On the other side, the entrance to Jianchi.

Zun Wushang did not go to the banquet, but sat bored on the snow, looking for Wen Qing's feeling. As the "Holy Soul" of the three souls, Zun Wushang's character is more lazy and casual, and he likes cleanliness. Eating and drinking at a noisy banquet, he would rather be a beautiful man here quietly.

However, there are always some people in this world who like to do things. Just when Zou Wushang was enjoying the tranquility alone, a few men in gray sneaked into the courtyard.

Several people are the subordinates of the goddess Luo Xian, the leader in gray clothes is a master in the middle stage of Xiantian Zhenqi, and the remaining four people in gray clothes also have the cultivation level of the early days of Xiantian Zhenqi, and the ordinary guards of "Baijian Villa" naturally cannot find them. Their tracks, after grabbing two "tongues" for questioning, they quickly found this place.

Entering the courtyard, he was shocked when he saw Ying Wushang lying on the snow. The innate warrior's hearing was extremely keen, but before entering the courtyard, he did not notice the existence of this white-haired youth at all, even at such a distance, If he hadn't looked at it with his eyes, the gray-clothed leader still couldn't detect the existence of the innocent, which had to arouse his vigilance. The gray-clothed leader rolled his eyes and immediately clasped his fists and said, "I'm sorry, the brothers are visiting for the first time. Mountain Villa', some can't tell the direction, dare to ask this brother..."


Wu Wushang put his finger in front of his mouth and made a silent motion.

"Hmm! What do you mean?" The leader of the gray coat and his subordinates all looked at Ji Wushuang in confusion.

Wu Wushang held a strand of white hair in front of him with the fingers of his right hand, combed it slowly, and said, "My ink sword, the moaning is not over, I haven't heard it so sadly for a long time!"

"Humph! Pretend to be a ghost, dare to amuse this uncle, and seek death."

The gray-clothed leader, seeing Wushang, didn't seem to care about them, and said something inexplicable, and he was suddenly furious. He was only a small role in "Tianmen", but he was also a congenital martial artist, and he was angry in "Tianmen". Forget it, he wouldn't be so polite to people outside the "Tianmen", murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and a palm sighed instantly.


Thanks to "Wake Up", "Don't Want to Say", "J**", "Prodigal Son" and others for their flowers and monthly tickets. .

 166 Brahma Comes to the World 【Subscription】


The palm qi attacked, and immediately, it attracted innocent eyes and swept over, and a majestic sword qi flashed from the void at high speed, smashing the palm qi with one blow.

Zou Wushang looked at the few uninvited guests coldly, indifferently, with an unspeakable chill: "Enter here, you should pay the price of your life."

"Hahaha, it's up to you, come and give it a try." The gray-clothed leader sneered disdainfully. He had just made a test. He had already seen the "realness" of Ying Wushang, and he didn't think Ying Wushang could help him.

"Sword, after wailing, you are eager to drink human blood, it's time to harvest!" Zou Wushang stood up silently, and the ink sword, if spiritual, flew to Zou-Wushang's hands in a flash.

"Tianmen" gray-clothed people attentively _ on alert.

Sword pole, human pole, heart pole, the courtyard in the extreme state is about to set off a layer of the most beautiful massacre in the world.

The wind rises, the snow flies, the sky and the earth stagnate, and there is no injury to the eyebrows. The eyes flicker, which belongs to the sharp sword intent of the peak swordsman.


At the same time that Zun Wushang burst into sword intent, many masters in the banquet immediately felt it and looked towards the direction of Jianchi.

"What a strong sword intent." Wuming's eyes narrowed and he said solemnly.

Qiluosheng and Zun Wushang have a heart-to-heart connection, and after a little perception, they understand what happened, and said with a smile: "That's the direction of Jianchi, it seems that some people are impatient!"

"Oh! Mr. Qi doesn't seem to be worried, it seems that he has already made arrangements!" Xiongba said with a smile, Qiluosheng's title of "World Sealing Saber" is too cheap, and powerful forces like Xiongba Leaders, naturally, it is impossible to call Qiluosheng the honorable master, so when addressing Qiluosheng, they always call Qiluosheng the son of Qiluosheng.

Song Que, Zhu Yuyan and others also looked at Qiluosheng. Regarding this "rising star", they have different thoughts, either appreciate or fear, and some want to get rid of it! Before Luo Sheng's trump card, they would not make a move easily.

"Ha!" Qiluosheng smiled without saying a word to the test of Xiongba, and then said: "The time is almost up, the magic weapon is about to be born, I think everyone has no intention to wait here, since that's the case, everyone will go with me. Let's take a look." Qiluosheng stood up and made a gesture of invitation to Wuming and the others, and then flew away in the direction of Jianchi.

Wuming, Juggernaut and the others glanced at each other, and they all flew after them, and the martial arts heroes who were sitting were not far behind. for spectacular.


Outside the sword pond, Wu Wushang swung the ink sword, rolling up the snow, and said coldly: "I don't like others trampling on my snow, you only have one chance."

"Damn, I'm wrong, it turns out to be a master master, let's go together."

"One sword Hirakawa!"

"Broken Jade Palm!"

"Ice Palm!"

"Break the mountain!"

"Magic Heart Chain!"

As soon as the Wushang Sword Realm came out, the five men in gray felt bad. They knew that their opponents were extraordinary, and they didn't dare to hide them.

People fight at the end of the cloud, and the sword opens the end of the world.No injury, no blame for Leng Feng, and the rise of three feet of autumn water.The "dark energy" in the body erupted, and the sky and earth faded in an instant, forming an ink painting realm. The five men in gray immediately felt strange pressure approaching.

"It's such a weird sword realm, I can't..."

"A sword is innocent!"

At the moment when black and white interlaced, Ying Wu hurt his body and mind.The sword has no return.Leng Feng slashed, Fang Yuan was helpless, and the moment he stumbled, the judgment of life and death was decided.


The place where the sword energy passed by Wu Wushuang was covered in blood. The five men in gray died at the moment, and their bodies were also eaten up by the surrounding dark forces. In the blink of an eye, there were no bones left, and the cold wind was cold, only the sword The blood red dripped from the tip tells of the withering of life.

"It's such a weird sword move, all of them have the sadness of the end of the world. Before you can make a move, you will first grab people's will to survive." Wuming and others who came first saw that they were harmless and killed five Xiantian in one move. The masters are all shocked.

Domineering, it turns out that there is such a strong swordsman hidden in the "Bai Jian Mountain Villa", no wonder Qi Luosheng has no fear, it seems that the strength of the "World Sealing Sword" needs to be re-evaluated.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

"Such a swordsman is worth fighting." Sword Saint, Tiandao, and the First Evil Emperor, who were more belligerent, had their eyes lit up, looking at Zou Wushang, ready to move.


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