosheng, "Young Master Qi, you are young and ignorant, and I hope you will never blame him."

"Ha!" Qiluosheng laughed dumbly and said: "Miss Ping is smart and cute, and it is too late to like it, how can I blame it! I just made a slip of the tongue at the next moment, and this thing will be used as compensation. I hope the girl will not be surprised." As soon as Qi Luosheng's hand came out, a jade box suddenly appeared, and he handed it to Wei.

Qiluo Shenggui is the venerable Lord of the "World Sealing Sabre", and the things that he can carry with him are extraordinary. In line with the principle of "Holy Gate" only taking advantage and not losing out, Qiluo took the jade box with a smile, and gestured proudly to the teacher Feixuan. For a moment, the eyes seemed to say, I can see that I am more popular than you!Opening the jade box, it contained a strange blood-red fruit, from which bursts of life fluctuations emanated, and at a glance, it was obvious that it was not ordinary.

Zhu Yuyan and Fan Qinghui were only one step away from the late stage of innate zhenqi (grandmaster), and the moment the jade box was opened, they felt the abundant vitality energy in it, and they all frowned and said secretly, this Qiluo gave birth to It's such a precious thing to shoot, do you have any thoughts on 婠婠 (demon girl)?

Shi Feixuan was slightly annoyed. Seeing that Qiluosheng "does not distinguish between good and evil", she was so kind and pleasant to the demon girl, and her evaluation of Qiluosheng could not help but drop a bit.

Qiluosheng said: "This thing is called Blood Bodhi. It was obtained by accident a few years ago. If there is a serious injury, it will be cured, and the effect of no injury will increase. I don't know if this gift is satisfied, Miss Huan."

Looking at the blood bodhi in the box, she looked at Qiluosheng again, her eyes became star-shaped, and she gave gifts if they disagreed, even the legendary healing artifact! I really want to tie him back!

Putting the blood bodhi away, Wei Wei said with a flowery smile: "Thank you handsome brother, you are such a nice person, and Wei'er also likes you very much!"

Fan Qinghui, who was next to him, saw that Qiluosheng and the little demon girl of the "Yinkui School" were walking so close, and he couldn't bear it any longer. He stepped forward and said, "Young Master Qi, you are the honored lord of the "World Sealing Saber", and you will benefit the people of one party. The poor nun admires it very much! But since ancient times, the right and the wrong have not been divided, and I hope that Mr. Qi can distinguish his position, not to be confused by the demons, and not tolerated by the world's righteousness."

Whoops I'm going, is this threatening me?Qi Luosheng was immediately upset when he heard the words. If he didn't want to "clear customs" too early, he would hack you to death in minutes, believe it or not, and complained dissatisfied in his heart, but he still maintained a graceful appearance on his face, clenched his fists to Fan Qinghui, and was serious The nonsense: ". ¨Zhai master's words are serious! I am a scholar, I just want to put my love in the mountains and rivers, leisurely between the world, but people don't stain the world, the world stains people! Where there are people, there will be disputes, and there will be disputes. Convenience is in the arena! People can't help themselves in the arena. Since the rivers and lakes want to involve me, I can only smooth the rivers and lakes with one hand. Shenzhou deploys martial arts, and the world seals the sword. This is the purpose of my creation of "the world seals the sword".

In my eyes, the clouds have clouds, the wind has the appearance of the wind, and each has its own nature. The Zhaizhu said that they are monsters, but has the Zhaizhu really understood them?Have you ever known the helplessness in their hearts?There are many choices in life, but birth cannot be chosen. If you live in a different place and think in a different position, can the master dare to think about what he will look like? "

A series of questions, as witty as Fan Qinghui, didn't know how to answer for a while. If he and Zhu Yuyan really changed positions, thinking of growing up in the chaotic place in the magic door (Zhao got), Fan Qinghui subconsciously hit a Shabby.

Zhu Yuyan was also touched by Qi Luosheng's words, which brought back some memories, and said faintly: "People don't stain the world, but the world stains people! Think in a different position! Mr. Qi's words are really ingenious and unique, but they make this audience look up."

Qiluosheng said politely: "The Queen of Yin is wonderful! All the people who come here are guests. Whether it's "Cihang Jingzhai" or "Holy Gate", my "World Sealing Sword" treats them equally. This is not the place to talk. Please come in with me, please."

Raising his hand and making a gesture of invitation, Qiluosheng turned around and walked towards the "Baijian Villa". Zhu Yuyan and Fan Qinghui looked at each other with sparks in their eyes, but because of Qiluosheng's presence, they all snorted coldly and took the lead. The disciple followed.


Thanks to "The Prodigal Son", "Twelve", "Spike Everything" and others for their flowers. .

165 God Mother Luo Xian【For Collection】

Experts from all sides gathered, some came for the Divine Reaper, some were ordered to come to inquire about the information, and some were purely to watch the fun or bring insights from the younger generation and elders, and also took the opportunity to make more allies and the like.

From noon to noon, there are hundreds of tables of banquets in the "Baijian Villa". Those who can enter the "Baijian Villa" are all well-known high-ranking guests, or the younger generation of high-ranking guests, regardless of whether they know each other before. Yes, they all persuade each other to drink and toast. This banquet is also a rare opportunity for everyone. It is inevitable that people will encounter difficulties of this kind in Jianghu, and maybe they will ask for help at some time. At this time, making a few more friends is definitely Beneficial and harmless.

Ambitious people like the "Tianxiahui" and the "Four Great Clans" spare no effort to buy people's hearts everywhere. Even if they can't get the magic weapon in the end, it's not in vain to win over a few more masters. Everyone is making a cameo with each other. Pulling the relationship, the weak want to surround the strong, the strong want to swallow the weak, everyone has their own thoughts.

At the banquet, the wine table was staggered, and the high-profile guests held wine glasses and flowed between the various wine tables. Among the many wine tables, there are two tables that attract the most attention, namely Qiluosheng, Xiongba, Wuming, Juggernaut, and the first evil. Huang, Song Que, Fan Qinghui, and Zhu 503 Jade Research Institute were sitting at the same table. The people at this table were the strongest among the crowd, and they were also popular candidates for the magic weapon.

Other clans such as "Unparalleled City", "Yuwen Clan", "Li Clan" and so on are also quite powerful, but their strength is a bit worse.

The other is a table where beautiful women of all sizes are sitting, such as Wei, Shi Feixuan, Second Dream, Dugufeng, Li Xiuning, Dugumeng, Song Yuhua, and Mrs. Ao. Although their martial arts are not high now, their appearance is very good. It is to break through the sky, the ring is fat and Yan is thin, the moon is closed and the flowers are embarrassed, and I don't know how many eyes Liang has blinded.

At the banquet, the heroes came and went, making friends who were more pleasing to the eye, but there were also some figures walking back and forth between the banquets, observing the surrounding heroes and more outstanding young talents from time to time.

At an inconspicuous wine table, a red-clothed girl with a half-mask on her forehead was eating with great interest. Several ghostly gray figures suddenly appeared around her, and the red-clothed girl did not even lift her head. , picked up a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs and put it in his mouth, and said vaguely to the leader of the group: "The cooks of this 'Baijian Villa' are really good at bceb, find an opportunity to tie me back to Tianmen."

"Uh!" The man was a little stunned, but due to the identity of the girl in white in front of him, he respectfully replied, "It's the Mother of God."

The girl in red nodded, swallowed the meat in her mouth, and said, "What did you find?"

"Reporting to the goddess, the subordinates have completed their investigations. The forces worthy of attention include the "World Sealing Sabre", "Zhonghua Pavilion", "Life and Death Gate", "Tianxiahui", "Peerless City", "Four Great Gates", "Civil City" "Hangjingzhai" and "Demon Gate"." The gray-clothed leader reported to the "Tianmen" godmother Luo Xianhui.

Luo Xian pondered slightly, thought for a while, and said, "Well! There is no discrepancy with the information on the 'Tianmen', so when you searched for the information just now, did you find some outstanding young talents?"

"The people who came to the banquet today have been investigated clearly. The young Juncai who can attract the attention of the "Tianmen" is the unnamed disciple Jian Chen. The three disciples of the "World Association" gang leader Xiongba, Qin Shuang, Nie Feng, and Bu Jing Cloud. "Baijian Villa", the owner of the young village, Aotian. "Dugu Clan", the daughter of Dugufeng, the daughter of Dugu Feng. "Song Clan", the eldest son of Song Que, the eldest son of Song Shidao. "Cihang Jingzhai", the master of the "Cihang Jingzhai", the disciple of Fan Qinghui, Shi Feixuan The "Yin Kui Sect" Yin Empress Zhu Yuyan's disciple Yu Yan. "Li Clan" lord Li Yuan, second son Li Shimin..." The gray-clothed leader recounted all the outstanding people present.

"You've done a good job. Pay more attention to these people in the future. It is best to take them for your own use and serve the Lord." Luo Xian nodded with satisfaction.

He picked up another piece of delicate cod and put it in his mouth, and slowly tasted it, Luo Xian immediately said: "By the way, have you found the location of the peerless magic weapon?"

"Gudong!" The gray-clothed leader swallowed his saliva and replied cautiously, "My subordinate...I haven't found it yet."

"Waste, what are you doing here, don't let me continue to check until it is clear." Luo Xian heard the words, his face turned cloudy and dissatisfied.

"Mother of God calm down, my subordinates will do it now, and I will never disappoint Mother of God again." The gray-clothed leader nodded quickly and replied.



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